
My Not-So-Normal Days

"She's not a rich pompous youth! She is a petty thief!" Baara said shocked at the discovery. In this big city called Midian who would have thought that there are pickpockets dressed like wealthy youths to steal people's wallets?

Del17_writz · Urban
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13 Chs

(Chapter 5) The Party Starts.

Awkward silence ensues. After what seems like forever Waylen breaks the silence.

"Alright, I will be stepping out a bit"

"Why are you heading out? Ariel asked.

"I want to make a call, an urgent one" He replied as he walks briskly to the door.

"Huh, why can't you make the call in here?" Ariel asked again trying to understand her twin brother.

"He wants to tell Nate not to bring his new girlfriend because Eve is here". Freya said unapologetically as a matter of fact.

Waylen stops abruptly, "Umm Freya, that's not wh..."

"Isn't that the truth, or do you want to deny it?

Baara was confused as she looks at Eve to understand what was going on, she was completely lost.

Eve shrugs "I don't have a problem with anybody, He can bring anyone he wants to bring".

"Yeah, but I still want to go outside". Waylen said Awkwardly and left.

Eve walks out of the sitting room to the bedroom of the penthouse.

She lies on the white bed with her head deep inside a pillow. Soon after Baara comes in.

"Are you ok? She asks concerned.

"Yeah I am, just leave please," Eve says with a shakey voice.

'Alright,' Baara says as she sits beside the bed opposite Eve.

After a couple of minutes, Waylen enters the penthouse again but this time with two other people.

Nate and a beautiful lady who looks about the same age as Baara.

Nate unlike Waylen dressed in a typical rich kid fashion.

He had designer clothes, lots of gold jewelry, and chains on his wrists and neck. The girl beside him looked rather simple but beautiful with a short red gown and very long brown hair with light makeup.

"Hey, pretty what's your name?" Ariel asked smiling.

"I am Beryl, Nice to meet you," She said shyly.

"I am Ariel, that's Freya my best friend," She said as she pointed to Freya who is still busy with her phone.

Eve comes out to the sitting room with Baara by her side.

"Oh and that's Eve, Nate's ex-girlfriend and the other pretty girl is her friend Baara.

"Nice to meet you guys, I am Beryl," Beryl said as she looks at Eve awkwardly.

Eve smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you too" Baara replied.

"Uhh, can I talk to you outside Eve?" Nate asked.

"There is nothing to talk about" Eve answered back.

"Ohh ok, then why are you here?

"Not your business, or do I need your permission to come to the birthday party?"

Nate shrugs. Freya snickered.

Ariel gave her the "Really!!" look.

A few Awkward seconds later.

It's time, let's go, Freya said as she stands up from her seat.

"is it time yet? Ariel asked with a doubting look.

'Yes,' She replied as she puts her phone in her purse and walks to the door.

"Ok, let's move guys," Ariel said happily as she catwalks to the door.

Beryl walks out with Nate, and Waylen follows after.

"Let's go, the party is about to start". Eve says to Baara as she stands up from the cushion she was sitting on.

"Oh, ok but are you ok or do you want to go back home?" Baara asks concerned.

"Nah, I am fine". Eve said with a forced smile.

"If not we can go back"

"Nope, I am doing well, let's go and have fun".


The top restaurant has been redecorated and it now looks like a 'hall' with dining arrangements of four sets of big round tables and six gold seats around it. This restaurant in the hotel is private only for the V.I.Ps to party and dine in.

As Baara and Eve walk in they both take a glass of champagne from one of the waiters passing by.

"That's alcohol,"

"I know" Baara replied.

"I thought you don't drink".

"Well today is different and I just wanted to take one".

They strolled to a seat nearby and sat down.

Ariel and Freya, were talking to Geal, Rowan's childhood friend or more like a best friend. He just arrived.

"Oh, I didn't know that Rowan was going to make it this grand, he even invited my parents," Ariel said.

"Yeah, His parents are also attending, Is that Eve? He asked as she saw her.

"Oh yeah, she came with a friend". Freya said.

Geal walks past them to Eve's seat.


Eve turns her head to see a smiling Geal.

"Oh my, how are you? Eve asked with a smile on her face.

"I am ok, and you ?" He asked back.

"I am doing well, This is my friend, Her name is Baara".

"Nice to meet you Baara, I am Geal".

"Nn.....Nice to meet you too" Baara stammered shyly.

'Oh my God!!, He is beautiful' Baara thought to herself as she stared at him unknowingly making it obvious.

Eve clears her throat loudly to bring Baara out of her daydream to reality.

Geal smirks and leaves to go talk with Waylen and Nate who are sitting on the other side of

Baara and Eve.

"Oh My God!, was that too obvious?" Baara asked blushing from embarrassment.

"Yeah, a little bit" Eve replied giggling.

'Oh No' Baara said as she covers her face with her hands.

A few minutes later the place becomes lively as more people come in. Ariel's parents have arrived, and some other people too who are also familiar with Rowan have also arrived at the hall.

Rowan the birthday boy arrives and lastly his parents too.

The party was about to start so everyone gets to their seat and waiters stand at the back of the 'hall' ready for service.

Rowan's parents and Ariel parent's seat together at the forefront of the 'hall' in the round table.

Ariel and Freya join Baara and Eve at their table with another girl who comes off with an arrogant rich kid vibe.

Beryl sat with Nate and the other boys but feels uncomfortable seconds later and decided to seat with the girls. She seats close to Eve.

The other guests also sat down at the other round table.

And a few seconds later the party begins.