
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Dark Shark

Rash looked at John from top to bottom. Meanwhile, he made sure not to let him come too close.

Standing tall and lightly built with tan skin, John has a weak-willed feel about him.

He has a triangular face, a small nose, and full lips. His black eyes are triangular and he has thin eyebrows. He has very short and straight, black hair that is thinning.

He wears masculine clothes. Tracksuits that belong to Highland College. It's green with two white lines on the right side.

How could Rash not know about these clothes? He's also a student at Highland College, although he doesn't have tracksuits of his own.

John's words annoyed him, it seems that it will cause him a minor problem to pass. He faked a few more steps back, "It's very early to call me dangerous and attacking me, don't you think you hastened your judgment? The AD said nothing about being a criminal or something like that..." He contended back, as he concluded.

John appeared as though he had noted this just now. What made him frown, but he regained his smile a moment later, "If that was the case, then why did you run away? Is this not evidence that suggests you did something and are trying to avoid the police?"

Perhaps he meant nothing special in his words, but he made Rash sweat in place when remembering the last night incident. Rash waved his hand, denying his connection to anything "You're wrong, I was not running away. I just wanted to swim a little in the river, that's all."

"Hehehe... Swimming in this cold weather at this early hour? Didn't find a better lie?" John laughed sardonically.

"Huh…" Rash sighed, it looks like this guy doesn't want to leave him alone, he doesn't have time for such an idiot. He observed again the edge, It's so close and all he needs is a few extra steps: "Listen, John. You're stuffing your nose into something doesn't concern you. Let me warn you, you may cause yourself a lot of trouble. In the first place, why are you so interested in arresting me, anyway?" If he fails to frighten the guy, he must take action.

"Hey, how did you know my name?" It surprised John to hear his name coming from the boy's mouth. He examined him several times, but it did not seem that he knew the fellow.

"Because we are from the same college and I have seen you there before. This is also evidence that I am not a suspicious or dangerous person and the entire issue is a misunderstanding, nothing more." Rash was really hoping that the situation was not what he thought and there was a major misunderstanding, but he did not want to take the risk before making sure. However, his words didn't reach the guy standing in front of him, as he was determined to hand him over to the police.

"To tell you the truth, I am seriously ill and I have little left to live, so I decided to spend the last days of my life doing what I want with no one monitoring. Is this really too much to ask?" This was his last plan. If it did not work, he would force his way.

Only this time the boy hesitated for some time, as if he conflicted with himself. Should he let him or not?

'Did he believe it?' Rash found it a little funny. On the other hand, he didn't have much time, because he saw some people approaching from afar.

He narrowed his eyes devilishly, while John was not paying attention, and quickly alerted him, "Uh… be careful… behind you…" in an attempt to warn him.

John smiled and ignored his words, "an old trick.... Argh." Before he stopped talking, "thump", the stone hit his head from behind, causing him to lose his balance a little. Rash used the situation to speed up towards the edge and jump over it into the river.

Telekinesis and Rash's skills didn't need to gather energy somewhere and convert it like John did with the fireball. So he could deceive the boy and hit him with a stone without even realizing it.

John quickly regained his balance. Indeed, the blow was not strong, anyway. When he saw Rash on his way to jump, the expressions on his face changed. That made him follow quickly towards the young man to arrest him, but he was late, as Rush had already jumped and there was nothing but a river waiting for him. John did not want to waste his prize, which made him run all this distance, and jumped behind, grabbing Rash by the end of his clothes in one hand and clinging to the edge with his other hand.

Rash is not heavy in the first place and for a person of John's level he can hold him with one hand with little effort. Except that he was in a hurry and couldn't stabilize himself well.

At that moment, Rash turned around in the air with the help of the momentum of his stuck clothes, and put his foot on the edge and pushed himself hard, pulling John with him, "You damn boy. If you want to swim too, come with me then."

The poor lad was jogging in the morning as usual. When he spotted the ad's boy. He thought it might be a jackpot by catching him. As long as the guy is his age and does not seem to be an ability user it will be an effortless task for him. Alas, he paid the price for his recklessness, and both fell from the edge. Rash was laughing hysterically over what happened to John.

* Blob * blob

The first sensing Rash experienced when he plunged into the river, "Oooch… freezing…" He didn't open his eyes until he realized that he had finally settled down, once he began swimming toward the other ledge. Indifferent to what was going on with John.

The width of the river was not small and the other ledge was a little further away, however he was ready to take on the challenge. Unfortunately, John caught up with him and took hold of his foot again, causing Rash to curse badly.

"Damn you... How much persistence, ... What exactly do you want to leave me alone?"

