

My mom said goodbye and left. One of the teachers called some students to help me carry my things to the dormitory. They helped me carry my things and showed me my new cubicle . We were total of eight and there beds were already made. All these time my mouth was shut. They told all of my members were newcomers just like me . After I had finished unpacking and making my bed they took me to my class. "students,we have another newcomer " she said as she looked at me . "Come in and introduce yourself ," she said as she looked at me . The class was really full and I gathered up courage and introduced myself " I am Spencer , nice to meet you all."

The teacher told me to sit next to another boy who was sitting alone . The teacher continued teaching biology . After the lesson had ended ,the other boy introduced himself "Hi I'm Victor nice to meet you." He then told me about the school. Other lessons were boring and I kept thinking about the drama that I haven't finished.

At lunch time Victor showed me the dining hall as we sat to eat. I looked around and noticed that people were sitting in a form of arrangement but I couldn't figure it out. "you are wondering wih how they are sitting, the school is divided .The black side of the cupboard is for form ones and we are called 'mono' and form two occupy the side of the red cupboard,form three the side of blue cupboard and form four the green cupboard. " He said but I noticed something strange but I kept my mouth shut. Here most of the people come from a respected background as some of their parents are lawyers,doctors politicians and military officials. The ruling are the Vampires and their servants are those respected people.