
Meeting "Him"

I finally arrive "home" after being at my girlfriend's house for 2 months I came home with Callie my girlfriend. As we walk into the house there I see this man sitting on the couch waiting for someone, then I see my parents and I ask them What do you want? and who is he? Right before my mother says something The man on the couch gets up and says 'so your the one I'm going to marry huh?' I then looked at my parents then they say 'he's your fiance! arent you happy dear?' I then yell 'No I'm not happy I already told you that I'm lesbian and that I have a girlfriend' then I kiss Callie. My parents then say 'well too bad your going to marry him if it's the last thing you do! We disnt raise you liee this youre better than him!' 'We dont care if your dating her your going to break up with this skank and marry this fine young man!' father exclaims, He then says 'It's nice to meet you my name is Jonathan Floydworth and I'm your fiance' with a smirk on his face as he checks me out. I then say to Jonathan 'I refuse to marry you!' Then as I saying this to him Callie comes and says 'you cant have my girlfriend shes mine and I love her very much more then you every could!'

To Be Contiuned