
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Real or fake

His behavior came quickly, but the two girls noticed him immediately. Heidi smiled a little while placing her hand on her mouth. The same thing happened in the past as well.

While Luna sighed with utterance, "I knew it... Isn't there another word in your dictionary besides this? You really won't change until you see your coffin, huh?"

"No… no…" Rash hurried to deny it vehemently, shaking his head in all directions. He really wasn't intending to say that, and it was just a passing thought. He knows they had seen through him, "It is impossible to say this to a pretty lady like her. It is not possible at all. Even if you give me a hundred guts, I certainly wouldn't dare say that to her."

Heidi's face instantly turned red when she heard him saying "Pretty Lady", even though she knew that he only said so as a justification.

"But you said so to me. Without batting an eye. Though," said Luna dejected, caressing a strand of her golden hair.

That was two months ago on the college entrance exam, when she first met Rash.

Rash looked at her in suspicion and did not understand exactly what Luna was trying to say. Isn't this the first time we meet? What are you talking about?

Can't be possible... No, it's impossible... the heck...

The next moment he grabbed his head, unable to understand exactly what was going on? There are a lot of strange people appearing in front of him today? What happened?

Except for Peter... the class president, Davis, was not normal either. Now these two girls too.

Luna also did not understand what he was trying to do, however she did not receive any sign that he was pretending like the previous time. "I just wanted to know. Have you really forgotten everything that happened in the past? At least, can't you even remember Heidi? The two of you have been on great terms together."

During that period. Luna was a troublemaker like a wild horse, and she usually ends up quarreling with Rash because he is indifferent to so many things around him. Here Heidi comes to fix the situation every time that happens. And because of that, the boy Rash was getting along better with Heidi more, especially since she always brings him a lot of food at the time.

"Wait... Wait... Wait! My head is about to explode!" Rash raised his palm in the air to stop her, and he could no longer keep up with the girl, "What are you talking about all of a sudden? I really didn't understand. What do you mean that I forgot everything? Are you sure you're talking to the right person? Isn't this the first time we've met?''

At first, he thought they were doing this because he saw them in an embarrassed state. But Luna's words suddenly made him taken with an awful premonition.

"Brother Rash... you really remember nothing?" Even though Luna had already told her about it, Heidi was still flabbergasted and burst out.

"Hmm..." Rash nodded, shaking his head, while looking at the two girls as if he was seeing a ghost in front of him, "#é&@§ ... Just how did this brat know my name? Are they really what they are saying? "

Damn it.... This must be Peter's work.

Luna got impatient, clenched her palms, and felt as if their feelings had been betrayed. He was the main reason they had worked so hard throughout those years, to the point he made them perform that promise.

At that time, Rash was very far from them, and much stronger. Yet he never acted haughty about it at all.

Despite their high talent, they never stopped working and made more effort and time to rise in levels. Just to get closer to his level.

Even though she thinks it is still far from his level at present.

Seeing him deny knowing anything about them is like he never cared about what was going on in the past? Was everything just a lie?

She wanted to say something, except Rash stopped her, "Hold on... I need some time to think about the situation."

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to calm himself and stabilize his emotion.

This issue seems very complicated and not simple at all.

There is one person who can help him understand what is going on, 'Nightmare, what do you think? Was it Peter?'

Nightmare saw everything going on from the start and preferred to remain silent until Rash asked him. He put his hand under his chin for a moment, "What the two girls said was absolutely true. Actually, not just them, but there are many other things that you did in the past and you don't remember at all, whether it was Peter or other reasons. The issue is very complicated. Otherwise, why do you think everyone has so many misunderstandings about you?''

That's not all, Nightmare would not tell Rash much. Because those memories contain some sensitive and important things. Some of them have been caused by Nightmare personally.

'If... if what you say is true, does this mean that my past is faked?' Rash did not know how to describe the situation and felt that he had lost himself again. Nightmare's words scared him a little, it's like waking up from a long nightmare only to find yourself inside another nightmare.

He thought after he got the system Nightmare, things would be fine now. As long as he worked hard, events would change in the future, but what he saw and heard today made him doubt everything that is proceeding around him now.

Maybe all that has happened so far is some kind of hallucination? Or maybe I'm under a spell that is manipulating me all the time?

Who knows? I can expect anything.

Nightmare glanced at him with a strange expression. The truth, Rash's reaction is still very calm and under control. If the same thing had happened to someone else, he might have lost his temper in an instant, "Your condition was not completely bad at least, and we cannot say that all of your past you know so far is faked, because of the bad things that you went through, you could avoid things much worse."

"However, and let me emphasize this, there are things that happened in the past that you yourself chose to forget, and as long as you do not want to remember them yourself, there is no sense in telling you about them."

The last sentence was not very necessary, but Nightmare wanted to prepare him for the future. That is why he hadn't intended to tell him anything from the start.

Rash contemplated further and found it hard to understand everything in a short amount of time.

"So... what about Heidi's situation? Did you do it from the start for this reason?" At that point, Rash remembered his first missions, which made him connect the dots with each other. Maybe Nightmare was trying somehow to trigger his memories in that incident.

