
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Going home

"Time travel is a thing I like and don't like at the same time." I opened my eyes finding myself in a library where I was before, "Looks like the clock I had while time traveling also disappeared."

I got up and walked up to administrator table to get my dorm keys, "At least time didn't pass much while I was away, but why did I die..." I scratched back of my head and sighed, "I shouldn't have, I am pretty strong, there's no way I can die so easily in this world."

'I am the fastest after all.' I came closer and arrived at administrator, I smiled at her and asked, "Hello, can I get my dorm keys please, I just got accepted here today."

She looked at me and her Akasha terminal became brighter for a second, she smiled back and gave me a key with lion keychain, "Have a nice day, Fuji, on the back of the key is location of where your dorms/house is located."

"I should say that your roommates are a real geniuses, so you should get along with them." I looked at the green/golden key with a lion keychain and flipped it. it looked almost the same but there was a engravement, "This isn't dorms... but a home?"

"I don't want to be lost again..." I looked at the keys and looked around where weren't many people, "What would Aizen do right now, hmm..."

I turned around and walked outside of Akademiya and sighed, "Let's see where those 'genius' monkeys live."

After a while I stopped near a house put inside a key and turned it, "Looks like I am at the right place." I opened the door and walked inside, "Anyone home?"

I walked around the house, it wasn't anything too fancy, just a small wooden house with a living room, kitchen, few more rooms and old unused room covered full in dust, "I guess this will be room in future"

All I heard was just silence and nothing more, "Looks like this home is mine for the time being." I lied down on sofa in living room and put pillow below my head

"I sure do live in peaceful times." I smiled and slowly were falling asleep while remembering past, "I wonder what should I do in future, I was always thinking about living just nothing more than a normal life..."

"But looks like future isn't sweet as I would wish for it to be." I sighed lightly, "Well, looks like I can't fool around anymore in future for some time..."

... three years ago

I sat down with Ayato down on grass near cliff behind Kamisato estate while looking at the dawn

"I love looking at dawn, It makes me appreciate the beauty of life." I smiled, "Knowing that it will be times full of darkness, yet my mind is at very peaceful state."

Ayato were looking at the sunset while clouds were colored in orange, "Now that you mention it, I think so too." He got up, "Let's go, I will walk with you till your home, I got some time."

He passed me down hand and I grabbed it while getting up, "I don't like saying thanks, but for some reason I wish to say it to you right now."

He asked, "And why's that?" we walked slowly towards Inazuma's city and I replied, "Just for everything, not only now, but in future too..."

"Thanks..." He looked at me and sighed, "You sound like some old man right now." I laughed a bit and didn't say anything

Once we almost arrived till my home I spoke, "There's one song I like, it fits perfectly right now, but sadly you won't be able to hear it." He looked at me and asked, "How is it called, and what do you mean by, I won't be able to hear it?"

"I heard it many times, it is very beautiful, it is called..." We stopped in front of my home and I waved at him while he walked away, "Get home safely, it is getting late."

Ayato waved back and shouted, "I will, have a good night." I smiled looking at him while seeing him quickly running home, "The song is called, going home..."

I opened doors and saw mom, "I'm home... mom."


I opened my eyes while seeing wooden ceiling covered in yellow/orange rays of light from dawn outside, 'Dawn again... huh.' I smiled a bit while closing my eyes a bit while feeling a blanket on myself

Hearing faint noises from side of the kitchen and listened to them. they both were roughly same age, but much more mature than mine, "It is my house, why does Akademiya counts it as a dormitory?"

"Maybe because you do nothing but read books all day that Akademiya thought only useful thing from you could be is your house!" Other voice replied and they continued fighting between each other

I laughed lightly to myself, 'They're funny, they sound like good friends.' I turned to side and tried to fall asleep again, 'Well, I hope classed tomorrow will be interesting, if not, then at least I will have books at library.'

'I plan to stay at Akademiya for full six years, so over those years to read all those books, I should read at least two or three books a day...' I thought while still hearing shouts of two not too far, 'Being Archon is sure easy, you can do nothing all day long... I wish I could become one someday...'

'What am I even thinking about...'


(Walking home - Shiro SAGISU)

Random quote of today: If you don't intend to fight, then why do that?