
My Other Lover

Based on true-life events, My Other Lover is an eye-opener to relationships, true love, cheating, lies and most of all deception, however not all is hopeless, in the wonderful world of relationships, as we come across numerous couples who fight to stay true to themselves, their love and respect for their partners and most of all their families. My Other Lover also tells the story of numerous families, who have been driven apart by lies and deception, only to be drawn together by forgiveness and unconditional love. See how these couples manage to face everyday temptation, but how in the end love always prevails.

BS_Mahoko · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Love Is Yours To Own And Keep.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016


The next day was a bit sunnier than the previous days. The warm breeze from the sea came through the bedroom window, tickling Siza's skin and waking her up. She yawned and stretched, struggling to get out of bed, as usual. She stepped out of bed and closed the window, after that long battle with her bedsheets.

She returned to her bed and made herself comfortable, as she reclined upright against her big pillow. She took out her cell phone underneath her feathery pillow and switched it on. Her phone revealed that she had forty messages in her text inbox, and all of the texts messages were from Menzi.

"Menzi, you never give up, do you!" uttered Siza, while she gazed into her phone's screen.

She put the phone down when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She and Diesel had slept in separate rooms, as arranged by Diesel. She stepped out of bed, opened the door, and allowed him in. They embraced at the door and relaxed on the bed.

Diesel brought with him a brochure filled with beautiful pictures, of the places they were going to visit that day. Siza was impressed at how serious Diesel was, and how he aimed to please. She let him go on and on, about how excited he was to have her with him on this adventure. Siza took an extra pillow from the wardrobe, and tucked it behind Diesel's back, so that he may rest comfortably.

"Come closer to me, Diesel, I won't bite," teased Siza.

Diesel chuckled. "Are you sure you won't bite?"

Siza nodded. "As long as you play nice, I promise I won't."

Diesel scooted closer to Siza. They browsed through the brochure as Diesel paged through it. Siza leaned on Diesel, and rested on his shoulder, as they chatted and laughed. He was over the moon and Siza was too, and it was hard for one to imagine, that they were perfect strangers.

"Thank you again, Diesel, you are so good to me," thanked Siza, as she gazed into Diesel's eyes, and snuggled into his arms.

Diesel cuddled her. "You are good for my soul too…Let's just stay in bed for the whole day, we will just make a meal, and come back to bed."

"I'm game if you are," smiled Siza.

They snuggled and took a nap in each other's arms, as Diesel cuddled her so tight, that he tucked her tiny body next to his.

"I can't let you go, you are good for me," whispered Diesel.


Menzi was in his office working. Ever since Siza departed with Diesel that day, he had not been himself. He was very moody and cold. He had dedicated most of his time to his work, and nothing ever gave him comfort, than doing what he loved. His life and routines had changed, he no longer had breakfast at home, his PA had to organise it in the office. He was always in the office earlier than usual, and he would leave the office later than usual.

To Menzi, Siza was the missing link to his spark. He no longer cooked; Petunia had to prepare food for him before she left in the evening, only for him to get home, and not eat. She would even complain that he never ate in the house, and he would always conclude their conversation, by telling Petunia to take everything that was perishable from the fridge, and in the pantry, to her house.

His PA notified him that he had a call, and he dreaded answering it, but told her to put the call through…

"This is Menzi Gama," greeted Menzi.

"Babe, I'm feeling sick today, I've been throwing up since dawn," divulged Lelo.

"But why haven't you checked it out, Lelo?"

"My doctor called yesterday and told me that he wants to see me, and I'm worried, babe."

"And you are telling me this because?"

"You can be so stupid at times you know that... I'm telling you, because I need you to come with me to the doctor, Menzi."

Menzi took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Lelo, but why me, and not your fiancé?"

"You are so hopeless, go to hell!"

Lelo hung up in his ear, but Menzi was too proud to care at that moment. He continued with his work, while he stared at three monitors, darting his gaze from one to the other. His PA knew not to disturb him when he worked on programs. His riveted focus was on the screens, that he did not notice his vibrating cell phone. He got irritated when the vibration became continuous, and he abruptly answered it

"Gosh! Lelo, you do not quit…what is it now?" yelled Menzi.

