
My Offers For You (Editing)

Sometimes, in life all you want is a happy ending! Xu Zhuya, a mother of two children always wanted a happy ending. But her past always followed her. From her past, it meant her ex-husband! Li Wei was the most hottest man of Country X and he was the ex-husband of Xu Zhuya. The time when they were married, he loved her but after separation, he loved her even more to an extent that he would do anything to just be with her. Wu Yanchen, Xu Zhuya's present husband. They met by chance and slowly progressed to love. However, their life was getting turned into rotten hell by Li Wei. However, Wu Yanchen took an oath to always protect Xu Zhuya even if it meant for him to sacrifice his life. What will happen to this love among a husband and wife when the wife's ex-husband returns? ..... Read the novel to find out! This is an Original novel made by me (Aadin). This is my first time writing a novel so please don't hesitate to comment on my mistakes or errors... Thank you for reading it! The story is completed but is being edited.

Aadin · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Her Broken Heart

The kiss was so intimate that at the end of it both Xu Zhuya and Li Wei were gasping for breath. He then smiled at her and asked her "Should I put this necklace on you?" She nodded and couldn't help but admire him putting the necklace on her.

She really loved it. She loved both things. The way his fingers slightly brushed her neck and the way the necklace looked so good on her. Xu Zhuya touched the necklace and remarked "It really is pretty." Li Wei looked at her through the mirror and gave a nod. He turned her around and again kissed her lips.

Today, he wasn't going to let go of her. Xu Zhuya encircled her arms around his neck and kissed him back. She liked the feeling of being kissed and also the feeling of kissing someone.

After breaking from the kiss, Li Wei held her in princess style and placed her on the bed. He got on top of her and continued kissing her. This time, he went inside her mouth and explored each and every corner of her. She felt so tasty and delicious that he just wanted to keep on eating her again again. They kissed each other for a multiple times.

Each time they would break their kiss, they would madly gasp for breath. Finally, Li Wei laid down beside her when he realized that he had been eating her lips for quite a long time. He pulled her towards him and their foreheads touched each other along with their nose.

With his hot breath on her face, he said "I Love You." She blushed more and more and hid her face in his chest. Seeing her reaction, a smile came upon his lips and he asked her with a pout "You won't reply me back?" Xu Zhuya was dumbfounded by his question and she dug her face more deeper.

After a few seconds, she replied in a slow voice "I love you, too!" Li Wei blushed as he heard her. That voice... he just wanted to nibble her and eat her all the way. But... he decided to wait for more and teased her again.

Li Wei: "Sorry. What? I didn't hear you."

Xu Zhuya: "I can't say it again."

Knowing that Li Wei was teasing her... Xu Zhuya also teased him. "Why?" Li Wei broke from the hug and pushed her a little so that he could see her face. Xu Zhuya smiled upon seeing his reaction and continued teasing him. "Cause Golden words are not repeated." Xu Zhuya replied and began to laugh.


As Li Wei heard her laugh, he also laughed and pulled her into a tight hug. He kissed her forehead and this time, he requested for her to say it. "Will you please say it once more? Please? This time, I will make sure to hear properly." He made a puppy face and Xu Zhuya nodded.

Just as she was about to open her mouth and say, she heard a knock on the door. She didn't wanted to go and when the knock became more loud, she got out of the bed and realized that she was thinking of her past. Her warm heart was broken again.

Xu Zhuya sighed and stood up. Her legs were a little numb because she had sat down for a long time. She opened the door and saw Li Wei standing. The rage grew more within her. Li Wei was waiting for her outside the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He smiled and walked inside holding the flowers in her hand.

"I missed you, sweety! How was your day?" He asked her and all Xu Zhuya did was ignore his question. He walked closer to her and asked "Ohh! Is my dear wife angry? Let me kiss her then..." He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her lips. Feeling his lips touch hers, Xu Zhuya remembered that this lips had also kissed someone else. She immediately struggled in his hold trying to let go from his grip. But the more she tried, the more his grip became strong. She pushed him but Li Wei didn't budge.

Finally, he let go of her and held her hand. He gave her the bouquet and said "I'm sorry! I couldn't come home early, I had some important work to attend so I couldn't come back soon. Sorry to keep you waiting, Xu Zhuya!"

Xu Zhuya realized the situation. It was already dawn. Her mind went back into the memories of last night and she couldn't help but think that he had gone to that woman's house. She felt that it was disgusting.

Xu Zhuya was broken from her thoughts when she heard him say "Can you take leave today?" She had a shocked expression on her face. Seeing the shocked look, he continued "I wanted to spend some time with you, It's been so long since we went to the bed together so... Please, can you take leave today?"

She wanted to say no but then she needed answers so that's why she replied "Okay, only for this time. Next time I won't take any."

Li Wei quickly nodded and said "Alright, then! I will take a quick shower and come."

He was so happy. He quickly let go of her and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She saw his back disappearing. Tears began to fall from her eyes. She couldn't take control of those tears and laid down on the bed. She just lay still in their bed in a curved position and kept on crying. She tried to stop her tears but they never stopped. As she heard the bathroom door open, she quickly wiped her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Li Wei came out of the bathroom with a towel clung to his lower waist. He was half naked. The droplets of water running down from his hair to his bare chest then to his abs and then disappearing to the V cut gave him a sexy look. He looked like a model. He was so attractive and charming.

He saw her sleeping and came near her. He observed her face for some time. Lying down beside her, he touched her cheeks and pushed the left strands of hair to the back of her ear. It felt good. It had been so long since he got to touch her face. He then traced her lips with his thumb. "So soft!"

All this time Xu Zhuya had maintained a straight face although deep inside, her heart was beating like anything. The scenes which she had witnessed at night made her stiff thus she had a straight poker face.

When she didn't respond to any of his touches, he kissed her. While he was kissing her, Xu Zhuya noticed something red on his neck. It was a kiss mark and she knew it cause she always used to get those marks whenever they went to bed. But for more than a week they hadn't slept together because their timings had changed. Thus she wanted to ask him about it.

She broke the kiss and asked "What's that on your neck?"

After hearing this question Li Wei's face became dark and he tried to maintain a smile on his face and said "Xu Zhuya... it's a hickey don't tell me you don't know what it is. C'mon you want me to..." He was immediately cut off when Xu Zhuya said

"I know it's a hickey but who gave it to you? As far as I remember, we haven't slept together for more than a week and besides today while coming from the hospital near your building I saw a man kissing a woman intimately. When I just took a closer look I noticed their clothing the woman was wearing a black top and a blue knee length skirt and as for the man he was wearing blue coat and a black pant, you were also wearing the same suit today.

Can it be a coincidence, Honey?" Xu Zhuya looked at him with fox like eyes. Anger was evident in them.