
My New Life In the Star Wars Universe

Getting reincarnated into the star wars universe was the last thing I expected but I'm happy with the outcome I'm very new to writing and I want to write a full book in the future this here is for practice and hopefully I can make my dream a reality and I hope I can release 1 to 2 chapters per week depending on my Schedule and I will be updating them if I make any mistakes

travis_taylor · Movies
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Chapter Four

 As I was looking through the store I notice alot of stuff grayed out or not available like star ships and stims I guess because I am too young and needed the experience for it so I decided to look for a kyber crystal and the one I was looking for was a cyan colored crystal called Mantel of the force which I heard from the games on earth I used to play I bought 2 of them and left them in my inventory that store gives me until I decided to take them out when I create my lightsaber, and I decided to look at the books for the different lightsaber forms I couldn't decide which ones I wanted to so I bought all 7 of them and took out Form I: Shii-Cho and held it in my hands I heard a voice in my head say learn Form I: Shii-Cho I mentally said yes and I felt a massive headache as everything downloaded into my mind after 2 minutes everything was normal so I decided to do it again with the other books and I went back into my store again and got one for Mechu-deru and advance piloting after I got done I went back to sleep and rested.

Master Tilna stood before the younglings, her eyes shining with a warm light. She had been training them for months now, teaching them the ways of the Force and preparing them for the trials that lay ahead. Today, she had decided to impart to them the most important lesson of all - the secret of illum and kyber crystals.

"My young Padawans," she began, her voice low and measured. "Today, we will explore the mysteries of illum and kyber crystals. These ancient artifacts hold the key to unlocking the true potential of the Force, and it is your duty as Jedi to understand and harness their power."

The younglings leaned forward, their eyes wide with excitement and curiosity. They had heard whispers of illum and kyber crystals before, but never had they heard such details as Master Tilna was about to reveal.

"Illum," she continued, "is the essence of the Force, the very source of our power. It is a pure and ancient energy that flows through all living things, connecting us to the universe and to each other. But it is kyber crystals that allow us to harness this energy and channel it into the Force."

Master Tilna held up a small, glowing crystal, its facets sparkling in the light. "Kyber crystals are the focal point of the Force, the anchor that connects us to illum. They are imbued with the power of the universe, and they can amplify our abilities beyond anything we could imagine."

The younglings leaned in closer, their eyes fixed on the crystal. They could feel its power emanating from it, a subtle hum that seemed to reverberate through their very beings.

"But beware, my young Padawans," Master Tilna warned. "Kyber crystals are not to be trifled with. They are dangerous, and those who wield them must do so with great care and respect. The power of the crystals is too great for the untrained mind, and it can consume those who are not prepared."

Kaulder knew of the crystals and already has 2 of them but he listen to his teacher and knows in the next 5 years he will visit Illum to get a crystal but won't use it now I have to just be patient, as the lession ended and Master Tilna asked all the younglings to follow her to a ship.

Master Tilna stood before the younglings, her eyes shining with excitement. "Today, we embark on a great adventure," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "We will journey to the planet of Tython, a force planet teeming with mysteries and wonders. It is a place of ancient power, where the very fabric of the Force is said to be stronger than anywhere else in the galaxy."

The younglings looked at each other nervously, their hearts racing with anticipation. They had heard stories of Tython's incredible energy and the powerful beings that dwelled there. But they had never imagined they would be the ones to explore it.

"Are we ready?" Master Tilna asked, her voice dripping with determination.

The younglings nodded, their faces set with determination. They knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they were not going to let it slip through their fingers.

With a wave of her hand, Master Tilna activated the hyperdrive, and the ship hurtled through the vast expanse of space, carrying the younglings towards their destiny.

As they approached Tython, the younglings could feel the planet's incredible energy coursing through their veins. It was like nothing they had ever experienced before. The air was alive with the hum of the Force, and they could feel the power of the ancient Jedi and Sith who had once walked these lands.

"This is the place," Master Tilna said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Here, we will find the secrets of the Force, and discover the true nature of our own abilities."

When we land we must stick together and don't leave I will be here along with a few other masters who are already here ahead of us getting things ready, as everyone got off the ship they notice the amazing scene infront of them. 

Alright the land speeder will be here in just moment after she just said that a speeder comes flying toward them at remarkable speed and stops infront of them a droid was piloting the speeder 'Hello younglings I am C942 at your service please step aboard' said the droid as everyone got seated the speeder took off and started to move a great speed. We are headed to the Camp ground the other other masters has set up for us to stay and learn here for 2 days said Master Tilna.

Time Skip 5 Hours 

Master Yoda, the wise and venerable Jedi Master, stood on the rocky surface of the planet Tython, his eyes closed and his senses attuned to the Force. He had brought a group of younglings to this distant world, seeking to teach them the ways of the Force and the ancient traditions of the Jedi Order.

As the suns of Tython set over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, Master Yoda began to speak, his voice low and measured.

"Younglings, the Force is a powerful ally, but it can also be a dangerous enemy. On Tython, the ancient Sith once sought to harness its power for their own gain. But the Force is not to be trifled with. It is a sacred gift, and we must respect it and use it wisely."

The younglings listened intently, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement. They had heard stories of the great battles that had taken place on Tython, where the Sith and the Jedi had clashed in a struggle for control of the galaxy. But to see the planet for themselves, to feel the power of the Force here, was a truly humbling experience.

As the suns dipped below the horizon, Master Yoda led the younglings on a meditation exercise, guiding them through a series of breathing exercises and focusing their minds on the Force. The air grew cooler, and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky.

"Feel the Force, younglings," Master Yoda whispered. "Let it guide you, and you will find peace and wisdom."

As they meditated, the younglings felt a strange sensation, as if the Force was stirring within them. They felt a sense of connection to the world around them, to the living beings and the rocks and the trees. They felt a sense of unity, as if they were all part of a greater whole.

As the night wore on, Master Yoda taught the younglings more about the Force, showing them how to harness its power and use it for good and Kaulder meditated deeply and didn't stir and felt the force more powerful than he felt before as the night sky came into view he became more intuned with force and Master Yoda watched him from afar this youngling has alot of Patients and is very powerful in the force thought Yoda maybe I take him as my padawan when the time comes but alot to learn he still has.

Hope you like this chapter it took me awhile to get it finished but it was worth it I will be editing the 1st and 2nd chapters next week because I dont like how they are and I will be making changes to them and the youngling saga is only 7 chapters long then I will be making the Padawan saga which will be 15 chapters then Jedi Knight Thanks everyone

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