
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


Rash looked at her, knowing that she was in it. And it does not intend to do well.

Before she said a word, Rash spoke without changing his position, "Oh... I am very lucky today... not only that I have a new home... there is also a beautiful girl standing at my head... Isn't that cool ..."

Angela felt disgusted. How could anyone reach this level of lowliness?

"Stand upright when you talk to me… learn some morals." She gave him a command and waited while her arms crossed to her chest. Yet Rash just stared at her and never changed his position. He was thinking about the quest instead.

Should the task be in continuous time?

Angela got impatient when she saw the lack of action. Why should I struggle with such a person?

She raised her hand, then unleashed her energies. In an instant, Rash was standing on his feet.

'Heck ... telekinesis.' Rash cursed and promptly examined the progress of the mission. It didn't surprised him that Angela had telekinesis, not only that, he knew from the very first moment that she was a powerful ability user. Even stronger than the shark from the river. Although his appraisal skill did not give him her exact level, he knows that it is above level 25.

When he found that the time had counted, he breathed comfortably. His hands were a little numb, though.

Rash managed himself and looked at Angela with little interest in his eyes, "Using your powers against ordinary humans is against the laws. Do you want anything?"

"I am here to warn you..." She did not comment on what he said and saw that it was beneath her to care about his nonsense, and there was no point in wasting all her energy on these things, "I gathered some information about you in the past few days, and I know that you have a terrible reputation. Theft, harassment, bad manners, corruption... In short, you are a bad person. You saved my mother and brother, so I will overlook your past. But from today onwards you have to follow the conditions I will name."

She couldn't kick him out as long as her mother allowed him to stay here, so she came up with this plan. Forcing him to follow hard conditions will make him think of leaving by himself. In the end, a bad guy like him will just try to use her mother's kindness against her, and she will do everything she can to prevent it.

Rash didn't find it strange. His reputation is awful and there are some things he has already done, like stealing food sometimes. However, many of those things are fabricated and some of them are exaggerated. In the past, he used to deny all these false accusations, yet he is no longer interested in stopping them today.

"First: You have to stay away from my little brother. Second: I warn you against doing anything bad that may harm the family's reputation. If I see or hear anything about that, I will be the first to stop you. Third: My mother is a red line, cross it and I will kill you, and I mean that literally."

'Even I cannot kill myself, let alone you,' Rash smiled slightly upon hearing the last sentence. This smile made Angela boil in anger, and she felt as if she wanted to pull his eye out of its place. She tightly clenched her fists.

"Fourth..." She took a deep breath, "What happens in the house stays here, we do not allow you to bring your friends either, and you must respect the laws laid down here."

"Just that?" Rash asked after Angela stopped speaking.

At that moment, when he realized this was the case, he almost fell to the ground laughing. Angela seems to be a really naive girl. If he were in her place, he wouldn't have made things so simple.

Angela felt a little humiliated. She thought she could make things difficult for him, yet here he doesn't seem affected at all. She thought about adding other things as well, but what would make him upset, not as if she knew his interests.

"Well, these are all easy conditions for me, but I don't want to do it." With a straight face, Rash said, indifferent to the girl's expressions that turned into wrath, "I am not the one who wanted to come here from the start, and that was Mrs. Irina's decision without going back to me in the first place. Mrs. Irina told me to act as I like in this place, so if I wanted to choose between you two, I would, of course, choose her decisions. "

Not only that, even if Rash agreed to her orders now, who can guarantee that she won't do anything else in the future. He has experience with this kind of thing. It starts little by little until it becomes harassment and eventually bullying. In his middle school, he had a problem like this before.

"If you don't like it, you can tell your mother that... and if you want something from me, you must learn the request respectfully before everything, and then wait for my approval." He added, and is very attentive to any behavior that Angela may take against him in a state of anger, "I know my place in the house and I did not intend from the beginning to cause any problem but your actions might make things different."

"Are you threatening me?" At that moment, the girl sensed a threat. Not afraid of him, as the difference between them is very great. The problem is that her mother trusts him so much and makes him act freely, and she thinks this is hasty.

There is something else bothering her, and maybe the hardest as well.

Despite her fifteen years in this house among her parents, she cannot pull the idea that she is an adopted child from her head. When she found out, it made her feel lost, still she couldn't bring herself to ask them about it, especially her mother. How can she do that?

Seeing Rash at the house made her think Irina wanted to adopt him as well, and she didn't want to be on equal footing with a stranger. And after going through many hardships to accept the situation. How can she tolerate being in the same situation with this rowdy boy?

"I threatened you? ... No. The threat is usually from the strong and powerful person to the weaker and helpless one. It is clear I am in the weakest link here, so your claim is baseless." Rash shrugged, then said, "But let's make a deal."

