
My own Isekai story

A young man's soul was about to be sacrificed with many others in other to save all of creation, but thanks to the beliefs and determination of a young Goddess, his destiny changed and now only a new world full of challenges await in the future. He now has a new body and two special perks that might just be powerful enough to save or destroy everything, will he use them correctly or get consumed by the power hunt?

Darkias07 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Lady of the pond(2)

Wait a second, what's a simp?

"(What did you just call me?! Ok, now your asking for it. I'll rip that fake ass hair from that dryad head!)", as she said this a figure suddenly emerged from the pond.

Another beauty appeared in front of me, she has long ocean blue hair, skin as white as snow, a blue dress that just like her hair shines by the reflection of the moon, she's not tall but not short either, her deep golden eyes give me chill down my spine from the strong aura they emit. No matter how many times I blink my eyes this visage doesn't change, and my amazement increases. Her chest is very small but even without it her beauty is plenty evident, her hips, on the other hand, seem better blessed than her upper assets and if I'm not wrong she should even put Shalia to shame with her thick legs. She's not what you would call a loli but still lacks in the chest. (AN: Maybe I should give him a present for finding a dummy thicc girl.)

"You stupid flat chest! Did you just call my hair fake?! I put you where you are and I can put you where I found you, annoying old hag!!", Shalia said in response making me think that this is getting a little too serious and personal.

I want to stop this, but a part of me is curious about how this will end and I also don't think I can stop the lady of the pond even if stopping Shalia is easy, so let's see what happens for now.

I got curious about our chances and so looked at the lady of the pond's information.

[Miayra Pochi] [!]

[Miayra Pochi

Name: Miayra Pochi

Race:Daughter of the water(25% Nymph, 25% Elf, 50% Mermaid)


Age:362 years old

Titles:|Lady of the pond| |Hopeful newbie| |Flat Demigoddess| |Natural beauty| |Simp hunter| |Unslayed Thot| |Miracle pond's 301th owner| |Force of nature| |Balance enforcer| |Affiliated with heavenly authorities| |powerless against Shalia| |Hero charmer| |Widow| |Ex.Harem member| |Ex.slave|

Job: Fan-master, wood mage, water mage

Sub Job: Water dancer, brothel worker(veteran), enchanter


Level: layer-0, tier-???, sub-level:???

Racial traits: tricky, sentient being, one with water, mermaid singing, prey charm, nature lover.

Overall rank: indefinite /Mythical class

World rank: indefinite /Mythical class

Description [i]

Skills: <Ultra•Water control>, <Water sorcery>, <God call>, <demigod charm>, <Ultra•Telepathy>, <Ultra•Mist travel>, <Ultra•Wood Magic>, <Ultra•charm>, <demigod concealment>, <Mermaid's song>, <Hyper•fan mastery>, <Super•water recovery>, <high•close combat>, <Ultra•Forest control>, <high•Apprisal(Specific-Domain)>, <Oracle>, <Ultra•enchant>, <Super•seduction>, <Hyper•dance>, <Super•stamina>, <High•+18>, <High•69>]

(AN: I'm pretty sure <High•+18> and <High•69> are self-explanatory.)

[Miayra Pochi

Description: Miayra Pochi is a member of a very rare breed between Nymph, elves, and mermaids. This mix is almost none existent in this world their population being countable just with one's hands' fingers. They are known by very few and are even considered a fairy tale to most. They are very tricky and childish race similar to fairies but also have the urges of nymphs and the charm of mermaid mixed with the beauty of elves, making them a very pursued race, humans and most of the race's males are usually interested in them and as such they are seen as perfect slave material by many. Because of how other races usually try to take their freedom and their race being one composed of females, daughters of water usually isolate themselves from the rest of the world being rarely ever seen, some believing they are extinct. They have adopted methods similar to those of dryeds and mermaids, as they attract male preys to satisfy their urges and reproduce their very small population. Miayra Pochi is currently a mother to almost half of her population. Thanks to the help of the individual Shalia Dryad, Miayra Pochi has become the lady of the pond 60 years ago. As the lady of the pond, Miayra Pochi has gained the status of a demigoddess and the authority over the demonic forest to keep the balance of the Gare kingdom and even the whole Rosseo continent, if necessary. As the lady of the pond, it is her task to help traveler, wanderers, adventurers, heroes and etc with a pure and kind heart, even so, the main condition is honestly, so as long as you're honest even if you're evil you'll receive minor help from her.

More information about the individual Miayra Pochi. [!]

