
My New Life in the World of Classroom of the Elite as Koenji Rokusuke

Matsushita Izumo is our stereotypical Japanese employee. As he was returning from work by subway, as usual, he fell asleep from exhaustion. Upon waking, he finds himself in the fictional world of "Classroom of the Elite," in the body of one of its main characters, the enigmatic Kōenji Rokusuke...

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24 Chs

Lunchtime Dynamics

Classes proceeded smoothly.

Just like in the novel, the teachers focused solely on their lessons without paying the slightest attention to the class. Fortunately, Sudō didn't display his bad habit of dozing off.

The class remained calm, maintaining a slight semblance of concentration.

To solidify things, I occasionally asked the teachers more or less relevant questions, which they answered with pleasure. And as if I had opened a door, in the following classes, I was no longer the only one asking questions.

All this led our class to take the lessons seriously, at least for the time being; it is evident that if nothing is done, the weaker ones among them will succumb to the tedium of this school.

And soon, it's lunchtime.

Each student started to get up and leave. For now, the friend groups weren't yet formed, which meant some students remained alone in their corner or gathered in small groups of two or three.

I glance at the front benches.

I can see Hirata who, like me, seems to grasp the state of the class. And as if sensing my gaze, he turned around briefly, meeting my eyes with his. Then, as if reading something in my eyes, he stood up and addressed the entire class.

"Well, I'm thinking of going to the cafeteria. Anyone want to come with me?"

His voice was loud enough for the whole class to hear.

He behaved exactly like in the novel.

'When will she decide?'

Meanwhile, what intrigues me is the gaze of a certain person near him on me. I say it intrigues me, but the truth is that it was within my expectations.


"Me too!"

And without a moment's hesitation, responses echoed, the majority, no, the entirety being from the girls.

Feeling rather embarrassed that no boy responded to his call, he scanned the room again.

In the novel, he had noticed the protagonist's loneliness and invited him, but was interrupted by the girls who followed him, forcing him to leave.

However, this scene will remain just a scene from the novel.

"Since Hirata-kun has taken all the girls, are there any boys who want to go with me to the cafeteria?"

A sweet and feminine voice was heard.

Like an angel, Kushida stood up and made the same offer Hirata did a moment ago. And as expected, the opposite effect of what happened with Hirata occurred. A crowd of boys rushed towards Kushida like dogs to their master.

Seeing someone else propose like him, Hirata seemed somewhat relieved and was ready to leave with his group. However…

"Kōenji-kun, aren't you coming with us?"

One of the girls in Hirata's group addressed me, drawing everyone's attention.

Well, not to boast, but I am the most popular here. Hirata didn't lie this morning when he said my speech at the entrance ceremony attracted more attention than his. And on top of that, I am the class representative. It's normal for my every move to be scrutinized.

As for why I have only been observing…

"Well, I prefer Kushida-chan's group."

I said with a warm expression.

"I don't want to intrude on our dear Hirata-kun's harem."

I added, clearly teasing a certain someone.

At my words, I could hear soft laughter scattered around the class.

Hirata, on the other hand, seemed quite embarrassed.

"No, Kōenji-kun, I'd be happy if you joined us too."

Hirata supported the invitation, trying to defend himself.

Before giving a more serious answer, I quickly glanced to my right.

"To answer more seriously, I don't intend to go to the cafeteria. I plan to buy something at the convenience store and return to class."

My response seemed to disappoint some in Hirata's group.

I then stood up and looked around the class.

"Therefore, I'll make a proposal like Hirata-kun and Kushida-chan. If there are people who have the same intentions as me, I invite them to come along."

While waiting for my group to form, I turned again to my right to see Hasebe pretending to pack her things.

It's worth noting that classes ended five minutes ago.

"Hasebe-chan, I think you've finished packing your things a while ago. What are you doing?"

At my voice, she starts slightly and, without turning around, tries to justify herself: "I, well... I..."

"I'm planning to go to the convenience store. Want to come with us?"

I propose to her.

"Um, I'm planning to stay in class."

Her response didn't surprise me.

I know she's not refusing my invitation per se. The reason she stayed here all this time must be to wait for me. But now that I've invited more people, an introvert like her must feel hesitant.

"You didn't bring a lunch box. What are you planning to eat if you stay in class?"

"I'm not hungry."

Well, if that's the case, let's push her a bit.

I sigh slightly.

"Okay, then let's go together, just the two of us."


"You were the first person I got to know when I arrived here, so you have priority. If the group scares you, we'll go just the two of us."


She was about to say something, but I interrupted her.

Those who seem to have accepted my proposal are approaching me. We need to wrap this up quickly.

"But, rumors might arise that we're dating. And you, who don't like attracting attention, will be at the center of the gossip. So, what do you decide?"

She finally turns to face me with a troubled expression. I can see that my words have convinced her.

"I-I'll go."

"If you don't mind having me."

Those who were interested in my invitation approached.

Unlike Hirata and Kushida, who have either an all-female or all-male group, mine is mixed.

"Alright, then let's go."

I flash a cheerful smile, and together we leave the classroom. Hasebe-chan is also among the group.

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