"No... of course not. It was a coincidence, and the actual goal was to eliminate the monster and its remnants as I told you in the past. So far, I think it is too early to face your past, because you are still weak and you need to work with focus to narrow the difference between you and your peers. Isn't your hostility with Steve the best proof of that?"

Rash nodded, 'You're right.' He can't deny Nightmare words, no matter what.

The two girls were still waiting for his response, making no move to disturb him, until his eyes slowly opened. He looked at the two girls again, with complicated expressions. How should I face them now?

Because he still does not know what exactly happened, this will be a real challenge.

In the past, he wasn't afraid to take the risks, but now suddenly he felt anxious suddenly. And this feeling is foreign to him.

After thinking a bit more, he considered it was better to avoid the issue for now. Rash nodded his head to both of them, then said, "Actually, this might sound a little unconnected, but because of an accident, I've lost my memories from the past, so I'm really sorry if I caused anything inappropriate for you both."

At least there's no way to figure it out, right?

"WHAT?" Poor girl Heidi put her hand on her mouth because this shocked her. After remembering the past, this is very likely to happen. And she felt sorry for him. She was not the only one who went through harsh conditions, he too.

"I'm sorry to hear this... This must be tough on you."

Woha ... Rash breathed comfortably upon the success of his plan. This girl once had really severe circumstances, yet she could still easily trust others. What a girl, "Sigh... Sometimes yeah. But I'm getting used to it lately. Don't worry." Rash said deplorably.

Suddenly the atmosphere turned gloomy in the room and the two silently stared at each other.

"Tsk... Tsk... After a long wait, is this only what crossed your mind?" Came Luna's voice, sarcastically.

"Sis Luna! What do you mean? Could he..." It was only now Heidi realized that he had deceived her.

"What else? He's lying, of course." She blurted out angrily. Even after giving him another chance, he still chose to lie to them, Yet what else can she do?

"Ha ...?!" Luna's confident words struck Rash, and he felt that he was being seen through again. Nevertheless, where the flaw happened, he is confident that he has controlled his emotions this time.

He gave a careful examination, then smiled slightly to Luna, "How do you know that?"

If what Nightmare said was correct and from what he understood from his conversation with the two young women, then at least what he brought up makes some sense.

Luna was tired of explaining it every time, "I've already told you this twice in the past two months, and here I am returning it for the third time. Right now, you won't be able to lie to me, no matter what."

Rash: "..."

"In fact, Sis Luna has a skill that enables her to recognize other's lie to her. So... Bro Rash, you will not be able to deceive her like you did in the past." Heidi explained to him what was going on. Even though she almost fell to him this time, at least they both know he's not doing it for ill intention.

"So… that's why. Hmmm... I understand now. What a skill! Hahaha" That gave him a real headache. Because in his position it would be hard to explain the situation, even impossible to mention that's it because of Peter. At least that's what he knows so far.

"Then let me change what I said. I really forgot everything that happened between us in the past and that's for sure." He thought about what he had to say, and as long as he realized that there is no point in lying, this is not a problem either. The expressions of the two girls have changed a little after hearing him, even though they knew that from the beginning, "Well, I lied about the incident, but this matter is out of my control too. To explain it simply. It's not because I wanted to forget the past, but because I was forced to forget it."

His words are easy to understand and very clear, but both of them failed to realize what was going on and felt there was more than what he said, especially Luna, as she knows that he is honest this time, this made her relax a little.

"What do you mean and why? And who forced you to do this?" If this is really the doing of a person, then this is a huge crime.

"Of course… I don't know the reasons either," Rash avoided answering and shook his head and tried to boost his spirits, "You said we met recently, and I believe you. However, I know who you are and I can remember all the events that happened to me during the past two months, but I cannot remember that we met at all. Do you understand? I cannot deny or prove anything going around me at all."

In this respect, he too was helpless. After he found out what was going on from Nightmare, he became like a stranger in the world. He can't understand how the surrounding people think of him now.

Throughout the years, he used to think he was innocent of others' accusations towards him and their false claims, and he was sure that he was right, but now, he has to think twice before claiming innocence.

"Does this mean... you forgot our meeting two months ago on the entrance exam day as well?" Luna asked with astonishment.

No wonder... no wonder he was acting so weirdly towards me and even changing direction and avoiding me all the time.

She could not even talk to him normally, even once.

At first Luna thought because they had been apart for so long, he was still not used to talking to her and his behavior was like what he had been in the past. After failing several times to understand what was going on with him, she stopped and realized that he had forgotten her completely. That is why she felt betrayed.

Because her friend Heidi has been working very hard in the past. The incident happened from over dosage. This mistake wasn't entirely due to Rash, but he is the one most responsible for getting them to try so hard, so forgetting them like this was unacceptable.

Right now, she knew it was Gallus monster who caused Heidi's misfortune.

"Entrance exam?! But I never did the entrance exam..." Rash stopped there and smiled sarcastically, so even the day of the exam has been wiped out completely from his memory.

Huh... really, what a mess.