Although Mrs. Irina brought him here and promised to take care of him, it seems the master also wants to do so. However, he knows that they take great care of their daughter, and this will complicate matters in the future if he does not find a solution to the issue.

At the present time, Angela is still trying to solve the matter peacefully, but who can guarantee what she will do in the coming days, and perhaps she may resort to threatening her parents if she does not find a solution to it.

Thinking this way is easy in his eyes. And maybe because the girl is still a little gullible, she didn't start such a resort.

Angela was caught unprepared. She came in an attempt to set and define conditions from now on, but the unwelcome person here throws his conditions on her?

"Before you refuse, you can just hear from me, I don't think that's much. Right?" Rash added that when he saw her hesitating between herself and her heart. This is a good sign to him, because if she was very intent on harassing him, she would not be interested in any agreement, no matter what happened.

"Okay... speak up." In the end, she nodded towards him, still standing in the same place, not taking a single step at all.

Rash sat on the floor, cross-legged. Now is the time to solve this insignificant problem, and maybe he will be able to take advantage of the girl. He smiled mischievously, "We both didn't know each other before and there was no animosity between us. Not only that, I'm considered the savior who sacrificed himself to protect your mother and brother, then this means I owe you a lot, right?"

The girl nodded in the affirmative. This is not a secret anyway, and said, "However, I don't think it is possible for us to bring anyone to our house and let him live here just for this. If this is the case, does that mean that every hero who has protected a person will have to live with him in the future?" It's not as if what Rash did was something new, and a lot of today's heroes are making a lot of unique achievements.

Of course, Rash is just a regular guy who protected her mother and brother, that's the only difference.

"Yes... You're right." Rash responded, "But what if that isn't all to it? And your mom is up to something else?"

Hearing this sentence made Angela's heart beat faster, and she panicked. The adoptive matter agitated her from the start, and if what Rash wanted to say was the same thing, she didn't know what to do.

Rash noticed her anxiety and the change of color of her face, and realized what the girl was thinking, "But you don't have to worry about me." He reassured her.

Like seeing the light after the dark, the words gave her some hope, "What do you mean by your words? I don't understand what you are trying to reach." He tells her some bad things yet asks not to worry.

"Well... what if I told you I didn't have much time left to live, at least a year, and even three years at most? Do you think that would make things a little different?" Sometimes, when the enemy is powerful and the solutions run out, to get a satisfactory result you have to change the strategy. As long as he can prove that he does not pose any future threat to the girl, she will not think about opposing him anymore.

"What...." She asked with agitation, and she never thought the situation would go down this path. Some thoughts swirled in her head in an instant, "Don't tell me it's because...."

"Right, it is because of the monster that attacked your mother... Although I look normal at this moment, I heard the doctor talking about my condition with your mother. Think about it. How will your mother feel after knowing the truth? Do you think it will satisfy her with returning the debt normally?" Rash spoke slowly, with a little sadness in his tone.

The girl lost the words to describe the situation and Rash did not leave her to think too much, "I know that your mother feels bad about it, and I understand the reason for that... Of course what I did was my decision alone, and she does not have to feel guilty towards me and I do not hate her. On the contrary, I'm grateful for what she's done so far..."

"You do not want me to stay here and this may make things difficult in your family... In fact, I am also not used to others, and I did not want to stay here at first... But as long as your mother insisted, and I have little to live, I just agreed with her decision.''

Angela remained silent for some time. The fierce gazes she had and the arrogance in her tone completely changed, as if she was not the same person. She even turned her eyes down as if she felt guilty for her actions towards him.

Rash sighed in himself, and he knew the idea had taken effect on the girl. However, this did not end. He had to make sure that Angela did not ask anyone about the matter, "Your mother hid it from me and ordered the doctor to hide it. Even if you asked her, she would deny the truth. Because I heard the issue by chance, I know I have little time. Maybe you cannot completely trust my words, but why not give it some space to think about the issue and see what happens, this isn't much, right?"

Rash took a deep breath, as if trying to change the gloomy atmosphere. Then he smiled spontaneously, even though his smile looked awful, "Oh... I talked a lot this time... I didn't want to tell you the secret at first, but I think it would be good for you to know about it; as long as this makes things calm down between us."

Angela remained in a state of utter silence for a long time, and every time she tried to say something, the words did not come out from between her lips.

In the end, she just left the gym and left him there by himself, not knowing what she was thinking.

"What a naive girl." Rash only found this expression to describe her, yet he knows things will turn worse if she discovers the lie, "Nightmare, how long will it take me until I can face her in fight?"

"This is a hard question, even for me to answer. Circumstances control a lot of things, plus the girl is working hard as well."

"Uh... huh... what a mess... that means I need to think of another solution before that time... I just hope she didn't discover the lie quickly."

He can't help but worry about the consequences. Perhaps Angela did not act violently towards him and was receptive to ​​the debate, but who knows what will happen in the future.