
My New Life in the World of Classroom of the Elite as Koenji Rokusuke

Matsushita Izumo is our stereotypical Japanese employee. As he was returning from work by subway, as usual, he fell asleep from exhaustion. Upon waking, he finds himself in the fictional world of "Classroom of the Elite," in the body of one of its main characters, the enigmatic Kōenji Rokusuke...

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24 Chs

Youth: what do they know about love?

Koudo Ikusei High School is an institution established by the Japanese government to train the future elites of tomorrow. Yesterday, the school welcomed its new students. They were informed about the rules governing the institution and received an allowance of 100,000 points for the month. Although they were told they would spend the next three years inside the school without contact with the outside world, their burden was eased thanks to various attractions and shops at their disposal, making the campus resemble a small town.

I am currently on my way to class. The streets and corridors are empty, which is not surprising given that it is barely 6 o'clock. Classes start at 7:30, so in more than an hour. I reach the classroom and sit at my desk. Why did I come so early? The reason is simple: it is a requirement for the proper execution of my strategy. What is my strategy? Well…

I then take out the books for the subjects we will have this year and skim through them. As it is the second day, classes will start normally from now on. 'Everything seems to be according to my expectations.' Although some concepts are more in-depth, the curriculum is the same as that of a first-year high school. Although I wasn't a very diligent child in my youth, these concepts are not entirely unfamiliar to me. Also, with the inheritance of this body, my memory has already surpassed the level of an ordinary high school student. In short, none of these subjects are a challenge for me, so I don't have to push myself on this front, which saves me precious time.

I know what people say. Why are you checking these things now that you could have easily done yesterday? To them, I would say that everything is just a matter of priority. Yesterday, I was busy with things of greater priority. 'If I had known it wouldn't be so tedious, I would have finished reading these books after my lifting.'

Yes, things of greater importance… It took me barely an hour to go through the entire curriculum for this year. 'This body is really monstrous.' Obviously, I have underestimated the potential of this body. 'How is it even possible to have such abilities?' I say this, but I also have the memories of this body, so I know that it's not all due to genius.

With still a good amount of time before classes start, I put away the books and assume the "handsome guy" posture, using the remaining time to reflect on and refine my plans. As I was deep in thought, someone appeared a few minutes later. It's Hirata Yōsuke, a classmate and a prominent character in the novel. Our eyes meet as he heads to his seat. But just as I am about to dive back into my thoughts, I see him approaching me, having left his bag on his desk.

"Good morning, Kōenji-kun. You're very early." Hirata greets me.

"Good morning, Hirata-kun. I just like being early."

Hirata comes to my side and takes the seat of my neighbor in front, who hasn't arrived yet.

"Really? I'm the same. Do you mind if we chat a bit?"

A polite speech and an attitude that always invites friendliness, that's the very nature of Hirata. A character, sorry, a person with a good heart. Rare are those who can boast of being such.

"Not at all. Is there a problem?"

"No, no. It's just that I didn't have the chance to thank you for yesterday."

"Thank me?"

"To be honest, I was really impressed by how you managed to unite the class. I wanted to thank you for that."

Well, for someone who values group cohesion and cherishes his classmates more than anything, my actions must have seemed grandiose to him. However, the truth is that even without my intervention, he would have volunteered as a leader, but he will never know that.

"There's no need to thank me, Hirata-kun. A class should be united. I was just the point of contact. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have surely taken on that role."

'And that person would have been you.'

"Even if that's true, the fact is that you played that role. And I doubt anyone else would have been as charismatic as you."

"Well, I'm flattered that you think so highly of me, Hirata-kun. I could also return the compliment."

"How so?"

"You also possess a certain presence and natural eloquence."

"You really think so?"

"It's not just my opinion; any girl in our class can attest to it. They all swooned during your introduction."

I give him a mischievous look to which Hirata responds with an embarrassed smile.

Besides his friendly nature, I'm intrigued by his disinterest in the opposite sex. According to the novel, for him, there is no differentiation between genders. He treats and sees everyone the same way.

"Even Kōenji-kun doesn't go unnoticed."

"Unlike Hirata-kun, I don't deny that. We were given a good appearance; it would be a crime not to use it wisely, don't you think?"

My words seem to surprise Hirata, whose eyes widen.

"Does that mean Kōenji-kun has had relationships before?"

'It's strange to talk about romance with a teenager, but then again, I am one now, so I might as well get used to it.'

"Yes, I've indeed had a number of relationships."

'Thousands even.'

"But not all ended well, so I've decided to focus on my studies during high school life. However, there could be an exception; after all, love doesn't give warnings."

'Though I doubt it.'

I'm not a "lolicon." Yes, yes, I know I need to stop seeing myself as my former self, but it's difficult since I still have the same consciousness.

"Love, huh…"

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