
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 19.

"She is not an ordinary human." She paused ,when Alex didn't speak continued. ". You see your Highness, every human there is a part of the brain where memories are kept, the place is like a long endless lobby with doors on the opposite sides. Each door contain a memory of the past."

"I don't see what that have to do, with the matter at hand." Alex interjected.

"My prince. Lady Reina wandered into that part of her mind. "said the vampiress.

"How does thus have to do with her not being human?" He looked at her sternly.

She gulped." Your Highness, a person cannot go there without meditation and it take time before you can enter. Lady Reina was summoned by someone., and humans do not have the ability to summon a person. And even if she was summoned, a human cannot enter. "

"So if a human cannot easily gain access to that part of the mind then who can?" He asked curtly.

"Demons, witches or vampires or any other creatures that am yet to know ." She responded .

"What class is Reina among?"

She looked down."I don't know your Highness." She said timidly.

"Don't be afraid Leticia. You didn't do anything wrong, yet." He said casually. "Who do you think summoned her?"

"Only a person that is close to her either a very close friend or family."she said.

"So how have this affected her?"

"Well you see your Highness, there are some memories which are kept secret for a reason. From her condition, I can see that she wasn't supposed to remember."

If he did not know Leticia well he would have thought that she was being unreasonable." And could you show me the what she remembered? "

She touched Reina's head , closing her eyes as if she was inside Reina's head. She pulled her hand back like something had stung her." No." She opened her eyes." I can't ,she won't let me." She looked at Reina who was sleeping peacefully ,she tlited her head to look at Alex." I can't gain access into her memory. It seems like she have blocked her mind,and no one can enter ,not even you your Majesty."

"Thank you for your assistance Leticia, that will be all." She got up from the bed and bowed her head. And left ,Alex leaving in the room with Reina.

Alex sat in the bed next to Reina. She looked at peace and he saw a face of innocence. She was young and innocent ,she was his Reina.

But with the recent revelation about her , he was getting more and more confused. She looked like every normal human.

She had left the academy last night and had gone into the forest and when he had questioned her about her behavior. She had bluntly refused of every going into the forest, he could tell if someone was lying and Reina didn't lie. He suddenly remembered she was writing something down when he had appeared into her room, he reached the table some part already stained with ink; he was relived when he saw that the book wasn't stained with ink.

Picking up the book that look like a diary he read the contents. He dropped the book on the table when he had finished reading, it all made sense now; he saw the ink bottle which was on the floor. He picked it to see it half filled he looked at the book in front of him, and poured the remaining content on the book he watched as the black liquid seeped to every part of the page that she had written her dream. In less than second the ink had already destroyed the book.

He had purposely put reina to sleep because she needed it. When he'd come to see her he could see that she was exhausted, she looked weak and had bags under her eyes, like she hadn't slept a wink. He now understood why she was exhausted, she was shocked because she found out the truth about her mother in a hard way.

Reina's mother was the one who summoned her, she wanted to talk to her. In what he understood in the book ,Reina did not know that the woman she believed was her mother was not her mother. Her real mother had called her and told her to find answers. And also the legendary wolf.

The grand high wolf was a myth ; and legend said that he only appeared to his own kind , the wolf had a way of showing itself and it came when you least expected. And when one sees the wolf ,he erase the memory of them ever meeting. That reminded him of the forest ;she had went there but had forgotten. And she even swear of never entering the forest last night,his eyes scanned the room until it came to Reina closest that was filled with her clothes , he saw the clothes she wore to the ball on the floor next to it. Stretching his hand the dress flew into his hand.

He examined the torn clothes, he examined the dress carefully spreading it out to see the it properly. His eyes wavered until he noticed a hair in the dress hand picking the hair; he examined it closely.

It had a green grey colour , he sniffed the hair and smoked to himself. The hair was not a human hair ,it was the hair of an animal, the rain had washed all the scent off Reina but it didn't affect the hair.

Alex quickly knew who owned the hair.

He smiled and turned to look at Reina "It seems like my little cat have had a meeting with the big bad wolf." One thing was clear to him , Reina's mother was a werewolf.