"Is that how you greet your mother, my boy?" replied a woman.

Menzi cleared his throat. "Mom, this is a lovely surprise!"

"Are you telling me that I shouldn't call my own son, anytime I want to?" asked Doctor Gama.

Menzi chuckled. "No, Mom, I didn't mean it that way."

"How are you, my baby…when are you bringing Sizakele home for us to meet her? I'm so proud of you son," greeted Doctor Gama.

"We-we - we - we will be coming soon, Mom," stuttered Menzi.

"What did you do now, Menzi…I didn't raise you to ill-treat women…do you hear me!"

"Yes, Mom"

"Look here spoiled brat, whatever it is, you had better fix it…do you understand me!"

Menzi took a deep breath. "Yes, Mom…Mom, I need to talk to you…I will be coming over tonight, if that's alright with you, of course."

"I will see you when you get here," replied Doctor Gama, slamming the phone in Menzi's ear.

Menzi ran his hand through his bald shaven head. He was frustrated that his mom was very upset, about him and Siza.

Lelo was at the Margate Private Hospital in Centurion, to see her doctor. She had decided to go there alone since Menzi refused to accompany her. Her eyes followed the doctor, while he took her blood and urine tests. The doctor left Lelo in the room for a while, and she felt extremely frustrated because she had thrown up the previous night again, after having dinner with Pule. She was convinced that the food poisoning in her system, was becoming much worse.

"It must have been the food Pule's Chef cooked the other day," she thought pensively.

The doctor returned to the room carrying Lelo's file and he seemed very worried. He found Lelo on the phone, excused himself out of the room again, and notified Lelo by hand gesture, that he would come back, as soon as she was finished on the phone.

"He's just returned in the room, baby," whispered Lelo, standing by the hospital bed, crossing her legs and staring at the floor.

"Has he said anything, yet?" enquired Pule.

"I'm with the doctor as we speak, babe, and I'm about to find out. Can I call you back, as soon as I'm finished with the doctor?" assured Lelo, rushing to end the call.

"Alright, my love, call me back as soon as you're out of there then."

"I will," whispered Lelo, as soon as she saw her doctor returning into the room.

Doctor Blake had been Lelo's doctor for a while now. He sat by his desk with Lelo's file opened. He seemed worried about the results but tried to keep calm.

"Miss Ntlue, please sit," urged Doctor Blake.

Lelo moved from the end of the bed and took a seat next to her doctor. She gazed at him very seriously, while her heart pounded out of control. She was never a fulltime smoker, but at that moment, she craved a cigarette so much, in order to help calm her nerves. The doctor offered her a glass of water, but she shook her head, declining his offer. She was anxious to know what the problem was with her. The doctor forced a smile towards her before he continued.

"Judging by the results at hand, you are five months pregnant. I received these results when I tested you on your previous visit, and I did more tests just so as to confirm," affirmed the doctor, putting the opened file in front of Lelo.

She gazed at her file but saw nothing, it looked blank to her. She placed her left hand on her forehead, gazed at the doctor, and shook her head as if the doctor did not know what he was talking about. She snatched the glass of water that the doctor had offered her earlier, and gulped it down as if she had been thirsty for years.

"And lastly, you are healthy, with no complications," continued the doctor.

Lelo chuckled, closed her eyes, and still shook her head as if she did something terrible. She could not believe what the doctor had told her. How was she going to begin to explain to the doctor, that she had been unfaithful to her partners? She took a deep breath.

"I-I understand, Doctor, I - I just can't believe it, that's all," stuttered Lelo. "I - I wasn't expecting this at all," exhaled Lelo.

"Well, I would like for you to visit me regularly from now on, just to check on you and the baby," advised the doctor. "You must be happy to be a first-time mom?" he asked.

