
My Own One Piece World

A office employee Elijah Lupin could never focus on one thing and he hated to be tied to one place. One day while following a coworker he is killed by him and brought in front of God for judgement. He lucks out and is reincarnated into world that has all the same rules as one piece. Unfortunately none of the characters are the same and the islands are a lot of different. Since there is no protagonist I guess Elijah will become one while exploring the world. ——————————————————————————— *updates Tuesday and Saturday Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of the ideas expressed in one piece this is strictly for fun

SphinxArchive · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: A Man in Black

In the morning, Pedro woke me up to take me around the town of Brookhaven, located in the kingdom of Velnovo. The kingdom of Velnovo is an archipelago of six islands in the west blue. The biggest island Laimi is where the capital of Velnovo city is located. Brookhaven stood off the coast of the smallest island Jessup, and is a port town inhabited by merchants and pirates alike. I don't remember Velnovo in the one piece manga or hearing people speak about it in forums. God told me this world would be completely different than the original one piece, but now I can barely contain my excitement. The world is so similar but there's so many new things to explore. The devil fruit I asked God for didn't show up when I woke up either. But after thinking about it for a moment, a voice whispered in my head that I can summon it whenever I'm ready.

"Pedro where are we headed to now?"

"Earlier you asked for a hand mirror so you could see your face. Now it's time to go get one and maybe some breakfast for everyone while we're at it."

He gave an impish grin and quickened his pace down the alley. I followed close behind his heels, my feet expertly navigating the weathered stone. He stopped and hid behind a barrel before turning around to give me a thumbs up.

"It looks like you still remember the important things James. I'm going to be the distraction you grab cheese and bread while the baker is not looking."

"I can't'', I hissed.

"Don't worry you've got the quickest hands in the group, just let your hands do the thinking."

"Why can't I be a distraction instead?"

"That won't work. I'm better looking than you so I'll have an easier time distracting him."

"I don't even know what I look like. We haven't got the mirror yet."

"Just know, you're not as good looking as me." He walked out of the alley toward the baker while he dealt with some customers at the morning market. He took out a couple belli and began haggling with the baker, so I stepped out the alley. I tried to look inconspicuous but with the rags I wore it was not too effective.

"Be on your way boy", a random shopkeeper yelled toward me. I picked up the pace moving toward Pedro and the baker. With a quick snatch two loaves of bread slid down my pant leg. I had tied the bottom of my pant leg with a drawstring so the loaves wouldn't fall out. The cheese wedge didn't look like it would fit so I left it be.

"Come on Pedro let's go", I said meekly. Worried about drawing suspicion, I put forth my best acting skills to keep the baker from noticing.

"You're lucky my friend is here", Pedro said. We jogged off to the end of the street before hearing "Hey, stop those kids." We took off running and I could hear the sounds of pursuit hot on our tails. I turned around and saw two navy members in their white vests chasing us down an alleyway.

"James, let's split up! I'll meet you back at base and I'll grab a mirror on the way." Me and James broke off into two separate alley ways.

"Stop running!" One navy officer broke off to follow me, hot on my tail. I jumped over a stack of barrels and turned around in time to throw them down in his path. I heard him tumbling over the barrels and I hid in an abandoned cart with a cloth over it. The officer caught up and I heard his footsteps run past me. I waited a few minutes before hopping out the cart and running back the other way. I walked down the alley I just came from and peered out into the streets looking for any landmarks we had passed. I have no idea how to get back to base, I'm horribly lost.

The alley diverged into a bigger road and now I'm back in the street, but I kept a watchful eye out for any lurking navy soldiers. The street is right near the port. Sailors and seagulls alike littered the area, the former making the most noise. Merchants were undocking and boxes were carted around carrying merchandise that would be sold all through the archipelago. Sitting on a barrel crisscross near one of the ships, an older man with long white hair and dressed in a simple black gi, remained perfectly still. He ignored the ship's unloading, perfectly focused. I couldn't help but be drawn to him. I approached him and stopped a distance away in caution.

"Excuse me sir. Who are you?"

"I have held many names and titles in my life, none of which are quite applicable to my current self. For now you can call me Sifu."

"Nice to meet you Sifu. Do you mind me asking why you are sitting on the barrel like that?"

"I'm waiting for an old friend to pick me up. Do you mind me asking why you approached me?"

"Does a man need a reason to give in to his curiosity?'' , I replied quickly. His eyes opened at that and his lips contorted into a smile.

"You are a boy on the surface but you seem like an old soul."

"Sorry I can't help it. It's just who I am."

"We are who we are, I suppose. My friend is here, so I must go friend, but if you ever desire balance through strength visit the dojo in the woods near Kobayashi village. When your mind is truly decided on your path, you can come visit me. But until then walk your own path."

His body flickered for a moment and he disappeared quickly as if he was never sitting there. Wait a second was that shave? Is he one of the CP agents of this world? He can't be a part of the world government because he wouldn't have shown me that ability if he was. Left where he was just sitting was 100 belli. I picked it up and stuffed it in my pocket for later.

I calmed my heartbeat before walking farther down the dock. I went up to talk to another sailor and he gave me directions to Flea Water, which apparently is the name of the poor area I live in. I kept getting lost and by time I got back Pedro and a kid named Norman stood outside the building waiting for me.

"What took you so long, we're all hungry", Norman yelled out angrily.

"My bad I got lost, my memory is still hazy." I pulled out the two loaves and broke off a piece of myself before handing it over. Norman snatched them in a hurry and ran back inside.

"Norman's not usually that rude, he's just a little nervous about the collectors coming through."

"The collectors?" Pedro's face contorted into a frown at the question.

"That damn Captain Crow! Everyone in flea water has to pay a tax to him for protection or he'll send his crew after you. He runs everything from here to the docks."

"A pirate? Why don't the navy get rid of him?"

"He probably pays them off or something they don't care about anything but their greed", he exclaimed. He slammed his fist in the wall and all thirds on the roof flew away.

"By the way James here's the hand mirror. I swiped it off some merchant near town hall." I claimed the mirror and took a look at my new face clearly for the first time. My skin is a deep brown with thick curly hair like usopp. My eyes are light brown to match my skin. Not too bad. I look about the same age as Pedro at 8 or 9.

"See I told you I was better looking."

"You wish."

We walk inside and see the rest of the group scarfing down the bread, leaving no room for enjoyment.

"James, do we have enough for the collection", Kira asked. Kira, the youngest of the group, was the tiniest 5 year old I have ever seen. The combination of lack of food has made her look sickly and frail. The rest of the kids were all in a similar state of malnutrition. I looked to Pedro for the answer on the collectors and he just shook his head slightly enough for me to see.

"Yeah everything should be fine Kira, don't worry about it."

Pedro grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

"We need to go get something of value. The collectors will be here soon and I spent everything we had to get the medicine for you."

I thought for a moment before a smile came to my face. I pulled the 100 belli I found out of my pocket.

"Do think any of the gambling dens are open right now"

"Since when do you know how to gamble?"

"I know a few things. Come on, show me the way."