
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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208 Chs

Chapter 175

The next day.

Kelly seemed to be working hard again.

"Kelly dear, why don't you take a break?" I suggested.

"Understood," she got up from her desk and sat beside me. Kelly poured herself a cup of tea and started drinking. "I really needed this," Kelly sighed in relief.

My phone suddenly ping and the message was from lufilia. She sent me a video of Francis and a man standing over nova who is unconscious.

<<I guess you'll get what you want huh, Mr Tromp are we in business>>

<<Yes, I'll have my sweet little with her>>

Mr Tromp got on top of Nova drooling like a pig.

<<Don't go overboard, we still need one more thing from her before we kill her>>

Suddenly the alarm sounded.

<<What's going on? >>

Mr Tromp got upset that the mood was interrupted and so his attempt to rape Nova. There was another video of Francis making love to another girl.

" Mistress, is that? "

" Yes it is, It seems Nova's boyfriend isn't that faithful. My guess is he was taking advantage of Nova fans to get famous but because he wants out, he can't because it will ruin a chance for him. "

I texted Lufilia and told her to send these to Nova.

"Unforgivable, This is why I despise men."

Yeah, that's why I'm never telling you that I have a male mind and soul inside a female's body. Suddenly Diane came in.

"Madam President, I have booked your flight back to Japan," Diane reported.

"You're going to Japan?"

"Yes mistress, it's for business, I would be honoured if you would accompany me," Kelly said.

"Fufufu, Of course I will, I plan to spend as much done with you to make up for all those centuries of being gone," I said with a smile and got up.

"I should head home to back us some clothes okay,"

I went back to the bottom floor and got in my car. "Margret, Please head back home, I have some packing to do," I requested.

"Roger that."

The car drove off.

"Lady Roselina, Do you wish for us to accompany you?" Tia wondered.

"Yes my sister and I could be of use to you," Tio agreed.

"Of course I want you girls to accompany me, I'm a bit concerned about Debra."

She's grown so attached to me that she couldn't bear to be even one minute away from me. I think it's about time I fulfil her wish and turn her into a pureblood Vampire. I'm a bit reluctant because I don't want any more bloodkin.

Suddenly there was the sound of a police siren behind us. There was a police car following us. We pulled over on the side of the highway. The police woman got out of the car and walked up to ours.

"Good evening," she greeted.

"Good evening officer, what can I do for you?" Margret wondered.

"Wait, don't I know you from somewhere?" I queried as I looked at the officer.

"It's you, you little brat!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my, it seems you got promoted to driving a car, congrats," I clapped for her.

"What can we do for you?" Margret asked again.

"I'm carrying out my duties as an officer, can I see your licence and registration please?"


Margret took out the papers and showed them.

"Where are you going?" The officer asked.

"We're going back home, You wanna come?" I asked as I chuckled happily.

"No, I don't want to, Little girl, are you being rude to a federal officer of the law?!" The woman shouted.

"What is with your tone? Do you have any idea who this is?"

"This is Roselina Valentine of the Valentine Family, Her sister signs your chiefs paycheck,"

Tio and Tia seem to be upset.

"I know who she is." The woman handed Margret the paper. "You can go now."


"Bye, Nancy Drew," I waved at her.

"MY NAME IS BECKY YOU TWERP!" She shouted at the car as it drove away.

I love teasing her because she's so amusing. We soon reached home where there were two Nuns standing at our gate. It was Anita and the other with the chainsaw and Matilda was there as well.

"You guys can go in, I'll handle them."

I got out of the car that drove in.

"Greeting to the one who reigns supreme over this world and Our Goddess, We worship you," Matilda said as they grovel at my feet.

Time to get into my role.

"Humans, I permit you to raise your heads and gaze upon my wondrous form," I ordered.

They both looked at me.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" I inquired.

"We have done as you requested and moved our base to a church, inside town and waiting for your orders, Please command us lord," Matilda requested.

Well since I'm going away for a few days, I might as well give them something to do.

"Matilda, I want you to find out about the other vampires, The task the Goddess has given me requires more assistance, I entrust this task to you Matilda."

