
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 47 Goblin clash 2

At the front of the city walls was an army which numbered at least 5,000 goblin with almost 1,000 hobgoblins and a hundred generals with the goblin king and the shaman at the front of the army .

The goblin king was armoured in full body armour with a giant hammer , his weapon had a size which dwarved any human , he was brimming with rage due to the stolen Mana crystal and the whole army also reciprocated his anger towards the human for taking their treasure , especially the shaman .

The goblins seeing their king fighting on the same battle with them boosted their morale , they saw their king as a god so seeing that same god fighting with them they believed their victory was very much assured and all of them where brimming with morale and will fight with their life to please their god .

The two forces where now a few meters away from each other .

The goblin king seeing the humans who numbered not more than 200 , considering that they where 50 adventurers , 100 knights and a holy knights , was greetly angered he was expecting an army of human , he couldn't believe that a little gathering of human could kill two thousands of his goblins with 12 goblin generals easily without any survival .

The Shaman being the one connected with the Crystal felt the presence of the crystal coming from the approaching humans and told Rakh'Ash about it .

* Your Gobloid I can feel the presence of the crystal coming from them * , The shaman said .

* So they not only have the gut to steal from me , but they also come back to rub it in my face , I shall take pleasure in cutting of their head * , Rakh'Ash said .

" Humans , you have something of mine give it to me and I shall make sure you have a painless death " , Rakh'Ash said .

Gilliard who had already planned with Farhen while coming here how to get the attention of the Goblin king immediately set his plans in motion .

" Oh , you mean this thing right here " , Farhen said flunting the crystal in Rakh'Ash's face.

" Yes human hand it over peacefully and accept your fate " , Rakh'Ash said visibly pissed with the way Farhen was treating the crystal , it was their national treasure for crying out loud and this stupid human was treating it like a worthless stone .

" And what if I don't want to ? " , Farhen asked .

" Then I will have to pry it from your dead body " , Rakh'Ash said getting ready to attack .

" You'll have to catchh me first " , Farhen proceeded to turn around and run into the forest .

Rakh'Ash seeing this human who he took to be the leader of the bunch since he was the one with the treasure and the one who did the talking for the group , and since the leader was always the strongest , he decided to personally kill him and collect back his treasure .

" Curse you human " , Rakh'Ash followed the fleeing human into the forest with incredibly speed which made Farhen speed look like child play .

" Shit , that ugly sure is fast " , Bucky said watching the goblin king go .

" You know the plan take out as many of them as you can before the goblin king realise our plan " , Gilliard said before running towards the goblin army .

" Alright , let's get this over with so I can get back home and take a long bath and as much beer as I want " , Bucky said before following Gilliard .

' Let the Exp fest begin ' , Miles thought before joining the group .

" Greet more work , I don't even know why I wanted to be an adventurer in the first place " , Layla said before also joining the group followed closely behind by Sen .

" Energy ball " , " Sword barrage " , " Lightning head " .

Miles spammed a lot of skills watching his Mana drop rapidly and his Exp sore .

[ Host has killed a goblin + 34 Exp ]

[ Host has killed a hobgoblin + 361 Exp ]

[ host has killed a goblin + 29 Exp ]


[ Host has leveled up now level 81 ]

Miles seeing the barrage of message in his vision couldn't help but smile as he massacred more goblins .

The goblins seeing this smiling human slaughter them scared them so much that they started avoiding him and went for other humans who weren't as strong as the berserk human .

While the Adventurers seeing this couldn't help but be worried , who smiles while killing , only a psychopath does that , to derive pleasure from killing was simply the making of a psychopath to them and they where beginning to think just maybe this handsome young man was a deranged psychopath and unconciously started to avoid him .

While they where thinking of this Gilliard couldn't help but be amazed of the amount of Mana this young boy had , Mana wasn't something you could use any how it was to be used only in tight spots because , an average warrior with Mana could only perform less 15 spells before they run out of Mana , and if over used the warrior will be Mana deficient which will take a toll on his body and make him weak , but this boy simple dished out spells as if he had a bottomless supply of Mana , the boy just seem to impress him over and over again .

while Gilliard was thinking of this Miles received a message from the system that made him surprised .

[ Obsidian crystal more than a kilometer away from host ]

[ Absorbed 0.36 % energy ]

[ Converting to Mana ]

[ + 830 ]

Miles seeing this was mind blown , he only had 1000 Mana points before but now after absorbing a fraction of the energy in the Obsidian crystal he gained a whopping 830 Mana point , that's just to show you how much energy that little crystal had , Miles couldn't help but wonder how much Mana he would gain if he could absorb all the energy in the Obsidian crystal .

Steadying his increasing heart beat Miles continued to harvest lives like a soul reaper .

Boom .

" Shit " , Farhen shouted as he tried to balance himself after almost been smashed like a bug by the stampeding Rakh'Ash .

" Stop running around you cowardly human " , Rakh'Ash said effortlessly barging into a tree and obliterating it .

" How can a brute like you be as fast as this " , Farhen asked in disbelief as he saw the charging Rakh'Ash already catching up with him .

' Dammit am going to die if this continues ' , Farhen thought jumping from tree to trees while Rakh'Ash just barges right through them but despite all the obstacles in his way he was still catching up to Farhen .

Rakh'Ash was already right behind Farhen and raised his hammer up ready to squash the bug in front of him .

" This is where you die human " , Rakh'Ash said bringing down the hammer with enough force to squash Farhen like a bug .

Farhen seeing the approaching hammer knew he was looking death in the eye , but he just didn't want to die now , if he died the goblin king will take the crystal back and the all mission will be a failure , but seeing the approaching hammer he knew his death was sure .

" Noooooo " , Farhen shouted and as a last defence he tried to stop the hammer coming with his dagger .

Any sane person seeing this will think this was impossible to do the dagger was a twig compared to the hammer but the impossible happened .

" Boom "

Rakh'Ash was sent flying back falling with the grace of a wingless dragon destroying a good portion of the forest .

" What " , Rakh'Ash couldn't believe his eyes has he stared wide eyes at the human .

" How can a filthy human use the power of our treasure ? " , Rakh'Ash asked as he stared at the glowing Crystal in Farhen's hand