Lelo smiled and nodded. "I am doctor, my husband will be ecstatic when I tell him." "Doctor, may you please keep this between us, I don't want him to hear about this from your mouth. I would like to tell him myself," pleaded Lelo.

Doctor Blake smiled at Lelo. "I wouldn't tell a soul about my patients, what I do with my patients is very private."

"Thank you, Doctor, I will be seeing you next month then…Have a lovely day," concluded Lelo, shaking the doctor's hand, and leaving his room.

Lelo rushed to her car, incredulous about her pregnancy. She sat inside the car, calculated the length of her pregnancy using her fingers, and was shocked to learn who had made her pregnant. She pulled her cell phone out of her handbag and contacted Pule.

Lelo took a deep breath. "Hey Baby, guess what?"

"What did he say, babe?" questioned Pule, anxiously waiting for Lelo to tell him the status of her test results.

"We are pregnant, Pule…we are having our firstborn child."

"What! Yesssss! I so want to kiss you right now…Let's meet at home, I'm leaving the office, I really love you Lelo," exhaled Pule, as he took a deep breath.

Lelo chuckled. "I love you too, baby, I will see you just now," confirmed Lelo.

Now that she had told Pule, everything was in order and her nerves were calm. She gazed at her phone screen and scrolled to a name called, "My Future" and sent a text message that said,

"I have something to tell you about us, good news though…I will tell you in due course."

She received an immediate text reply and there was a smile on her face. The text read,

"All right my kitty-cat, can't wait for you to be by my side…I love you so much."

She drove back to Pule's place. Her mind raced in thoughts, still perplexed about the news. When she arrived home, she inspected the house first, before making a call to Menzi. Pule was not home yet and neither was his housekeeper.

"This is the perfect time to call Menzi, and tell him," she contemplated.

She closed her bedroom door and contacted Menzi using her cell phone.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" queried the concerned Menzi.

"We have ourselves a situation!" replied Lelo, getting to the point.

"What situation, Lelo?"

"Menzi I'm pregnant, we're having a baby."

"What did you just say?"

"I said, I am pregnant…Have you turned deaf all of a sudden?"

"I heard you, Lelo, I heard you...I'm just shocked that's all. How far along are you?"

"I'm only twenty weeks pregnant, Menzi, it's still early for me to give birth." "Babe, we're going to be parents."

Menzi kept quiet for a while as if she had just told him that someone had died. Lelo called out to him, but he did not answer. She checked her phone and listened to it, and she could hear Menzi breathing. She called out to him again.

"Where are you?" enquired Menzi.

"I'm at Pule's, why were you so quiet?" worried Lelo. "Don't even think about coming, because he's on his way back home," she concluded.

"I hope you didn't tell him the baby is his, did you?" questioned Menzi.

"I did…Menzi come on, do you honestly think I would jeopardise what I have with Pule, for you?" objected Lelo. "No, I can't do that to him."

Menzi chuckled. "Oh, Lelo, you have it all figured out, don't you?"

"Babe, you will get your chance, the baby is yours, let Pule enjoy his wife's pregnancy," pleaded Lelo, trying to convince Menzi to see her point of view.

"Fine, but we need to talk, let me know when you have the time, Bye for now."

Lelo was frustrated beyond measure, asking herself how this could be. Just when she finally found the man that loved her, this had to happen. She lay her head on the pillow, gazed up at the Miranda ceiling, and contemplated a plan. She caressed her belly and beamed.


Back in Menzi's office, Menzi had been stuck in the bathroom gazing into the mirror, since Lelo had told him she was pregnant. He was frustrated and could not stop thinking about how his mother was going to react, when he delivered the news to her, regarding Lelo's condition. Aware of his mother's animosity towards Lelo, made matters even worse, than they already were. He opened the basin tap, splashed some water on his face, and gazed into the mirror once again.

He took a deep breath. "I can't believe this, how did I get myself into this mess?" Menzi shook his head. "What is happening to me?" "Siza I need you so much right now," uttered Menzi, speaking to the mirror as if it would answer him.

He contacted Siza, but her phone was on voicemail. He was desperate to hear her voice that he tried again, and still failed to get through.

