
My Old Life

This is a story about how I remembered my past life and here it is.

What's your name? Vanessa… Vanessa Clark. How old are you Vanessa? 37 years old. Vanessa can you tell me what happened that day? Um… I was supposed to meet a friend at her house and as I'm walking, my head starts to spin. Everything goes black and… I'm somewhere new. Where am I? I'm in a house, a-a small house. Hello? Nobody answers so I look around. As I am doing so I hear a noise in the room I had already checked. Hello? No one, but I felt like someone was watching me so I went in the bathroom and wash my face because I thought I was dreaming. When I looked in the mirror… I… looked… different. As my heart started to race, I left the bathroom in a hurry not knowing someone was by the door. As the mysterious person suffocated me, I struggled to get free. Then again black… I woke up in and was standing in the street and… black again. I was in pain and couldn't feel my legs. I had gotten hit by a truck and was rushed to the hospital. Everything felt… real. Thank you for telling me Vanessa.