
My Next Life as a Villainess!?

I always love novel with a heroine who will shine and be a character with an OP powers and on a faithful day she will meet the male lead and save him from the brick of death and later on discover that the man she helped was a crown prince of the kingdom. And some woman the 'Villainess' will try to snatch the prince away from the heroine by doing dirty tricks and eventually bullies her nonstop. But the love of the Prince will protect the Heroine. Finally when its reach the ending the Villainess will either be punished to death or exiled to the monster forest for trying to murder the Heroine. And they lived happy ever after. I wish I was the Heroine. But why the heck am I the Villainess!!!?? My life is just heating up as the Most successful woman to ever existed and unfortunately I die terribly in the Terrorist Bombing. And now I am the worst Villainess of the novel I love so much. The Villainness of the Novel Chasing Eliria. Yuriannia Drizlea Hazlet. Yurianna is the daughter who is pampered by her father and whenever Yurianna wishes something the duke will gladly give it to her. And in the end of this Novel is the doomsday of my life as Yurianna where she is stripped from her title as the future Duchess and she will be exiled in the Monster Forest the Erether Forest but due to her weak magic she chose to end her life. Now that I am here I will certainly never interact with the Heroine and the Male lead at all cost! Instead as an avid fan of the Novel I will stalk all the second lead and background characters as well as preventing them from their redflags too!

Avrianna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 8 Guildmaster?

"My lady, Don't strain yourself too much you might broke something in your body."

"Nah it's just an exercise to increase my stamina and strengthen my muscles."

They always treated my like a porcelain that might broke any time since the day I started to do some physical stuffs.

"By the way did the duke~no did my father have a spare time for me?"

"Eh? My lady, the butler already informed you that the duke will be in the Imperial Palace cause their are lots of work to do."

What a pain.


"Im sorry Yuriannia but I cannot permit you to go outside. There are some unwanted things that occur lately."

He leaved my room after that and here I am thinking that what the hell is happening outside the mansion.


"Mary did something happen outside?"

Mary bowed her head but still hesitated a bit.

Something's wrong here. "I-im sorry, my lady but the Duke clearly told us not to rely any information regarding on what was happening outside."

"I see, So then I order you to tell me what was happening lately outside the mansion." I smiled at her knowing that my smile is kinda creep everybody out. And that's a direct order from me.

I hate to do this but I have no choice. I really, really want to go outside.

After Mary told me what was happening outside it is about noble ladies around my age were being killed one by one by a certain killer.

If I don't move here my plans will be on vain.

The Festival is around the corner and it will take me 3hrs if I travel alone. I'm not allowed outside and there are so many knights stationed outside.

I need to make a plan ASAP.

~~After Tea time~~~

"Mary, Do you want to try swapping dress outfits?" I amiably said before guiding her to my dressing room.

Mary is in the age of 16 or 17 she's younger than me that's for sure.

"B-but my lady I can't~"

"No that's on me, Don't worry! I wanna see you in this dress."

"But the duke~~"

"It's fine. Im so bored right now and this dress is definitely good on you~~"

I pushed mary to the dressing room ang swapped our dresses.

Im in a maid uniform and she helped me put it on. But in her turn I silently leave the room walking passed the knights.

My heart is pounding loudly as I exited the main hall and as I turn in the backdoor of the duchy a feel the familiar presence of someone so when the presence is finally catching on my steps.

I run as fast as I can.

I stopped when I reach my breath limit.

"That was a close call." I said to myself and decided to rent a carriage that will take me to the plaza.

"Little miss, The Plaza is in turmoil right now so mind if I only drop you off in the central town?"

I don't see any problem so I agreed to the destination. As long as I have the ring I can manage to escape whenever there is an enemy on sight.

But since I doesn't have any info. Perhaps I can meet the best friend of the female lead.

Fangirling as it's finest.

"If it's okay can you drop me by the Guilds Association there is something I want to know."

The carriage moved again and arrived at my destination. The guild is just like any other guilds the smell of wood and beer and hot meals where flowing inside.

I headed unto the bartender and I just remember that there is a password to reach the master of the guild.

"What's your order miss?"

"A fine wine will suffice " I got a two pieces of gold coin one is heads the other one is tails and slided it over the counter.