"Hey, Siza here, I'm having the best time of my life, leave me a message, so I can call you back," said Siza's voicemail.

"Hey…hey, babe, I…I need you, you complete me, and without you, I'm nothing. Things are going bad for me, please call me back," stuttered Menzi, as he confirmed sending the message to Siza.

He left the men's room and went into his office, tidied it, shut down his laptop and computer, and exited his office building. He instructed his personal assistant to clear all his meetings for the day. He swaggered to his car and drove to his hometown, Hatfield.

On his way to Hatfield, he stopped by the flower and gift shop and bought his mom a bunch of pink roses and a box of Lindt milk chocolate delights. He continued his journey home, soon after leaving the florist.

The weather had changed from sunny to overcast all of a sudden. It was a quick and quiet drive, as he turned and headed to the cal-de-sac, and he parked outside the gate. He remained in his car and admired his mother's three-storied, Bali style, six bed-roomed home. He smiled, as his childhood memories resurfaced in his thoughts.

He snatched a remote from the dashboard drawer, pressed it, opened the gate, and drove in. He parked behind his sister's red Jeep Grand Cherokee and stepped out of the car.

Menzi had an eldest sister, Khosi, who was a Pharmacist, and one younger brother Muzi, an intern at a jewellery company. As Menzi ambled to the front door, his sister opened it, and welcomed him with a warm hug and kiss, as if they had not seen each other in a while. He entered into his mother's French, cherry-plum granite kitchen, feeling uncomfortable, as Khosi scrutinized him. Khosi could tell that there was something wrong with Menzi, as he did not reciprocate the warmth she gave him.

"What's wrong with you?" Khosi worried.

Menzi frowned. "What do you mean?"

Khosi scoffed. "You only come home when you're in deep trouble…are you trouble, Menzi?" enquired Khosi.

"Oh please, give me a break, where's mom, anyway?" Menzi fretted, heading into the house, leaving his sister standing there.

"Mom is not back yet, where's Siza…Why is she not with you?" Khosi questioned further, as she followed Menzi into the house.

"Siza has her own life, what's with the twenty-one questions anyway, Coco?" bawled Menzi, as he sauntered past his sister, straight into his bedroom and placed his overnight bag there. He ambled back to the kitchen, straight to the fridge, and walked past his sister again. Khosi stood by the sink and guarded him like a hawk. Menzi noticed his sister but ignored her inquisitiveness.

Khosi shook her head in disbelief. "Menzi, what are you doing here without your fiancé…You young boys are so full of games," yelled Khosi.

"Coco please, quit this investigative act…anyway it's none of your business." "What's for dinner? I'm starving," replied Menzi, gazing into the fridge, searching for something to eat. He withdrew a bottle of fresh orange juice, poured a glass for him and Khosi, and passed the glass of juice to Khosi.

Khosi shook her head. "Thanks, I've asked mom to bring dinner."

Menzi gulped down his and Khosi's juice and rinsed the glasses afterwards. He peeked through the kitchen window to check if he had parked his car properly, then turned, and stared at his sister.

"Do you have a boyfriend yet, and when are you getting married to him?" Menzi jested, as he walked past his sister, and headed to his bedroom.

Khosi pouted. "Maybe, but that is none of your business."

It was as if Menzi knew the right question to ask, to keep her quiet.

"I'm going to bed…please call me when mom gets here," mentioned Menzi, as he headed up the stairs into his antique, white-walled en-suite bedroom.

His bedroom had a walk-in wardrobe; he shut its folding door, then shut his bedroom door, kicked off his shoes, laid on the edge of his bed, adorned with a gold detailed quilt, and took a power nap. He was anxious to speak to his mother and her not being home at that time, just made his agitation worse.



After a while, a white BMW M5 sedan pulled up in the driveway, Menzi's mother was home. Doctor Dudu Gama, was not just any woman. Her kids used words like "exceptional" and "one of a kind" to describe their mother. She was a woman that had done well for herself, and became one of the best paediatricians, in South Africa.

