
My normal adventure in multiverse with book

LfiAlfana · Anime & Comics
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I am Yuki, I have black hair, amber orange eyes, a pretty normal student, except for the fact that my looks and grades are better than average and my height is 6 feet.

Everything went normal... until one day.

When I came home, on my bed was an old thick book, when I looked inside of it, starting from the first page there was written everything what I done in my life before.

At the end book's text was upside down, there was my name, age, race, skills, talents, and other things.

Reading this all my face covered in cold sweat and I became scared that someone could stalker me and I tried to burn this book, but it was useless, even after half hour in campfire it didn't even heat up.

I even tried to drown it and forget about it, but the when I was little far from it, the book fell from the sky on my head. Nobody sees the book as anything special and just ignores it, so it doesn't gives any problems.

When I tried it to disappear, surprisingly, it did. And when I asked where it is, it appeared.

And so, I lived all my life till I am 27 while ignoring the book, currently I am working in bar.

"Yuki, great work today, today is my day to clean so you can go home already."

"Okay, I'll head home then." I exited the bar, inhaled the fresh air and looked at night sky. "It's always night when I end working... but I like it"

I was walking down the street until I heard something, it was sound of gunshots.

"Stop right there! Don't let him go away with our things or I will make you all work in mines till your last days! If you see someone near, kill them too just in case, they can destroy our alibi." After shots I heard a group of people running down the streets after someone. "Yes boss!"

I hid behind wall, and prayed that they won't find me. After moment when I heard that the running stopped I came out and sighed, "Phew, they hopefully they didn't find me."

I felt something cold pressing against back of my head, "Or did we?"


A huge wave of pain went trough my body and everything became black, after second I opened my eyes and found myself in a room. It was something to apartment, but it had very old and fancy style.

"Huh, where am I?" On desk near my bed was book opened, it was middle of book -2nd Chapter, World of SPYxFAMILY-, Original role: Assassin; Acting role: Teacher for kids.

"SPYxFAMILY? isn't that anime I watched when I was teenager? It was so long ago since I watched it... but still, how did I survive? was it this book?"

I went to last page and looked there,

[Name: Yuki]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 20]

[Skills: {(new)Weapon mastery - able to use anything as weapon to defend and counterattack skillfully}, {Strange teacher - Able to easier learn, remember and teach others}]

[Trait: {(new)Another me, replace me - After death take place of yourself, but in parallel world who has book of reflection}]

[Book sections: {(new)Store - able to buy anything in store as long as you have what to sacrifice}]

"Wow, I only had Skill strange teacher in previous life, and I am younger for 7 years! My youth is still in me." Thinking how again he could catch girls, he saw a note.

{Job: Teach Anya till Eden academy's standart}

"To be honest... Sounds impossible, maybe previous me could do it, but why do I need to do it?" I sighed and shake my head side to side, "Well, even in my past life I was pretty good teacher, so it won't be that bad."

I took the note and went out the door looking where I need to go, "It should be... the next door?" I heard footsteps coming closer and I looked at its source, It was Loid Forger.

"Good day sir, then you won't reject the offer I gave you last time?" Last time? He must be talking about Anya... I think that it is pretty good chance for me to build connection with him, I don't know how long I will be in this world anyways.

"Yes, I won't reject it, I left the home already being ready to teach. I don't have anything to do in past days anyways, I will be only happy to teach someone."

"Thanks for that, I will be in debt for you sir." I laughed a bit, "There's no need for that."

Loid opened door and got greeted by Anya who ran to him, "Did you learnt well when I was away?" Anya got stunned for a moment and nodded, 'Seems like no, anyways, I can have finally some rest. I brought here her a teacher.'

Anya looked at me and I smiled at her, "Hello little one, my name is Yuki and I will be your teacher from today onwards, I will teach you today about math."

Hearing math she got somewhat sad, "Will it only be math? I don't like math...", Loid sighed placed his hat and jacket on rack and sat down on sofa "Anya, without math you can't do anything in your life, It's just necessary."

"Don't worry Sir, I have my own method, it will only take few minutes for her to learn math if I will succeed.", Loid looked surprised and asked, "Few minutes? Don't joke like that."

"Hahaha, you will see. Here, Instead of asking what she has difficulties with, I will ask Anya instead, what do you like the most?", I looked at Anya and heard, "Peanuts, Spy Wars, silenced pistols, bombs, castles, penguins, papa, an-"

I laughed, "That's enough, first thing you say, is the answer itself, now... what is 52,8 - 194,2?", Anya was a bit confused and didn't knew what to answer, until she heard answer from Loid's mind '-141,4'

"-141,4!", I nodded my head and smiled, "Now, I will ask what even for your papa will take some time, but this time, you will take not numbers but... peanuts instead!" What I said stunned Anya and Forger for a second, "Sir Yuki, even If it will be difficulty for me, why do you want know that from Anya?", I looked at him and nodded, "You will see"

"Anya, what is, 984102 peanuts plus 32987 peanuts divided by 398 peanuts?", Loid's eyes almost popped out hearing those numbers, "Excuse me sir Yuki, but Isn't that too much f-", before Loid could say his sentence Anya said, "2553,5 peanuts", Anya's words made Loid almost fall from sofa, "How?"

I thinked a bit, "Secret...?", 'Secret technique made only for Asians was successful!', 'I am genius after all'.

Anya even after minute questioned herself... how? 'I don't even know myself to be honest, but it's just power of Asian blood, Instead of peanuts I need to think about rice bowls and done.'

I stood up and stretched, "It was pretty nice today, it took only 10 minutes, anyways, have a good day sir." I left the apartment leaving Anya and Loid in confusion state, they both thought at the same time, 'What just happened'

"Hahaha, only if you would see their faces, that was so funny. I tried it for fun, but it was really successful, this strange Asian technique is always working."

I entered my apartment and jumped inside of my bed, burrying my head in pillow, "This was... fun..."
