
Keith’s POV 2

I look and there is the biggest light beam ever , heading straight for me. Holy sh*t! Suddenly I clear my mind and stop time. But I couldn't hold it for long before my head started throbbing . I let go of my concentration . Right then I see Jayden throw a big ball of darkness , wait a minute that was so post to freeze him . Gasp !

That means if I freeze time when he's about to kiss me I won't freeze him.... NOOOOOOOO That's very Bad than he migh- ugggggg dirty thoughts get the f*ck out of here.

Suddenly I feel my ears explode from the explosion in front of me . When I regain conscienceness i look up and ohhh god I'm laying on Jaydens chest 😳 (blushes hard)(gets hard)

Seeing Jayden was amazing from his deep blue eyes to his blond/light blue hair, to his beautiful dark sexy voice making it hard to think when he's talking to you. (UGG ALWAYS DISTRACTING) But when I looked around I saw blood dripping off of his head to the floor . Wait BLOOD !! I quickly dig my phone out of my pocket ! I'm shaking so hard ! "Hello , What is your emergency?!" I tell her about what happened . "We will be right there! Don't worry and want ever you do don't - I mean DON'T wake him up ! "

I start to look over but a crying fit makes me stop and sob .

I cried for so long I don't no how long it was before I herd sirens in the back . I start to look around me but I realize I'm lying down I try to look but fatigue grabs a hold of me and I fail asleep . But this is different than other times. I don't have any nightmares. I don't here anything . The only thing I realize is that the darkness that keeps pulling me feels kind of- kind of like..... Jayden.