She stepped out of the car, wearing a grey-leathered pencil skirt, an expensive white chiffon shirt, and black and silver stilettos. She was fifty years of age, average in height, had a curvaceous body and wore her hair in a stylish Chinese-bob. She seemed younger than her age, and it was clear that she worked out. When she walked into a room, men could not help but gawk at her, some even pursuing her, to go out on dates with them.

She withdrew an orange basket filled with half readymade food and groceries, from the boot of her car. Khosi greeted and kissed her mother, then assisted with carrying the groceries into the house. Khosi let her know that Menzi was home.

"Tell him to meet me in the living room," replied Doctor Dudu Gama, heading straight to her bedroom.

Khosi knocked on Menzi's bedroom door; he woke up, ambled to the door, and opened it. Khosi let him know that their mother was home and he nodded and shut the door. He sat on the bed and contemplated about his mother's reaction. If there were a back door, he would use it to disappear.

He hauled himself off the bed and plodded to the living room, as he repeatedly took deep breaths and prepared himself for the talk, he was about to have with his mother. Menzi had great respect for his mother and he did not want to upset her, because she had been through a great deal of pain in the past years.

"Mama," greeted Menzi, hugging his mother and kissing her on the cheek.

"Hello my boy, you look thinner than the last time I saw you, what's wrong?" Doctor Gama worried.

"Things are bad, Mama, please don't be furious with what I'm about to tell you," pleaded Menzi, sitting next to his mother on the large three-seater couch.

"Just spit it out already, Menzi!"

Menzi shook his head in disappointment. "Mama…Siza and I broke up and…"

"And, and what happened? What made you break up?"

"Mom, she caught me cheating with Lelo, and..."

"What! What did you just say?" Doctor Gama shrieked, as she placed both her hands over her face to cover it, startled by what Menzi had just said.

Menzi took a deep breath. "Mama… Lelo is pregnant with my child."

Doctor Gama stared at Menzi humourlessly and slapped him. "You witless boy, you're slowly turning into your father…You're so foolish, get out of my sight, you make me sick!"

"Ma, I'm sorry, but we have this under control," explained Menzi, trying to convince his mother not to do something drastic.

Doctor Gama chortled. "Oh, Menzi, you have what under control?"

"Lelo and I, she…she…she is now engaged to Pule, and we decided that we'll let Pule be the father."

Doctor Gama shook her head and closed her eyes. "Menzi, you're as foolish as your father, you are just like Cameron. He left me for a younger woman….Where is he now…That is still a mystery to me...but I tell you my son…you will lose your best friend for life if you don't let go of Lelo," warned Doctor Gama.

Menzi took a deep breath. "Mama, you are blowing this way out of proportion."

"That Lelo girl, is trouble…what have I told you to do all these years?"

"Mama, she's not that bad."

"That's not what I've asked you, I asked…what have I told you to do all these years?"

Menzi rubbed his forehead. "You have told me to get rid of the situation, and not manage it."

Doctor Gama shook her head. "And what have you done?"

Menzi frowned. "I have managed it."

Doctor Gama took a deep breath and clucked, as she left Menzi looking embarrassed in the living room. She walked passed Khosi, whom she found eavesdropping, and she shut her bedroom door.


Pule came back home very delighted to see Lelo. She had been on his mind, ever since she had told him about the pregnancy. He opened the door and found her cooking in the kitchen. Pule's favourite love song was playing in the background, and he placed the bunch of red roses on the kitchen counter and dropped the paper bags on the floor. He danced towards her and grasped both her hands, to slow dance with her. Lelo smiled as they kissed, hello.

"Lelo, you have made me the happiest man alive, I love you so much," professed Pule, kissing Lelo's belly.

Lelo smiled. "Oh! Baby! I'm so happy, I can't believe we're going to be parents." replied Lelo, kissing Pule's forehead.

"I think it's time you met my family, don't you think, babe?"

