
My Nightingale

The kingdom of Aufri has taken great damage after a ferocious battle against demons in the battle of Persia. They had no choice but to accept an alliance. Gnox, prince of Aufri married Syfynn, the princess of gale to form an alliance. She was full of mystery. As they began working together, more secrets of their world began unfold. Will they be able to put a stop to the demons that are constantly threatening their livelihoods?

Gorgo · Fantasy
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CHAPTER Three: His smile

Syfyn opened her eyes to an empty bed. Gnox was nowhere to be found. The windows were open, sunlight filled half of the room. She didn't know what exactly to do, she was no longer in Gale. She sat on the bed waiting for someone to come get her. She stared at the door waiting.

There was soon a knock at the door.

"You highness, may I come in to dress you?" A voice called out to her.

She realized that she had a big day in front of her. She had to prepare to greet the people of Aufri.

"Yes, do come in." She replied back.

The maid came in with three dresses, she was struggling to keep them all in her arms. Syfyn quickly ran to help her.

" it's ok my lady" the maid suggested.

Noticing the genuine gestures of Syfyn she give in, "thank you your grace."

Syfyn give her a radiant smile which made her open her eyes wide. She was rather shocked by the princess. The princess was from a kingdom which was rumored to be full of savages with no manners. Gale was a kingdom that isolated itself from others, it was a shocking new when they lended a hand to Aufri. Rumors are almost always false though. A bath was prepared for Syfyn, she was used to mornings like this, the hospitality reminded her of gale she felt quite homesick just picturing everyone back home.

As she walked out a shy Gnox popped out extending his arms towards her.

She linked hers with his, "Did I make you wait for long?" She questioned him slightly embarrassed.

"Not at all," he responded back.

They had not known much about each other but felt comfortable with the presence of each other. They were indeed strangers. She still pondered about her fathers decision to marry her off to man outside of her kingdom.

He was always weary of people outside of gale, never letting them into Gale, he did use to accept an invitation from Aufri once. That was when Syfyn first met Gnox. She just thought of it as a way of him throwing her away.

Syfyn was the middle child of her five siblings. All of them were girls with an exception of her youngest brother Troy. Her father always made her play the role of a man in her family. She was the only one to go to war, the only one out of her sisters to have ever held a sword. Her father would never let her other sisters near a sword.

Her mother had always assured her that it was because she was special. She hoped that was the case.

Losing herself to her own thoughts, Syfyn didn't even realize the sight of a carriage in front of her. Gnox helped her get into it without any trouble. The two of them were alone once again. She stared out the windows trying to prevent them from meeting eyes.

Gnox could sense that Syfyn was uncomfortable, he couldn't dare to speak to her though. He didn't want to make things more awkward.

Shifting her eyes back at Gnox, Syfyn collected her thoughts deciding to take another try at piercing through the silence.

She cleared her throat in a calm manner asking him "Um…do you mind telling me which part of Aufri we're heading to?"

He quickly adjusted the way he sat, "oh yes, we are going towards the nearest town, Saphi."

"Aufri is the biggest kingdom, I'll only meet a small portion of the people," she uttered with a bright glow on her face.

Gnox couldn't look away from her, at that exact moment the sun shone on her face making her flinch. Gnox let out a gentle smile. While covering her face from the sun Syfyn was quick to notice a smile. It was a familiar smile, it was the smile from years ago that comforted her when she tripped and fall.

It was when her father first accepted an invitation from an outside kingdom. There was a meeting between all the rulers of the 7 kingdoms. Her father and mother who had accepted the invitation by Aufri threw them into a field full of other royals. The older kids talked amongst each other while the younger of the royals decided to play a game of tag.

Syfyn had never been outside of her kingdom, it was an eye opener. she was having so much fun, but while running in full speed she tripped and fell. The other kids were far too into the game, and were unable to notice that she had hurt herself. There was one kids that that noticed her tears.

A voice reached out to her as she cried, "are you okay princess?" It was Gnox. That memory was vivid, instilled in her mind. He never left her sight after that, he sat next to her as she cried helping her wipe her tears. He smiled and chuckled at her crying face.

After a while, Syfyn's tears came to a stop. The pain from her small bruises went away. It was not even painful, the bruises, but the sight of a drop of blood back then really scared her. The syfyn now would never understand why there were so much tears for a mere drop of blood.

After using his piece of clothing that he ripped off to bandage up the bruise, Gnox helped Syfyn up bringing her back to her two sisters.

"You're so clumsy Syfyn" one of her sister muttered as the other laughed at Her face that was wrecked from crying so much.

She saw the boy heading back to the group as they continued playing their game of tag. She was no longer interested in playing, but her eyes were on him the whole time he was playing. His smile from that day never left her mind even after she returned to Gale.

"You still make that face" Gnox commented with a smile.

Syfyn look up at him as the sun cleared away from her face. She covered her face with both hands embarrassed that he remembered.

"You still remembered that?" She asked, still keeping her hands close to her face.

"Of course that was the first and last time all the kingdoms United together as one to promote peace with one another." His voice was soft, filled with reassurance. His tone died down when saying, "now it's just every man for himself. No kingdom will even spark an eye with one another. I was very surprised when I heard the news of your father reaching out."

She looked at him with a sullen expression as the sparkle of her eyes faded. "I don't know…fathers strange but he must have had a reason. He doesn't lend a hand just for any reason. Your father was a good friend of his, he never lets a friend down."

"Did he tell you about the marriage?" He asked her seriously.

"Not really, I didn't know until the day of the wedding. But father never really tells me anything. He once asked if I wanted to go on a camping trip and I woke up in the middle of a battle with a sword beside and demons all around me, it was fight or die." She said while chuckling.

Gnox was surprised at how calm she was. Was the king of gale really that tyrannical.

"What?!" Gnox screeched.

"Ha ha, I'd expect that reaction. It's ok father loves me. I was the one who begged and begged him to teach me how to fight, When he refused I did a lot of mean things and ran away at some point so that was his revenge." She concluded.

Gnox laughed at her. Too shocked to even add in another comment.

'Did I over share?' She wondered. 'Why do I always do that?!!"

"It seems we're here." He suddenly hid his smile with a sorrowful expression.

Syfyn could sense that there was something wrong but what was it exactly?