"Im afraid that I don't have anything reserved for you miss."

"I can wait."

"Well then if you may follow me miss."


The bartender guided me upstairs and headed to the last room where he guided me to a single sofa.

The bartender had already left, and it was pitch black inside.

Isn't there a candle or something here?

I tried to locate it, but as I crossed over to the other side, my face collided with something quite hard.

'What is it?'

I suddenly gets myself in trouble! Who the hell is this?!

It's a freaking person! I jumped away not realizing how dark it was.

I was about to get hurt when a hand grabbed my waist and his other hand snapped a little, filling the room with light.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss, Would you like to cry a little bit for me?"

I backed away from his grasped and stare at him a little.


As soon as my eyes adjusted, There's only one person I know that likes to see girls cry.

It's none other than the childhood best friend of the Heroine and the book refers to him as The BLADE Arthur Ripley, red Hair with a pair of tantilizing brown eyes and the Leader of the Assassin's Guild.

Seeing him upclose is indeed a dream come true for a reader like me.

But mission comes first. I have so many times to fangirl a little later after this mission.

I hide my expression since I'm good at that.

"Im sorry but I'm looking for the Guilds Association and I'd like to meet the Grandmaster."

He laughed and smiled

"You are in the company of the Grandmaster Lady Yurianna, and that is me." "Do you have any knowledge that I am the Grandmaster of any other guilds but this one?" I lost my cool when he pointed at himself.


'Arthur Ripley is the leader of the Assassin's Guild. This is a secret from everyone else because if anyone finds out that he is the leader of the Assassin's Guild, he will silence them completely.'

"Ofcourse Not!" ehe. Go away death flags.

"I see. Well then I'm all ears."

"I mean let's get back to the topic." I sit on the sofa and takes a deep breath.

" I want an information regarding the Black market that is currently taking place in the same time of the Festival."

"That's quite a high price your asking."

"Name your price."

"A tears from your eyes is enough for the job. So why won't you cry?"

"I don't have the leisure to do that. Is 500 gold pieces will suffice?"

"fufu So stingy My lady." He pouted his lips and avoided my eyes. "Okay I'll accept it."

He forfeited and tell me all about the Black Market.

As the times go by when I know how to get in and get out of the Black Market.

I resigned myself and before I leave the room where his office as a guild master. I gave him some tip to find his long lost childhood friend.

"I enjoyed our conversation, and as thanks if you wanna check out for the following days the surrounding of the back alleys of the city. You might find yourself something you treasure for."

I didn't know how long time passed by but the lights were already buzzing off the streets and people began to increase as I walked further down the alleys and roads.

Some shops and stalls where hanging decorations and stuffs for the upcoming festival.

"A week before the festival huh." I signed. "I will definitely save you Prospect Male Lead #4" I clenched my fist and ride back home.




A person entangled with chains in both hands and feet where being whipped like crazy in a cell.

" HAHAHA! YOU'RE NO FUN DIRTY BASTARD! SCREAM FOR ME!" As the executioner whipped his back.

He can't feel anything. The numbness of his body is growing day by day.

The smell of Blood were scattered everywhere. His purple eyes is lifeless and it seems to have totally given up his life and ready to die in misery.

'You think you can lead your nation by your ideals

'That's the one who killed the Empress.'

'The empress is considered as a lowly commoner but the Emperor only took a liking to her because of her face.'

'We cannot lead this Empire if the one ruling it is a murderer.'

'Dirty bastard'

'Why won't you die Already?'

A man in suit came and opened the cell with a huge devil smile on his face

"HAHAHA! No more whipping for this slave, A big shot suddenly pops out and buys every slave the Auction will have for the Festival that will be held in 3 days."





A Magic Circle appear infront of the cell and a hooded person came out of it and stares with the man that has been chained down by the Auctioneers.

The person stares at him and said with the cold voice. "Im sorry. Im late."

With that person's single wave of hand. The two Autioneers lift up in the air.

"Y-YOU!! WHO ARE YOU!" While struggling to breath.

"You dare to lay hands him and Now I'm pissed off.. Really pissed off."

The Auction House began to collapse as the hooded person unchained him and lift him up and vanished into the air.



Thank you for collecting this STORY! I really really appreciate you more than you can ever imagine :>