Lelo stared at him and tried to digest what he had just said, and she could see that he meant business. "I would love to baby, can't wait," replied Lelo, who was joyous and relieved that Pule had bought her story.

Pule released her from his embrace, and she strolled to the stove, laid the table, and dished up for her, and Pule. The fear she had earlier was gone. She was glad that she and Menzi had things under control. They sat facing each other at the kitchen table, and they enjoyed their dinner.

"I can't wait for you to meet my parents," uttered Pule. "I will make arrangements for us to go there over the weekend," added Pule, shoving a spoon of curried rice and beef strips into his mouth.

Lelo was confused. "Babe."

"Yes, my love."

"I thought you said your dad died years ago?"

Pule gazed at Lelo, as if she said had something wrong. "Yes, I did…why do you ask?"

Lelo shrugged. "Maybe I didn't hear you correctly, but you just said, you can't wait for me to meet your parents."

Pule shrugged. "Parent, parents, what does it matter, babe?"

Lelo heard her phone ringing loudly in the bedroom that she paused from eating, and scurried to the bathroom to answer it.

"Is this Lelo?" Doctor Gama enquired.

"Depends...who's asking?" replied Lelo.

"This is Doctor Gama, Menzi's mother…Is that you, Lelo?"

"Yes - yes - yes it is, Ma...This is a lovely surprise… How can, how are you?"

"Lelo, I need to see you tomorrow morning here in Hatfield, of course…Do you think you can come and see me?"

"May I ask why, Ma?"

"You are in no position to ask me why, young lady, and if you know what's good for you…you will get here pronto! You hear me?"

Lelo chortled. "Mrs Gama, I don't appreciate being commanded…I do not have to come running to you, the way Menzi does…you are not my mother!"

"You had better come to me, or I will make sure that your marriage to Pule is history…you hear me?"

"I suggest you make sure nothing happens between Pule and I, or Menzi will be mine for good," replied Lelo. "Let's not forget, I have him wrapped around my little finger, and I know he's so precious to you," she threatened.

"Don't underestimate me, little girl, I am more powerful than you think," declared Doctor Gama. "You don't want to be my enemy," she added.

Lelo chortled. "No, don't underestimate me, old woman! You don't want me to make your son's life a living hell!" Lelo threatened. "You know what I'm capable of…what time are we meeting tomorrow, and where?"

Doctor Gama chuckled. "Your threats mean nothing to me…Don't worry…I will go and see Pule at his office, Ta-ta!" concluded Doctor Gama, as she rudely hung up the phone in Lelo's ear.

"No! Ma, Mrs G…Hello!" panicked Lelo, pacing back and forth in the bathroom, frustrated that Doctor Gama was out to ruin her perfect plan, by telling Pule everything.

She quickly thought of a plan that might just save things. She trotted to the kitchen to inform Pule that she needed to go somewhere urgently. Pule was in a very good mood that night, he might just let her go, without asking too many questions.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost…what happened?" enquired the worried Pule.

"I need to rush somewhere, I will be back shortly," said Lelo, taking her car keys from the kitchen table

Pule frowned. "Rush where, Lelo…You are pregnant and you can't drive alone." "It's late in the evening," worried Pule, trying to convince her not to go.

"Oh! Please, babe, I drove alone to and from the doctor…Please understand…I need to go, see you later," replied Lelo, exiting the house and ignoring Pule's feelings.

She rushed to the car and drove out of their house. No one could tell Lelo anything when she was upset. Just like any other human being, she had the ability to block people from her mind that just talked for the sake of talking.


There was music playing in the car while Lelo drove to Hatfield. At that moment nothing mattered, not even her unborn child, but her relationship with Pule. She drove as fast as she could to Hatfield, and even though it was far, she was not bothered.

Lelo finally arrived at Doctor Gama's house. She parked by the gate, and inhaled deeply before she pressed the intercom at the gate.

"I can't believe I'm here again," exhaled Lelo, staring at Doctor Gama's home.

Lelo took a deep breath. "This brings bad memories," recollected Lelo.