"Yes lord, I will not fail."

"Good, now go, Do your duty and don't disappoint me."

"Yes lord," they responded in unison.

They vanished as if they were ninjas. In addition to finding Silvia, I have to find out about the other Vampire Faction.


Roselina and all arrived at the airstrip and got out of the car. She looked at the plane and looked at Debra.

"Okay Debra, we'll be gone for a few days, Take care until I return," she said.

"But, I…I…"

She was about to say something but didn't. Roselina held her hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Don't worry about me, fine, here."

Roseline gave her a cross that was attached to a bracelet.

"This will protect you at all times and you can transmit your thoughts through it to me. If you run into trouble, I will be there as quick and lightning to protect you," Roselina reassured.


She gave Debra a hug. "When I return, I'll fulfil my promise to you," Roseline whispered.


"Mistress let's go," Kelly said.


Roselina turned and walked away.

"We'll be back before you know it."

And so they boarded the plane and left. Debra waved the plane and held the cross close to her chest.

"Come back soon," Debra whispered.


I looked out the window at the clouds and the sea. 17 hours of doing nothing until we reach Tokyo. We had to cross the ocean because flying over Russian airspace would prove too risky.

"Mistress is something on your mind?" Kelly asked.

"Yes, I'm a bit reluctant in turning Debra into a Pureblood. She had a bright future and I don't want to ruin it for her. Why is she eager to become a Vampire anyways?"

"It's probably because she wants to be closer to you, you have to remember she suffered many years of hardship living with her parents and you saved her and gave her a place to call home. I think she just doesn't want to be a burden," Kelly explained.

"You're probably right…"

I took up a bag of potato chips and started eating it. "So this country is heading to Tokyo, is it fun?" I wondered excitedly.

"You're going to love it mistress, Especially the food and their Maid Cafe."

Kelly seems to be thrilled. I'm a bit excited but I'm going to have a hard time speaking Japanese.

"I'm more interested in their anime, there's a boy in my class who's Japanese and he watches them all the time. I believe he called himself an Otaku or something and he even compared me to one," I muttered, I took a bite of another potato chip.

"If you want, I can have Diane download them for you," Kelly suggested.

"Maybe later."

I lay my head in Kelly's lap.

The plane soar through the air and landed at an air strip. We got out of the plane and there waiting for us was 4 Mercedes Benz, 1 limo, 13 bodyguards and 2 business men. One of called Otsusuki Muromas and the other was called Masayuki Natsoru.


"Konnichiwa ."

Kelly greeted them with a bow,

"Welcome to Tokyo," Natsoru said.

"Thank you, This is my Younger sister Roselina."

"Roselina Valentine, A pleasure," I have a bow as well.

"Come, Come."

We got in the limo that drove out of the air strip and into Tokyo. As I looked around I was in awe. This place is so amazing and the smell of Spicy foods linger in the hair.

"I can't wait to try these foods," I queried.

I wonder if Godzilla does exist?

Hearing their language, I understood it but I didn't want to speak it. Kelly seemed to be very fluent in Japanese, she's talking to them so naturally.

I put on a headphone and started playing music. We arrived at a skyscraper that stood about the same height as Valentine Enterprise building, a whopping 3 hundred ft.

"Stay close to me," Kelly said.

"I understand."

We all went to the top floor of the conference room. I as usual waited in the visitors lounge playing games on my phone with Tio and Tia by my side.

"I do hope Kelly finishes her meetings quickly, I'm dying to try more of these ramen," I mumbled.

"Would you like us to go out and get some?" Tio queried.

"Your place is by my side, remember."


I continued to play the games when a man came up to me.

"Are you well?" He politely asked.

"Yes, say, I have a question?"

"Go on."

"Which ramen is the best?" I queried

"...That would be Miso," he replied with a smile.


He started to explain to me details about the ramen and I started to get interested in it.

"Okay, thank you for that."

"Your welcome, if you excuse me, I have work to do," He took a bow and left.

"Yes I'm going to try this miso and eat every Japanese food in all of Tokyo," I said with fire in my eyes.