
My new vampire family

Rhain died of a hearth attack while playing one erotic game , often despised from his family , he died with no one caring about him. Opening his eyes he could see that he was reborn, seeing his beautifull mother , he could not wait to taste her milk but what welcomed him instead was a bag of blood. He was not reborn as a human but as a vampire in a fantasy world , watch him as he goes to *conquer* his family. *this novel will heavily focus on incest from the mc or not. **there may be some NTR scene with the mc cucking someone ***English is not my first language so typos or errors could be present, feel free to tell me. ****The image is not mine , if you want it removed contact me.

GDF · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 3 : Hypnosis

The day after I woke up and went to find my mom.

"Good morning Mother"

"Good morning Honey are you ready to have mommy teach you magic?" she said caressing my hair and smiling.

After that I followed her in the castle , arriving in a large hall with bookshelves she went to one , took a book and gave it to me.

"This is mommy favourite spell , read it , if you have any question, you can ask mommy, okay?"

Accepting the book , I could see mom going on a couch and a maid gave her a glass full of blood and she started sipping it.

As I opened the book the system appeared

<do you want to learn hypnosis?>

As I clicked yes , a flow of information went into my brain, once it was finished, I was elated 'YEEEEEEEEESSS! THAT'S WHAT I EXPECT FROM A CHEAT SYSTEM , I CAN LEARN ANY MAGIC WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT STUDYING IT'.

On the surface I kept a neutral face, but my thoughts were jumping everywhere , every book that was on the bookshelves were probably spells and I could learn all of them without any problem.

"Mother , I've learned it." I said after having calmed down

My mother who was watching outside the window turned to me stunned.

"Honey don't joke around like that please" she said smiling to me.

"But I really did learn it…" I said looking down.

"Honey… that's not possible even a genius would need at least 4 hours to learn it." She said more seriously this time.

Seeing me not backing down she grew angry and spoke.

"Very well we would verify if you really learned it ." she said looking angry

After some time, a guard brought a man with chains into the hall and left , the man was quite muscular, but his eyes were devoid of any life.

"Use the spell on him to make him bark, if you can't , you will be punished young man."

Hearing my mother , I went to work as soon as she finished, I casted the spell on the man , I could see that the last glimpse he had in the eyes disappeared as he was now in my control".


And the man started barking my mother was flabbergasted and had a blank look , she turned her eyes to me then to the man and back to me.

"This…" she was stunned

Then I lost my grip on the mind of the man

"Did you bark because you heard my son bark" asked my mother to the man

It seems like she used hypnosis on the man and overthrown my control on him , I was then curious about my mother status and identified her.

Name : Ellena Purebloods

Race : vampire


Health 5770 /5770

Mana 8512/8512

Str: 852 (877)

Agi : 952 (986)

Int: 999 (1122)

Stamina: 932 (964)

Cha: 1105


Vampiric charm(passive +15 Cha), Genius(+70int),stealth(legendary), sleep (legendary), hypnosis (legendary), undead summons(legendary), blood healing(legendary),blood control(legendary),Paragon(legendary),space magic(legendary),time magic(legendary), demon summoning(legendary),hp regeneration(legendary), mana regeneration(legendary)



'WHAT … my mother … SHE'S A MONSTER !?!' when I saw her stats I freaked out, I knew she was strong but not this strong , I understand now why everyone here is so respectful of her, now I wonder how strong dad is ,mother said that she was weaker than dad … I should've watched when he was here.

"No, I did not." That when I was reminded what we were doing , the man in front of me answered my mother.

Still under the shock of my mother's strength , I inspected the man:

Name : Allan Henron

Race : vampire


Health 400/400

Mana 79/79

Str: 19(119)



Stamina: 17 (117)


Swordsmanship lvl 7, holy sword lvl 3 , holy magic level 5.



While I was stunned by the difference between my stats ,his and my mother's stats , mom was stunned by the response of the man , it took her some time to register it and when she understood that it was not a joke , she appeared before me and started to kiss my cheeks like crazy.

"Hahaha finally !!! dear, we've been blessed with a monstrous child hahahah !! honey , I love you !!!! Your sister and your brute of a father are not interested in magic but with you here I can finally share it with someone!" she said in between her kisses.

Once she stopped, she looked at

"I'm sorry for doubting you honey , it's just that no one has ever done that before"

"it's alright Mother, can I ask you something ?" I said finally free of her kisses, not that I minded.

"Anything honey" she said lovingly

"Who is this man?" I said pointing to the chained man

"I don't know honey" she said looking confused "why do you care about him?"