She seemed upset, as she stood at the gate thinking twice, about pressing the intercom. Lelo was very frightened, but to get what she wanted, she needed to confront Menzi's mom. She was as fearful as an escaped prisoner, who had to return to prison. She took another deep breath, pressed the intercom button, and waited for the response.

"Gama Residents, may I help you?" greeted Doctor Gama.

"Hi, it's Lelo," replied Lelo.

"Lelo, what a lovely surprise, to what do I owe such pleasure?"

"Oh! Shut up, and open the gate," sassed Lelo.

Doctor Gama let Lelo wait at the gate longer than Lelo had expected. She pressed the remote after an hour, and Lelo drove in. She found Doctor Gama already waiting for her outside the house, and she refrained from getting out the car. She locked the car and pretended to sob while dialling Menzi's number.

"Hey babe, I just wanted to let you know that I'm at your mom's place. She demanded to see me," sobbed Lelo. "I don't know why you always bring me grief…Where are you?"

Menzi peeked through his bedroom window, to check if Lelo was telling the truth, and he spotted Lelo's car.

"Don't worry I'm here, I will come down shortly, she won't do anything to you," assured Menzi, making his way to the yard.

"Just get here!"

It seemed as though Lelo had just gained loads of her confidence back. She stepped out of the car, sporting a proud expression on her face. She stood face to face with Doctor Gama, ready to defend herself.

"Well, I'm here so, talk!" sassed Lelo.

Doctor Gama chuckled, shook her head, and stepped back from Lelo, to give her some space. "Slow down little girl, or else you will fall…I want you to break up with my son," commanded Doctor Gama.

Lelo chortled. "You never cease to amaze me... After all these years, you still despise me…You need to get used to me, Dudu," sassed Lelo.

Doctor Gama chuckled. "My…you're so confident…You know what you did with my husband, and I won't let you do it to my son too."

Menzi found Lelo and his mother still arguing. Lelo embraced Menzi and stared at Doctor Gama as if Menzi was her prize. Menzi bombarded his mother with questions regarding Lelo, asking why she had demanded that Lelo come there, and so forth. Lelo really enjoyed watching Menzi grill his mother.

"Babe, your mother asked me over, so as to try to persuade me to terminate the pregnancy," lied Lelo. "Babe, please hold me," sobbed Lelo, pretending to cry.

Menzi embraced Lelo, and looked at his mother in anger, "Mom, don't do this, I told you to leave Lelo alone…she's the mother of my first child!" he snapped.

Doctor Gama gazed at Lelo, as she continued to lie to Menzi about her. Lelo continued to lie, by telling Menzi that his mother had been calling and threatening her that evening before she came. Doctor Gama maintained her composure and tried hard not to lose her patience. She walked back into her house and left Menzi and Lelo standing there, while she helped herself to a glass of warm water, trying to gather her strength. She straightened herself out, before going back outside, to face them again.

Doctor Gama returned, feeling calm and in control. She wore a beam on her face, and stared at Lelo as if she was a welcomed guest. She caressed Lelo's shoulder.

"Menzi, I need to speak to Lelo alone, right now," pleaded Doctor Gama. "Please go back in the house…I will call you, as soon as I'm finished speaking to her," urged Doctor Gama.

"Mom, please be nice to her, this is the mother of my unborn child," pleaded Menzi, "Lelo, I will be in the kitchen, shout if you need me," added Menzi.

Lelo nodded as she watched Menzi ambling back into the house, allowing the two women to straighten things out with each other.

Doctor Gama shook her head in disbelief and smiled. "Wow! What a performance you put on there, Lelo! You haven't changed, after all these years…unbelievable."

"Change? And risk losing all this? Now, why would I want to do that, Dudu? You're a clever woman, yet you're not thinking with your smart little head." said Lelo, with a smirk. "The thing is, Dudu Gama, I have your son and your "ex" husband, right where I want them. They will always catch my bait, that you can bet your life on." sassed Lelo.

