
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 35 Into the third floor

The fight with other Adventurers was also coming to an end they where almost done with killing off all of the beast but they had suffered heavy lose losing a dozen out of the thirty B rank adventurer and two A rank adventurers out of the 20 A rank , the healers also where finding it had to keep up with the healing spells due to the adventurers using up most of their MANA to heal the injured adventurers .

There was a sorrowful atmosphere in the dungeon and combined with the fiery terrain of the dungeon intensified the anger which the adventurers felt for losing their brethrens.

Vastor looked at the now dead Carabao's corpse and couldn't help but think it might have been him their in the same spot dead on the floor inside this hell of a dungeon.

' what a stupid way to die , dieing inside a dungeon where you wouldn't even get a proper funeral , but just to rot in this monster infested space until nothing is left of you but bones , and the guild keep claiming it's an honorable death ,hmm what a joke your family won't even be able to see your corpse just to be told that you passed away defending them , in the end I guess we are all a puppet to the system no matter how strong you are , I will never die the death of a puppet' , Vastor silently taught.

After the ambush most of the hunters had been in near death situation , and where starting to doubt why they should risk there life for the good of the people .

well that is just human nature , most of the B ranked adventurers had never been in an A ranked dungeon and did not know the dangers in one , they are all veteran B rank adventurers who had been conquering B rank dungeons for over a decade , and the elites in their respective team and big shot adventurers in their on right , but an A rank dungeon is way more difficult than a B rank dungeon and mere experience without strength is not enough to survive one .

Most of them had seen death face to face before been miraculously saved while they where inches away from death , going through life or death situation like death made them fearful and dealt a huge blow to their morale , I mean who wants to fight a battle when they know they might die a painful death , and besides no one want to die and be left to rot in a dungeon without a proper burial in their family burial ground.

They had lost their confident they had before entering into the dungeon and it had been replaced with fear , fear of dieing a lonely death inside the dungeon for a lowly beast to make quick work of their flesh living their bones.

They where frantically praying that they will survive this cursed dungeon and go back to the comfort of their home and get lost in the care of their wife .

Infact some had vowed that if they made it out of here alive they will never step foot in another dungeon again.

The look on their face said it all they never want to go through what they went through again , they will gladly desert the group and bear what ever punish was given to them by the guild leader and see another sun rise than to die in this forsaken dungeon , Avrion seeing the look on his team members face knew he had to do something about it.

"I promise you all as long as you follow my order I will do my best to protect you , and you will receive a hefty sum of money for your effort , and even if you die the money is still going to be paid to your family , all I ask for is your loyalty to the mission and I will make sure we walk out of this dungeon alive " Avrion said earning a nod of approval from the A rank and managing to raise the spirit of the B rank although not much at least they weren't thinking of deserting again ..... well at the moment.

while all this where going on Zatiel was still caught in his taught trying to evaluate the danger of this dungeon .

' A rare space element user , the difficulty of this dungeon just went up a notch , and thanks to a dungeon being a dimensional space there power is best suited in a dungeon , they will be able to watch us no matter where we are and send armies of monsters against us , fuck , it's like been constantly watched by the enemy and always having to be prepared at anytime for an ambush , not to talk of the mental stress it's going to cause to always be at alert ' Zatiel couldn't help but think.

After another hour or so they had already treated all the injured and changed their faulty armor and weapons , and continued their journey through the second floor killing stray monster or monsters in little group of four or five , everything was going good and they where progressing swiftly towards the third floor .

Meanwhile somewhere in the final floor two entities where watching the progress of the team using a special type of orb .

" Ghan ji the plan was a success , we managed to take them by surprise and kill a considerable amount of them weakening their power , at the rate at which things are going we will be able to kill more than half of them before they get here " , Lor rak the monstrously which resembled a 13 meter tall minotaur said.

" Excellent news Lor rak but I don't think it will be that easy to get them unprepared again , that pesky little annoying lightning user is already expecting an ambush and will be ready for it , why don't we give them a real challenge now , Ghan ji the 15 meter half dragon half minotaur monster said with a petrifying smile on it's face.

The team had reached the third floor and there had not been anything major confrontation with the monsters , but entering the third floor the heat wave that greeted them was enough to make most of the B rank adventurers faint , and the rest feel like they could no longer breath.

" Holy shit , why the fuck is it so hot in this floor " Reahan said while clutching his chest trying to steady his breathing.

' Damn it feels like am about to die why is it so hot ' Nate couldn't help but think.

The third floor was an inferno with lava all round them in little pools and the flame hot enough to rival hells flame..... well at least that's what the adventurers taught , and if that wasn't still enough what they saw on the floor made some curse the dungeon and others give up on surviving the dungeon , right in front of them where over thirty lava beast with a more ferocious minotaur like monster with a hammer at the front of the group most likely their leader.

" On your feet , we have enemies incoming " , Avrion said , but the B rank felt so weak kneed that they could pass out from a single blow.

" Foolish humans you can't stop us we will spill your blood and eat your flesh and when we are free from this place we will eat your family as well " , The minotaur like monster said.

Making the already fearful B rank adventurer feel like they just saw the unbelievable.

" It can fucking talk " .

" How is that possible ".

" How those it even know our language " .

And of course the A rank where not to bothered by it , it just meant a more smarter monster to them .

As the rank of a dungeon increase so those the strength of the beast increase but not only it's strength but also it's brain capacity so it wasn't strange to see a talking monster in an A rank dungeon so they weren't suprised by that .

" You shall not pass us fowl creature I will have your head before you can lay a single feet outside of here " Avrion said unsheathing his sword.

" Big words for one so puny and insignificant , come let me show you what power is " Lor rak said charging in to battle.

" for our family , charge " , Avrion said igniting the flames in the heart of the adventurers.

Meanwhile , while the team where about to fight a bloody fight , In Elgade city all plan where in motion to take out the goblin shaman.

What's up guys , after going for good knows how long i finally continued the novel , look I ain't gon lie I need love and support from you guys and honestly am not seeing it which is really making me sad and it's a turn off in writing so am begging you guys help the novel grow by voting for it , you can also review and comment about the novel , please guys I just need your support

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