" I wanted to know if he was strong."

She watched the man for a few seconds before saying "he looks quite weak to me, but I guess you could ask him , you just learned a spell for this didn't you " she said smiling at me.

Nodding , I casted h hypnosis on the man once more

"Who are you? are you strong?"

"I'm Allan Henron , paladin of the church of Urelurity, on the paladin ranking I was 409th."

< hypnosis levelled up> surprisingly it seems like my skill level went up , it was quite fast, ignoring the notification , I turned to my mom.

"Is the church of Urelurity strong?"

She thought about it a little " they're not weak but in front of us they're nothing , and I guess that being a paladin he should be that weak."

So, a man who was "not that weak" finished as a slave in our castle, I guess my parents really are monsters.

As I nodded as a response to my mom , I asked her

" Mother what are we doing now?"

"I guess you can use the hypnosis spell on him until you can't cast it anymore honey."

I did as I was told.

After some time, I tried to cast hypnosis once more, during the time I used it , it levelled up again , but this time a headache attacked me , I opened my status and I could see that my mana was at 0 , I could also see that my intelligence increase by one point.

"I can't cast it anymore Mother"

"Alright honey , then that's all for today , I'm proud of you , my little magician " she said while caressing my hairs.

As I prepared myself to leave the room, I heard my mom calling me once more.

"Honey waits."

"What is it Mother ?" I asked while turning myself

"Take this ." she said while giving me a sword that she had taken from a guard.

Confused I looked at my mom but before I could voice my confusion , she pointed at the chained man

"Kill him."

My mind blanked out , I was now used to drink blood, I know where it came from but killing someone myself… that was a little much for me to do , even in my old life I never fought much less killing someone.

"You need to do it , you will be attacked by an intense thirst when you kill him , you need to resist it."

As I heard mother talk, I understood that I could not escape from it, I gulped and started walking towards the man, gripping the swords with all my force I slashed at the throat of the man and then I saw red.

Blood started to fly everywhere , it landed on me , my face , my clothes and the floor . I felt the thirst that my mom spoke of, and I wanted to jump on the blood and drink it all, but I tried to hold myself as my mother told me.

<human killed , 7800 exp gained>

I saw the notification even with my eyes closed but I did not have time to register what it said as I was trying to control my body not to jump into the blood.

After some time, I regained my calm and turned to my mother.

"I'm fine" I said with a rugged voice while turning to my mother.

She blossomed a smile and said, "That's really good honey , I'm really proud of you , mommy will prepare a surprise for you at diner , now go take a bath ,you're soaked of blood."

'I hope that the surprise would be you with thin lingerie mother' I said to myself while imagining the picture.

"Okay I will go now mother" I said while hiding my forbidden though about my mother.

In the bath , I checked my status

Name : Rhain Ashes

Race : vampire

Level : 6


Health 60/60

Mana 14/14

Str: 19



Stamina: 17

Cha: 28

Stats points to allocate: 171

Exp : 3200/6400


Vampiric charm(passive +15 Cha), sleep lvl1, hypnosis lvl3.


Growing (+1 stats points / months)

Wondering what level means , Rhain focused on hypnosis.

hypnosis: lvl 3/10

Place the target(s) under your control if you int or Cha is higher than your target, the mana used is dependent of the order given and the stats of the target.

Level 2: ignore 10% of your total of cha+int points (4)

Level 3: ignore 15% of your total of cha+int points(6)

Surprised , I started thinking of what I could do with this spell… I could use it on Nissa , Mother has way too many stats , I won't be able to do anything but what was the intelligence of Nissa again?

As I asked myself a pop up appeared

Nissa int: 36

If I try to use the spell now , she will resist it as it only brings it down to 30… I guess I need to use the stats points that I never used I though with a smile.

After some maths, I checked my status again

Name : Rhain Ashes

Race : vampire

Level : 6


Health 60/60

Mana 50/50

Str: 19



Stamina: 17

Cha: 28

Stats points to allocate: 155

Exp : 3200/6400


Vampiric charm(passive +15 Cha), sleep lvl1,hypnosis lvl3.


Growing (+1 stats points / months)

hypnosis: lvl 3/10

Place the target(s) under your control if you int or Cha is higher than your target, the mana used is dependent of the order given and the stats of the target.

Level 2: ignore 10% of your total of cha + int points

Level 3: ignore 15% of your total of cha + int points(8.4)

" Now I can put her under hypnosis, even my mana went up when I upgraded my intelligence" I said ,alone in my bath , with a smile.