
My Not-So-Normal Days

"She's not a rich pompous youth! She is a petty thief!" Baara said shocked at the discovery. In this big city called Midian who would have thought that there are pickpockets dressed like wealthy youths to steal people's wallets?

Del17_writz · Urban
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13 Chs

"Chapter 11" Let's play a game.

The place became quiet as Ariel stared at her twin brother angrily.

"Where are the others?" Eve asked.

"They stepped outside for something".

Waylen answered completely ignoring his sister and walked out of the penthouse.

Rowan and Nate entered the penthouse a few seconds later,

"Why is everyone tense? Where is Finley?". Rowan asked looking around.

"She is in the pool". Daphne replied flatly staring at Rowan to see what his reaction will be.

Rowan sighed and walked into the bedroom.

A song started playing in the background from a small black speaker hanging on a small floating shelf.

"This is your favorite song, right Ariel?" Geal asked as he dances around Ariel trying to cheer her up in his shorts.

Eve giggles as she stared at Geal.

"Come on guys, let's dance and celebrate".

"Nope, let's play a game, I don't want to dance". Nate said.

"Yeah, because you are bad at dancing". Geal retorted.

"Whatever..... Eve, please come drink with me".

"Why should I?... I will drink with Baara". Eve replied walking to the dining table.

She picks up the wine bottle, it made a "GLOOP!" sound as it opens, and springs of red wine rushed out of the bottle.

Eve poured its contents into two wine glasses and walks back to Baara.

"Here you go...".

"Thanks". Baara said taking the wine glass from Eve.

"Let's dance!". Eve said


Eve and Baara joined Geal as they twirled their bodies in rhythm with the song.

Rowan went to the rooftop infinity swimming pool to see Finley after changing his clothes.

Daphne secretly followed behind Rowan to the rooftop, Ariel noticed it but couldn't care less, Daphne has always been like that towards Rowan even though he wasn't giving any sign that he isn't interested, that's if he cares, right now Freya is her main concern now as she has seemed moody since the argument with Finley.

Ariel turned to look at Freya.

Freya walked to the dining to take some food and drinks with her.

"They ruined your mood?". Nate asked Freya.

"What do you know?".

"I have always known!".

Freya rolled her eyes, "About what?".

"That you like, Rowan!".

"Oh, my goodness! What is it with you guys, first, it's Finley, now you."

Freya said as she picked up a dish.

"I am going to my room!".

"I will come with you". Nate said standing up.

"To do what? Nate look I don't want to be with anyone right now". Freya said.

"Where are you going?". Ariel asked.

"To my room".

"Why now? Is it because of Finley? You let that girl get to you?!".

"Ariel, please I want to be on my own, I don't want to talk".

"Fine, I will join you later". Ariel said.

Freya nodded and left.

Ariel shakes her head, it was rare for Freya to act like this, maybe what Finley said is true. She likes Rowan, but how? She showed no signs at all, and she never showed any interest in Rowan in any way apart from a casual friendship.

Baara and Eve stopped dancing a couple of seconds later, they sat on the couch still drinking the red wine.

Geal took Baara's hands, "Dance with me".

Baara was stunned as she wasn't expecting that. She turned to look at Eve who was drinking more wine and getting drunk on the couch.

"Okay". Baara said and got up.

Geal and Baara danced together for a few seconds.

"Hmm, I thought you were shy? You can dance well too". Geal commented.

"Well, yeah I am shy and I don't know how to dance, you must be joking". Baara replied.

Geal laughed.

"You are so blunt, I like it".

Nate turned the music off, " Where's Rowan? ".

He asked.

"He is on the rooftop pool with Finley". Ariel answered.

"Oh, well let's join them there, I am going to join them..., I will be back, I am going to change". Nate said and left the penthouse.

"Shi!, maybe we should go back there? ". Ariel asked Eve.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not?". Eve replied nonchalantly.

"Can you swim? ". Geal asked Baara

" No".

"Yeah, I was expecting that answer..., alright then let's just go up and play games".

"Oh, you can go first, I will join you later with Eve". Baara replied.

"Okay". Geal said shrugging.

Nate came back to the penthouse, dressed differently in comfy wear.

He took out some towels from the bathroom and put them around his shoulders.

Nate and Geal left the sitting room together.

Baara walked back to Eve and sat beside her on the couch. Eve used her shoulders to hit Baara playfully.

"Do you like him?". Eve asked smiling.

Baara just stared at Eve with a straight face.

Eve is drunk.

"You have had too much to drink, Eve". Baara replied.

"Since when have been friends with Eve?". Ariel asked suddenly.

Baara was surprised at the question but answered a few seconds later.

"I think since two years ago when I arrived in this city newly, although we haven't become 'friends' then until today".

"What! How will you stay with someone under the same roof for two years and not be friends with them?". Ariel asked surprised.

"Well umm. I don't make friends that easily, and also because I was working as a maid in one of those wealthy homes so I lived there until I resigned, so actually we weren't staying together inside the apartment that frequently until nine months ago when I started working as a geriatric nurse, I usually come back late in the evening and Eve also always comes back stressed from parties, we just didn't have time to be friends I would say". Baara explained.

"Hmm, interesting, how did you guys meet?". Ariel asked.

"Yeah, well after I arrived here, I was stranded with just a little amount of money on me, I was thinking of sleeping at a motel that night and then looking for a job the next day...".

"Oh, you didn't make any plans before coming to this city?". Ariel asked.