
Nameless Gallus Monster

Knowing more about the target is the first step to being successful in eliminating it. And every time Rash discovers something new, this makes him more ready to take on the enemy. At least now he knows that if he loses the confrontation, he can choose to retreat to a safe distance. This is true as long as the information is reliable.

He took the broken chair with him this time in order to use it as a shield or weapon against any possible attack. The chair weighs approximately 3 kg, which makes it easy to use. Then he headed back to the first floor.

The moment he appeared below again, the feeling of being watched came back, but it was very strong this time. Predators trigger various warnings when entering their area or threatening their safety, and this looks similar. But what should he do to find the monster, as he is not an expert in the field and the skills he owns are still insufficient. This makes him think about the kind of skills that he will get in the future.

However, the attacker was not as patient as he was and the first attack came only moments later. Rash felt more comfortable in the direct confrontation as the game of cat and mouse with your life at stake keeps you stiff all the time. He went straight to the enemy but was startled to see, "A knife? ...a flying knife?"

The knife left no room for him to think and went straight towards his head. The place is not very bright, but the glow of the knife made him able to follow its path precisely and respond to the attack with the chair and send the knife away with one stroke. The appraisal skill, which was activated all the time, was sending information to him, but it was not very useful in this case, because the one who attacked him was just an ordinary knife.

<Kitchen knife> <Kitchen knife>

"heck..." The knife did not stop, but returned more quickly and Rash knew that this was not to his favor as long as he did not find the real controller, the battle was inevitably doomed. This time he did not attack the knife, but rather defended, leaving the knife to stab the chair with full force. Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed the knife by the handle. And breathed comfortably. But this time the fork surprised him instead.

It is clear that the skill of the monster is limited, so it can handle one object at a time. Rash moved away from the kitchen when he noticed a small plastic doll about 20 centimeters long on the floor near the stairs. That doll had never been there before, and when he came down from the second floor, he didn't see it. This means she came by herself. He changed direction and sprinted towards the doll, ignoring the fork coming toward him.

When he was steps away from the target, the fork lost its momentum and fell to the ground, and the doll stood on its feet and ran in the opposite direction. Rash stopped in astonishment and hilarity. Astonished at the fact that the monster that caused him all the troubles was a small doll and amused by its funny way of running. The doll was running with her feet turned back, her head did not stop rotating in all directions, the doll was not wearing any clothes and didn't have hands.

<Part of the Gallus monster>

This made him sure that what he saw was the real deal, but he did not understand yet what an incomplete part meant. Does this hint that it is not the only one? The doll moved quickly and entered a small hole under the stairs. The hole was because of the shattered floor there. Rash looked through it, but couldn't tell much further. He heard the constant crackle down below and his appraisal skill was constantly giving him messages.

<Nameless Gallus Monster ~ Level 5>

<HP: 380 ~ MP: 630>

Finally, he found the target. But he needs to enter from the outside through the door designated for the cellar if he wants to face the monster face to face. This will be his second time to confront the Gallus monster alone and this time he has to do so to complete the quest, but can he win the fight and the level of the monster is much higher than his level?

"Nightmare... Isn't there a big difference between our levels? Do you think I have a chance to kill it?" He could not help but think about it more.

"Of course, otherwise I would not have made the difficulty level medium. That monster is of normal rank and its strength is very weak compared to other monsters of the same level. With your skills having higher damage on the Gallus monsters, you have a higher chance than others to defeat it even ignoring the level difference between you." Nightmare felt that he had to explain more about the Gallus, as he had not told Rash anything about its characteristics before, he rather wanted him to learn them little by little through direct confrontations.

Regardless of what Nightmare said. Rash knows very well that his chances of winning are not that easy. The health level of the monster is very large compared to him, and assuming that he can inflict twenty damages each time, this means it needs over nineteen strikes to be able to defeat it. This is while making sure that he can avoid the attacks of the monster.

Rash was good from a young age in mathematics, and this enabled him to estimate the number of times needed to use each skill. Around 20 times for both attacking skills, 15 times for the skill hero's steps and the remaining five for the exceptional cases. This is easy for him as he engaged in a lot of battles in the past, and he knows what to do.

Nightmare never told him how to fight the monster and let him do whatever he wanted. He knew what was going on in Rash's head and kept watching him silently. But is it really this simple?

"To the battle." Rash shouted forcefully to raise his spirits and headed out of the window and turned around the house until he reached the cellar door. The door was not locked and there was a staircase leading down. It is good that the basement door was facing the sun, which makes its rays enter deep in the cellar when the door is fully opened.

The cellar from the inside is built in the same way as the house, to preserve the originality and general splendor of the mansion. There are lots of wooden cabinets lined up next to each other, possibly wine storage. The rest of the place was almost empty except for the Gallus monster, which seems to have taken refuge here.

These monsters are unpredictable, which is what Rash noticed since he set foot here. He thought he would get assail from the first moment. However, it didn't happen. Rash, who was preparing to attack from the start, stopped at the sight of the monster in full.

It was a young human girl, about seven years old, with scattered and messy brown hair covering her entire face. There was no piece of clothing on her, and her little body was full of dirt. There was a snake wrapped around her small body. She was lying on her back, and she paid no attention to Rash. Rash noticed that there was a hole in the girl's stomach, in that hole he found the plastic doll that had attacked him before.

He froze in place, and for some time he did not know what to do. He was not ready for this. Facing a monster is not the same as facing a young girl. "Nightmare... what exactly is this?"

"It is the truth that you have to face. Gallus monsters can merge and control everything linked to it for a period of time. The monster in front of you is formed by the fusion of three beings. The doll is the first part and seems to be the principal cause of all the problems that befell the Brandt family. The girl is the second, she was a victim of the removal of organs, and after she was killed, it is likely that she was buried somewhere in the garden, according to the extent of her decomposition, it is likely that the Gallus monster merged with her only several days after the accident. As for the snake, most likely, it entered here and was captured by the monster before being merged with the rest." Nightmare explained what happened, as if he had witnessed each step from the first day.

"As you notice, if you cannot eliminate this monster, you will be its next victim. Hohhot" He also did not forget to tease Rash more.

"You too." Rash responded calmly, then breathed deeply, "What a poor child, even after death she did not get the rest she deserved in this cruel world."

"Yes, it is. But it is not the only one either. Humans are crueller than you can imagine. What you have experienced in your life is just the tip of the iceberg."

"But you are still working to protect them." Rash could not imagine hearing these words from Nightmare. Who only wanted to make him the hero who protected humanity? How is this possible?

"I am realistic about things, and I know a lot of factors you do not know. Eliminating Gallus is our mission, and doing this will protect humanity. Note what happened to the girl and how things turned in this house and with that who caused all this, it is a tiny monster. It does not even qualify to have a name of its own."

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