John was so angry, because he had fallen into the river. Which made him more determined to arrest Rash. While the water was preventing him from speaking smoothly, he shouted a threat, "Just come with me quietly.... As you can see, I am an ability user and this is my last warning.... If you don't want to listen, I will have to use force."

Rash saw John's stormy expression, knowing that he would not be a match for him in a direct confrontation. He stopped resisting, yet he used telekinesis and impeded Jun's feet in the water, causing the latter to struggle to stay afloat and keep the suspect with him.

The distance was probably less than fifty meters to the river's edge. As Rash was trying to get away from John, suddenly he noticed something coming towards them with high speed, "What bad luck..."

John heard the words to respond serenely, "Maybe bad luck for you... yet for me it would be otherwise." He was happy. Perhaps this process enabled him to get something valuable, which may help to raise his level. Although the college provides them with a lot of support, there are always priorities and good things stand for the most talented people. Because his talent was average, the materials and skills he received were not the best. So this will be his chance, and he didn't want to waste it.

"Stop daydreaming, boy. And look behind."

"What ..." John turned around to find a flipper approaching quickly. It made him stutter around, "S... S... Shark?"

"Are you stupid? Sharks don't swim in rivers, It's a monster." Rash gave him a knockout, to make John's face whiten with dread, and even his feet stopped paddling. The fear made him unable to move.

For Rash, it is the third time he encountered a Gallus monster, so he was more steadfast than John and his feelings were concealed. In fact, his heart was throbbing too. The beast this time seemed outrageous, and facing him in the water was suicide.

<Name: Dark Shark ~ Level 25>

"Hahaha ... a Gallus shark that seems to be of a high level. Did you see it? Because of your recklessness, we are stuck now." Rash was laughing headlong at the situation. Maybe the cells in his brain were also disrupted by the cold water, or he didn't really care. His indifferent style provoked John, and the words agitated him. He wished to punch Rash to death, "That was your mistake from the start and now you're blaming me?" At that moment, he had completely forgotten that he was the reason Rash jumped in the first place.

Despite John's high level, in fact he had never encountered an actual monster before, and this confused him and got to his agitation. He struggled to calm, and whispered to his artificial intelligence in the form of a strap on his hand, "Any information about the enemy?"

The information comes from a global database and all the artificial intelligence devices are connected to it remotely. Since it is not possible to count Gallus monsters in one column, identifying their features and levels is very difficult. Therefore, the database and artificial intelligence capabilities give information close to levels according to the cases that were previously entered.

The information John got was the same as that displayed by Rash's appraisal skill, causing him to stiffen in place. His skills are mostly fiery and not good under the water, plus the monster is of a higher level than him, "Search for any help available in the vicinity," he ordered the artificial intelligence to request support, and he could only hope that someone would arrive quickly and rescue them.

At the top of the bridge, many passers-by gathered and watched everything that was happening from the top. Their shouts and screams were very clear, even in the river below.

"Help… Huh…" Rash sighed in melancholy upon hearing it. He did not think of fleeing because he knew their chance was impossible, instead he was waiting for the shark to approach and try to confront him himself. He is not like others who seek help from the very first moment they feel helpless. His life was always like this. Even if he wanted help from someone, he would not get it. So he no longer cares to seek help from others.

When he left the gang's house last night he had left all their things there and only took the safe. Or this is what he thought at first. When he fell asleep at the station, he realized that he had forgotten Domi's knife in his back pocket, because he was in a hurry. He thought about getting rid of it in the morning, but events followed.

Rash was grateful that he did not throw the knife elsewhere, and it might help him in some way.

Sharks usually attack from below, and this Gallus monster also inherited its nature. Although it was only ten meters away, Rash shouted to John after he clutched the knife, "I will distract him, and you attack from the side." He held his breath and dived into the river to face the shark head on.

He was not full of self-confidence, but this is the only option available. Rash's skills in the original are still weak enough to cause harm to a monster of this level, but the situation is different to John's skills. He may be able to harm the target in some way.

At shark level, he could see the monster completely. It looks exactly like a regular shark and is about five meters long, with dark night color skin and dead eyes. Its side fins are the only thing that appears different from sharks, like sharp swords that give it more fluid in the water.

When the shark spotted its prey, it swam directly towards Rash as if a magnet was attracting it, not bothering John at all.

About five meters, it opened its mouth to reveal four rows of cutting teeth that would easily cut the flesh and crush the bone. Then it moved its tail and fired a water wave full of energy towards Rash with significant force and high speed. Water pressure prevented Rash from dodging the blast in time, and he received the attack head on.

<You have suffered 103 damage due to the violent wave>