Weaknesses: Thunder.

Other weaknesses [i].

Battle methods: none currently usable.

Other Battle methods [i].

Escape method: 1-Lie, 2-Say the truth and request to leave, 3- an attempt at seduction.

Other escape methods [i]]

I look at all the information already used to it, I'm impressed by the amount of titles and skills, but what really interested me was something else, it's the fact that now there's job, sub.Job and class besides that the skills she has all seem to have some kind of classification in their name. Some say high, others say ultra and etc. I'm not even sure if titles and skills stand for what I believe they do, they are probably related to some special powers like my perks, I didn't even really think much about them but magic's a thing right?! I've been ignoring the existence of magic all this time!!!

I sigh to myself for not stopping to fully understand what's going on up until now, and even if I want to do so, I'll have to leave it for later because of the situation. It seems I won't stop for a while.

"How can you be so disrespectful towards your elder?!", Miayra asked Shalia clearly offended this time.

Shalia was about to answer but I interrupted.

"It's enough both you, Shalia, don't you dare answer. I don't know what kind of relationship you two have, either way, you can't just start a discussion like that. Also, you said something about meeting an intelligent monster.", I first stop Shalia from replying then try to change the subject into something of my interest, even though I'm curious about a lot of things including the skills, titles, magic and more, I don't know how much I can ask this woman.

Shalia seemed like she wanted to say something but she refrained from doing so, probably because she knows I'm serious. As for Miayra, she's looking at me right now.

"I'm surprised you can actually make Shalia listen, she's quite the rebel. Even so, you're pretty damn rude to interrupt us like that and just change the topic like it's nothing.", she said looking at me with a slight interest in her eyes.

I would say I can only order Shalia out of pure luck, but from what I've seen she seems quite obedient, but then again I've only known her for a couple of hours. I smile at Miayra and reply.

"We could say I'm lucky to have met Shalia, though I must agree I was rude, I also don't think you would listen to me otherwise. In the end, it was you who brought us here wasn't it?", I respond to Miayra then ask a doubt that appeared in my mind since that feeling I had to come here doesn't feel so natural after having experienced her talking to my mind directly, even though it's just a hunch and I'm most likely wrong.

"Hehehe! It seems my plan was seen through, I confess I didn't expect a recently reincarnated person to catch up with it. Actually, you're a bit too odd for someone who just got to this world through reincarnation, I've never met someone who could escape my appraisal right after reincarnating..... It seems bringing you here might not have been a mistake.", Miayra laughed then confessed that she did indeed attract me here, that leaves one very important questions behind, why?

"Would you be kind enough to elaborate on, why?", I said in response since I'm curious.

I have so many questions piled up already that if I get any more I feel like I'll collapse of brain overload. So, I better start getting rid of some.

"Boo! You're no fun if you ask the right questions on the first try, you should be all like "How? Is there magic in this world? No way! Please teach me!" or something like that.", Miayra said with a playful expression, despite what she said she seems to be enjoying this.

Even though the fact that magic exists in this place is absolutely amazing! It's not like Shalia can't teach me about it and even if Miayra couldn't, I wouldn't beg someone I just met to teach me. Also, this girl gives me the chills, she's a beautiful rose but one full of spikes.

"Yes, magic indeed seems amazing but you still didn't tell me why you called me here.", I insist on knowing why I'm here, she's not hostile at least, for now, so I'll get as much information out of her as I possibly can without exposing too much.

"You're boring! Fine, I'll tell you why you're here. I brought you here because I need Shalia's help and since she works for you now you're here. I'm also interested in you, you're pretty abnormal even for another worlder, I wonder if you're also strong? I don't really see any skills so I'll assume you're weak, and I'm even more curious about your race hehehe! You're so full of abnormalities!! I'm definitely going to have fun working with you mister Invicta.", Miayra said acting overly familiar but it doesn't really bother me, my problem is that what she said made me confused.

She said I don't have any skills, what about my perks? Do they not count?... Even more important how does she know my name or any of this? I would think she's trying to trick me if she hadn't said my name, but now I'm curious, does she have a skill or a title like my perk? Maybe it's some kind of magic?.... Well, let's take care of things one at a time, I'll first get on her good side and then ask questions, she mentioned she needs Shalia's help and if her request seems fair I'll use this opportunity to make her owe me.

