
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 21

"Don't be sad about it my little kitten." He said.

"But my father would have wanted me to take care if it."

"He would have, but mistakes are made."

"It wasn't my fault." She pointedly said not bothered.

"I know, it's entirely your fault." He held her face up to look at him.

"Your Majesty, do you not take anything seriously?"

"Yes I do but you my little kitten, is an exception." He answered before adding." Even though the book was destroyed by ink, I could see you wrote something down. Sometimes I can't seem this figure out." He looked at the book that was on the bed." Could you tell me about what was written down?" He asked.

"No. Your Highness ,I can't tell you."

He let go of her face."Why?' Came the single response.

She she folded her hands around her knee. "It's because I..." Her voice trailed off.

"Because you what?" He asked coldly. ". Because you don't trust me?" Her eyes were avoiding his. He sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"Reina." He called her name." Reina look at me." He ordered.

She slowly turned to face him." Reina, I would never hurt you , nothing in this world would make you hurt you. I don't want to touch you like all the other men, I want to touch your heart and your soul. I won't let anyone to hurt you." He wiped the tears that were in her eyes.

"And I can't see you hurting yourself like this I want to protect you , and I can't do it properly if you don't trust me." He wrapped his hands around her head and kissed her forehead." Now stop acting like a homeless kitten who has no one and tell me. "

She giggled. "OK." She said." But could we have lunch before we talk." She could hear her stomach growling.

It suddenly dawned upon that Reina had not eaten anything since this morning. He moved from the bed and held the rope before pulling it the. At once a maid rushed in.

"Milord." She bowed her head to Alex before turning to Reina. "Milady."

"I want lunch to be brought up to this room in five minutes." He ordered.

"Yes your Highness." She bowed and rushed out.

"Must you always be like that?"Reina asked.

"Like what?"

"Always commanding."

"Yes my kitten."

She looked at him."I have a name you know. It don't hurt if you if you say it."she stated.

"Fine ,then I'll give you another nickname."

She rolled her eyes." No my lord I don't want another nickname. "

"Fine then we'll stick with little kitten." He said.

"No, I don't want any nickname. Intact I would prefer if you called by my real name."

"Really? Am sorry to say that you can't make me change, as the saying goes old habitats never dies."

"You know it pays to treat others nicely and to also respect their wishes."

"I know that." He looked like a saint." And I completely respect your wishes ,but I won't talk about the nice part. And if I were you my sweet kitten I wouldn't mention the word nice again."

"You hate being nice?"

"I am not anywhere near that word. And just to satisfy your curiosity, being good to others even the Ines that are below you is stupid and it won't get you anywhere."

She shook her head. "That's not true."

The devilish glint appeared in his eyes." OK, let me ask you a question. Where have being nice got you too."


"Let me make it simple, you say it pays to be nice so my question for you today is where have it gotten you?"

"It has gotten me far."

He grinned." Really. But I heard from a little birdy that you have apart from me ,you have yet to have any other friends and lady Eliza seems to have it out for you. And you my sweet kitten is being bullied by the students. "

She was about to speak when the maid entered with a tray containing their food. Her mouth watered as she inhaled the sweet heavenly scent of roasted lamb.

After they had finished eating , the maid came and cleared the dishes.

Alex cleared his throat when the maid had gone. "Shall we continue from our former discussion ? Now that you have eaten. "

She took a deep breath and told him about what she had transpired in her dream.

"Do you think It was just a regular dream that means nothing?"

"We don't know for now. But we could find more about your dream."

"How?"she asked.

"We Still have two weeks before the school go on holiday."

"But by then I'll be going home for the holiday."

"I forgot to tell you, that because if what had happened last night between you and Adam, you'll have to come to the castle during the holiday to settle to matter."

"What if I refused?"she demanded.

"Then the matter would be taken to the headmistress, and it wouldn't end well for both parties."

"My father wouldn't allow for me to go to the castle for holiday."

"That have already been taken care of."

She looked at him surprised. "You told my father and he allowed it. How?"

"I am the future king of this kingdom. No one would dare defile me."

She grasped. "Did you threaten my father?"

He smiled." Such a caring kitten. Of course I threatened him,what would be the need having power when you can't use it to your benefit.

Benefit? He was all about benefit, she glared at him." Your bad and mean,and have no shame at all."

His handsome face lit up with amusement. "I thought I've made that clear to you my little kitten." He walked to where where she was sitting and stood in front o her. "I am not nice and I love being mean to people, they deserve it."He said sternly.