Doctor Gama slapped Lelo twice on both her cheeks, using both her hands. "Get off your high horse, little girl…I am warning you, Lelo, you don't know what I'm capable of," warned Doctor Gama, pointing at Lelo. "Menzi Junior is not Menzi Senior! You may have been able to take that man away from me - but this - this is my son, and you don't come at me that way," yelled Doctor Gama.

Lelo had tears rolling down her face. "Oh! Do you reckon? They are the same to me."

Doctor Gama smiled. "Don't push me, Lelo…I will kill for my son," warned Doctor Gama.

"Mrs Gama, no one threatens me like that, and gets away with it," cried Lelo. "I am the mother of Menzi's child, and you better get used to that!" shouted Lelo.

Doctor Gama chuckled. "I can just picture it…that sad day, when Menzi loses his firstborn, and comes to his mother for comfort." Doctor Gama gazed at Lelo. "Will he still regard you as the mother of his child then…I wonder!" retorted Doctor Gama.

Lelo shook her head. "No, you wouldn't, you wouldn't…Not my child," cried Lelo.

"I would, honey, I would...I will do anything for my family," declared Doctor Gama. "Leave my son alone, or I will make sure you lose yours too," threatened Doctor Gama. "Stick to your Pule, let your child be his, I don't care - just make sure that I never see your pretty little face here, ever again!" she added.

Lelo cried. "I'm not after your son…he is after me…keep him on a leash and you won't see this pretty face again…and stop calling me!" cried Lelo, as she turned away, and stepped into her car.

"And don't ever set foot in this yard again!" yelled Doctor Gama. "You're a disgrace," she concluded.

"I am not the problem here, you are, and Menzi's biggest problem, is having you as his damn mother," sassed Lelo.

She fired up the engine and drove to the gate. Doctor Gama pressed the remote, to open the gates for her, and closed them again, after Lelo drove out. It was almost midnight when Doctor Gama returned into the house. She strutted into her home, walked passed Menzi, smiled at him, and shut her bedroom door. She then unfolded her mauve linen sheets, slid into them and rested on her black leathered queen-size bed. Menzi went to check if Lelo was still outside, and was disappointed to find her gone. He strolled back into the house, headed straight into his bedroom, and slept.


Lelo parked on the side of the road and wept, she tried to relax, but her tears spilled heavily onto her face. She rested her forehead on the steering wheel. She was in no position to drive at that moment, even though the entry to the highway was two minutes away. She caressed her belly and nodded as if the foetus had spoken to her. She gathered her strength and drove home to Pule.


Lelo arrived at home; her eyes and face were red from crying. She parked the car in the garage, switched on the light, and gazed into the rear-view mirror. She fixed her makeup, sprayed her Hypnotic Poison perfume to ensure that Pule did not suspect a thing, stepped out of the car, and finally headed into the house.

She headed straight into their bathroom and took a long bath before he could even notice that she had been gone for some time. Pule strolled into their bedroom and noticed the lit bathroom. He opened the door and was pleased to find her there, bathing.

Pule kissed Lelo. "When did you get home?

Lelo smiled. "I've been relaxing for a while."

"Where did you go?" queried Pule, kissing her on the head.

Lelo smiled. "Pearl needed to see me, and we shared some sad, emotional memories…Let's go to bed, babe."

"I thought we'd cuddle and watch movies."

Lelo yawned. "How about we go to bed and make this a beautiful night…I promise tomorrow we'll do baby talk."

Pule handed her a bathrobe, and she rinsed the scum off the bathtub, after releasing the water from the tub. They exited the bathroom, went into their bedroom and they prepared to sleep. Pule headed to his bedroom door and pressed a button that switched off all the lights in the house, excluding that of his bedroom. He closed the door and went to bed. He sat next to Lelo and kissed her passionately.

Lelo was in no mood for lovemaking but to ensure what she wanted out of all this, she had to play the part. She climbed onto Pule's lap and they slowly made passionate love, until after midnight. Pule was gentle and slow towards Lelo since she told him about the pregnancy. He had his heir on his mind, while he cuddled Lelo. They relaxed inside the bed until they fell asleep.