"Either I'm boring or not doesn't really matter, the thing is you brought me here to ask something of Shalia, so I'll have to know what it is before I can allow it, I would have problems with you if you were planning to endanger her.", I say confidently to Miayra, I might want benefits from this but that doesn't mean I don't care for what happens to Shalia, I'm not very close to her yet but I'm sure we'll get along fine and she's currently my only ally in a completely new world, I can't risk losing her at any cost.

Miayra smiled again and said.

"You're a pretty good master caring about her. It's good to know she's not in the hands of an incompetent prick, but the hands of a slightly competent prick. As to what I want, that's a rather serious matter."

Miayra made a pause in her and took a deep breath before making a slightly serious expression and continuing.

"Recently the goblins, which by the way are some ugly green little annoying monsters in case you didn't know, the ones in this forest have been moving in a weird way, they usually have the minimum level of intelligence as wild goblins but they started getting very organized hunting in groups, using traps, magic, dismantling, cooking, blacksmithing and will destabilize the area, if it was the natural order of the world taking place I wouldn't mind it, but their progress is too unnatural."

Listening to her talk about how the goblins went from primitive to 'modern' in a small amount of time, only one conclusion could come to mind.

"So, do you have any suspects for who could have taught the goblins how to do all that?", I said in response.

According to what she said goblins are very unintelligent and primitive, so for them to change like this it can only be due to outside interference.

"Stop catching on to the situation so fast! It's no fun if you're efficient. Anyway, in regards to suspects, there's none, this forest has resources that's true but it's also very dangerous, and very few individuals would come here, those that do are powerful enough to not need the goblin's help at all. Also, the goblins aren't after anything in specific besides hunting, they have been hunting new and stronger wild monsters as the time goes by, I never in my life thought I would see goblins killing orcs and even ogres with such ease and frequency, not even mentioning how their numbers increased abnormally even for goblins.", Miayra once again said something unnecessary then started explaining things.

In other words, there's nobody with a solid enough reason to do this, or at least it appears to be so.

"No suspects will make this harder but nowhere near impossible, the big problem is the substantial chance it happens..... Also, I never did ask but what do you expect us to do?", I said in order to confirm my thoughts on how troublesome this might be.

Miayra looked at me weirdly and said.

"Of course, I want to kill them, I know there's too many for you to get them all but I'm sure you can do it!..... What's with that face?.", Miayra was saying something unreasonable, like it's your everyday thing.

I looked at her for a bit without saying anything, while I waited for her to say she's joking but it never came.




My reaction caused a chain of awkward silence, and as if she's reading my mind Shalia spoke up.

"I think master's silence means that it's too dangerous to send the two of us alone against an army with unknown numbers and battle potential, and seriously I agree with master, you can't just keep sending people to unreasonable quests when you have enough information to make at it safe. But don't fool yourself I was not planning to accept your request anyway..... Well unless master intends to.", Shalia said making me surprised once again since this girl really makes me wonder if she has the ability to turn her brain off when she feels like it, then just turn it on when she needs it.

At this point, we are all sitting Shalia is on my left side and Miayra is in front of me. It seems like we are in some kind of business reunion.

I then nod to Shalia's words, she couldn't be more correct and my doubts about relying on her are decreasing. I myself don't think I'll be fighting any monsters, that not only seems dangerous but I also believe my combat abilities must be near zero, and even though I said it's Shalia's job to protect me, I don't even know how strong she really is, I'll have to ask her.

The biggest problem is that I know too little to have a good grasp of the situation so my judgment will be clouded until I have that notion.

While I was reflecting on my troubles Miayra started talking.

"Ouch, that's really mean of you Shalia. I expected my long time friend to be on my side but it seems not, I wasn't even planning to send you to kill all the goblins, I was just asking you to destroy one goblin town and that's all.", Miayra said with a straight face and a hint of sadness because of how Shalia acted.

This..... This..... THIS IS ALL FAKE! She's lying, I can feel it for some reason and even Shalia is looking at Miayra with complete suspicious eyes, I know she doesn't believe her at all as well.

Shalia looked at me and I looked at her then we both nodded at each other as if communicating through telepathy, and we both looked at Miayra with eyes that say 'We don't believe you at all.', seeing both of us acting this way Miayra sighed and said.

"OK! OK! I was planning to make you clean everything up if you just accepted without asking for specifics, but that would have been your fault if you fell for something so obvious, you should thank me for preparing you for the real world! People there won't be as nice as I'm.", Miayra said something really shameless while pouting and made me think one thing.


A wild Miayra has appeared.







Shalia- lv???

Shalia used intimidate.

It was super effective!

Darkias07creators' thoughts