
My Oni System

“Why would I help someone who doesn’t even know my name?” Alex blade Humans kill over land and food, gods kill for entertainment and fulfillment, so why is it so bad when a demon kill a bloodline for disrespecting him? Alex blade was a sub captain of a gang and a deform human with pink skin full of untapped potential. only to have that potential snatched away when he was betrayed and kicked into a black portal that would kill any who enters it, but surprisingly he survived. angered and transformed, Alex dived heads first into his new world with one goal on his mind. Conquest…. While some demon live for blood blood while other live to torture humans, oni’s only life for themselves and rage. Oni are demon made of rage, only a hand full of demon could rival the power of a asura Oni. The harem is only two or three girls. -May Angle fall and Demons Rise- -Power to the strong, the ones who rules over the weak.-

DaoistDoom · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Where's the money?" Asked a young Pink skin teen as he stomp on the back of the crying, idiot.

"I don't have it!"

"What do you mean? I TOLD you to bring it today."

"But...But I don't get paid till tomorrow!" The teen cried out.

"Alex, I think we should hold back on the kid.." said a black hair teen as rub the back of his head.

Alex full of anger and rage picks the crying kid up by his neck. As Alex stared into the kid's eyes, the kid's body began to shake in fear as liquid began to leak from him.

"No fucking way! He Pissed himself! AHAH!" Laugh out Alex as he tosses the kid to the side. The kid rolled on the ground only to be stopped by the black hair kid. "Since you want to protect him, take him away and leave. Looking at him pisses me off." Said Alex as he spat on the ground.

The black hair kid began to drag the crying kid out of the room and whispered something in his ear.

"It's almost over.." the black hair kid whispered to The crying kid.

The crying kid just nodded his head as he wiped tears and snot from his face.

In a fit of rage, Alex kicked a chair across the room, hit the wall, and fell to pieces. "These animals…" said Alex as he clutches his head. Pain full his mind causing him to fall to his knees. "It's getting worse, I can't control it anymore…."

Alex is a young teen struggling with an unnamed disorder that turns his skin pink and increases his anger as he age. When he was five a robber broke into his orphanage and hold him and his caretaker at gunpoint. In pure rage, this little kid launches at the robber's teeth first. The robber was too slow to react and Alex was able to chew through the robber's neck before he could even realize it. Alex began to jump away with pure happiness but stop as a screamed echo through the room. His caretaker was now pointing the gun at him with a tear falling from her eyes. It turns out the orphanage he was staying at was a source for a gang that specialized in child kidnapping. She and the robbers were husband and wife. Without thinking twice Alex ran out of the room before the caretaker had the opportunity to shoot him, he dash out of the hall ignoring the kids and the other caretaker's words. After leaving that orphanage Alex hit a corner and began to clutch his stomach, a burning pain washed over him as his skin turned light pink. Alex began his life as a runaway living day by day until the age of 14, he was sleeping in a trash can when he overheard someone talking about a gang initiation. Since then he has been working his way up the ladder and day by day he grew closer to being a captain.

"Damn IT!" Yelled Alex as he punch a wall in his room. Alex was staying in an apartment near his gang headquarters, it wasn't anything too fancy but Alex loved the idea of having his place after living on the street for most of his life. As Alex jump on his bed the pain that he was feeling slowly faded away as he began to meditate.

"I work hard to get here and he thinks I don't see him trying to take my place.." Alex said as he walked over to his window. A car zoomed across the road as kids laughed and play. Since the age of 7, Alex knew he wasn't like the rest, he never felt attracted to anyone or felt sorry for the people he hurt. It was as if they weren't his equal, he hated going to school where the weak learn to survive. He hated it so much that he was forced out of pretty much every school he went to. The only school that accepted him was a military school that teaches people to fight against beasts and demons. Military schools were no joke, somehow the government let the military and gangs send their kids there to train and study, and almost every day there was a power struggle.

A humming woke Alex out of his daydream, it was his phone ringing and the person who was calling is someone he can't afford to push it the side.

"Yes sir." Said Alex as he answer his phone, sweat fell from his forehead as he began to panic. This man never called him, he didn't even know if he knew who he was.

"I need you to come to headquarters, I have a mission I want you on." Said the mysterious voice.

"Are you sure boss?" Alex asked as he hold himself back, if he even lost concentration for a second he could go on a rampage. The thought of working for someone pisses him off to no end, and now a bastard he doesn't even know wants to boss him around.

"I don't answer questions.." said The mysterious voice as he hang up his phone. Alex just stands there in awe at the disregard for his existence. No one and I means no more had ever gotten under Alex's skin like this before.

Blood began to leak from Alex's hand as he let off a sigh. Alex squeezed his hand so hard that he began to leak blood. Alex wall to his front door and threw a jacket over his shoulder. Alex gave his apartment one last look as he walked out of the door. He went on a mission before sometimes he had to steal some money or kidnap a policeman kid, but if this so-called boss wanted him to go on one he might have to finally kill someone. The thought of killing didn't bother Alex but the idea of betrayal and bait always flashes through his head as he went on a mission, this time wasn't any different.

"Here goes nothing.." said Alex as he walked toward his gang headquarters.