
My Overpowered Devil System

Time for another system book with high stakes and higher rewards. Fair warning this book will contain heavy graphic content(including but not limited to rape, suicide, murder etc.) and highly sexual moments. Plz try to be adults and deal with it maturely. Furthermore anyone under 17 years of age are prohibited from reading this novel. Thank you for your consideration and patience.

BloodyGhoul · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Class Selection

"QUINNTON, HONEY COME DOWN" Quinns mother looked at her three month old son fly around the room in horror, Quinn and his twin brother Ryusuke had been the only ones to inherit their fathers wings and apparently Quinn was a natural born flier. In truth though Quinn was only flying because he was bored out of his mind.

' God i hate being a child there's nothing to do' Quinn thought flying into his mothers arm. ' All i do all day is eat, sleep, piss, and shit. Im so bored i could die. Again.'

Quinns mother looked at him with a relieved expression. " Oh dear please stop scaring me like that." she said hugging him closely. Quinn made some random baby noise to help sooth her and calm her even more.

' Better cut it on the flying while shes here or this kingdom will be queenless.' Quinn had found that he was infact the second imperial prince of the great demon empire. His older brother Vance was first in line to the throne, but things aren't as simple as that, see anyone of the royal siblings can become heir. Succession was determined by the growth and ability of the one trying to succeed the emperor. Quinns older brother was considered to be one of the greatest if not the greatest swordsmen and knights in the kingdom gaining him favor with many noble families and many proposals for marriage.

Quinn didn't care much about succeeding his father and running a country all he wanted was to get stronger. ' I wont let that happen again, never again.' he was of course thinking about what happened with the storyteller. The nine months in his mothers womb had given him plenty of time to think granting him a unique view on what happened. Quinn figured his torture at the storytellers hands was because he was weak in which case he needed strength to make sure nothing like that ever happened again. He had promised himself that he'd get stronger even if it killed him again. His main problem with his new plan was simple and yet insurmountable. He was three months old and so he had very limited options.

' Guess ill look at my system' he thought remembering his six thousand soul points, for which he still hadn't found out why how had any at all or why his level was so high, especially since all he'd done was be born and learn to fly.

-Would you like to invest points or purchase items master.

' Oh yeah you can speak,' Quinn thought remembering that his system had a voice. ' What's your name again?'

- I am your Artificially Intelligent Directional System, but you may call me AIDS if you would like

' God no.' Quinn remembered his old world and while he'd never had AIDS it was way to odd calling his system that.

- You also have the option of selecting a name to address me by. Would you like to rename your system AI?

' Yes' Quinn thought being reminded of the call system he'd get when his phone was acting up. ' But first lets invest some of my points.

- Acknowledged. Opening System Interface.

a status screen covered Quinns entire field of view, blocking everything in front of him. ' this'll be inconvenient in the future ill find a way to shrink it down later.

The first thing Quinn saw was a class selection screen. ' This is new' Quinn thought studying each class intensively. The classes were all basic of course, there was the warrior class specializing in offensive blade attacks with high HP, then there was the mage class specializing in attack and support magic with high mana, and lastly there was the assassin class specializing in quick but light attacks with high stealth and tracking skills.

Quinn clicked on the mage class, he'd always use that class in any of the games he used to play, mainly because he enjoyed being able to use magic but also because mage attacks can cover wide areas allowing him to damage enemys and heal allies quickly and efficiently. When Quinn chose the mage class he was given four more options. One was the option of Battle Mage, having high attack power and HP but less mana. The next was necromancer, having low HP but high mana reserves and the ability to summon undead servants and control the shadows. Next was a summoner, capable of understanding animal and monster language and forming contracts with them while having high mana reserves but lower HP per monster summoned, and capable of using high level attack magic. And finally was the elemental mage, having high HP and Mana reserves but long cast times and low close range defense.

After reading through the options Quinn chose summoner, not based on the benefits it offer but simply because he'd always wanted to talk to animals.

Having chosen that the system moved to a stat tree that read,

Quinnton D. Daemon - age: three months

Strength - 0

Speed - 0

Defense - 0

Agility - 0

Mana - 0

Monsters under command - 1

'Wait what monster is under my command?' Quinn thought then he remembered. ' FENRIR!'