
My New Life in TBATE

Decided to rewrite the Synopsis as multiple people now have brought to my attention that it makes it seem like MC will just follow Arthur around everywhere and that’s just not the case. Now the synopsis begins. Jaron dies and is given the opportunity to reincarnate into a world of his choosing with one wish to help him along the way. He chooses the world of The Beginning After The End. Born into the body of an orphan of mysterious origins, Jaron uses his knowledge of the books to help himself awaken his core early. He meets new characters as well as familiar ones as he learns about his own origins in this world. He comes to develop a deep bond with his new family and his priories shift. He’s no longer preparing himself just to face the future enemies, but also protect his newfound family. The Helstea’s Hope you enjoy, as I have enjoyed writing this fanfic and it’s changed greatly from what I originally intended for it. I want to try and add some depth to things we just really don’t know. Alright now that the summary is out of the way, here is what you can expect. Upload schedule has so far been fairly consistent with at least one chapter per day and multiple on my days off of work. I can’t promise I’ll always keep that pace, but I will do my best. Also I do not reread or proofread what I have written. I apologize for the many misspellings due to auto correct I’m sure you’ll come across. I’m no expert in writing either, so expect run on sentences and the like, but I do try to keep everything as grammatically correct as possible. Im not the most knowledgeable when it comes to TBATE, so I’ll mostly just be trying my best to make with what I remember. I may even re read the books as I write to keep it fresh in my brain, so if anything is inconsistent with the story I apologize in advance. Oh well, on with the story.

SocioPhobia · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Final Battle

Quick Author's Note:

Warning! Long chapter ahead with no proofreading. Apologies in advance if any grammar or misspelling occurs. I was listening to battle music to get in the mood for this chapter so I may have missed some mistakes while I was writing. Hope you enjoy.


"Alright everyone check your gear and then recheck it. Rez here says that up ahead he can feel the boss of the dungeon as well as a dozen smaller beasts. However each is significantly stronger mana wise than anything we've faced so far. If everyone is fully rested we will continue on to the last room." Everyone had been checking their gear as Mikhail continued to speak before giving serious nods.

"Good, now this may change depending on what we see, but I want the conjurers and Rez to focus on the 12 lesser beasts in there. Me, Jasmine and Adam will take on the boss while Helen and Bree provide archer support. Once your group takes out the lesser monsters help us with the boss. We don't know how strong this boss will be, so everyone stay focused and no unnecessary chatter, only helpful and concise informations." Everyone's hearts were beating a little faster, even though it was just an informational style reminder the way he spoke resonated the same way speech before a grand battle would.

Serious nods came from everyone, even Krenshaw had lost his usual haughty demeanor and seemed completely focused. We all got into our formation we've used since we got into the dungeon and marched steadily to the dungeon. As someone sensitive mana I could feel the mana become more abundant and dense, the perfect place to purify your mana core. It's no wonder mana beasts become so strong in such mana rich environments.

The cavern pathway slowly started to narrow until we could only walk in 2 lines, me and Mikail leading our respective lines. We reached the end of the narrowed hallway and it opened up to a large domed cave. Rocks littered the ground sizes varying from tiny pebbles to horse sized jagged outcroppings. Sharp stalactites hung glowing a deep green from the high ceiling looking like a pit trap had been placed on the domed roof.

Back towards the floor I could see shallow dips in the ground as well as faint shadows that started to writhe.

"Mikail, look there. Enhance your eyes with mana." I said while pointing to the slow moving shadows.

"It can't be… Rez we're going to need a bright light, if those are what I think they are then they have excellent cave vision." As soon as he finished I generated a bright blue flame, and tossed it to the roof with the glowing stalactites. What we saw shocked even me to the core. Huge lizards of varying colors and sizes as well as large… serpents is the only word I could think to describe them.

"Damn, a Blazing Basilisk, 3 Thunder and 3 Fire salamanders, Wind Drake, Twilight Stalker, and 3 Freezing Fang Nagas?!" He exclaimed with slight fright.

A blazing Basilisk was an A rank fire serpent, known for spitting large plumes of flames to roast its foes to the bone. Stretching 30- 40 feet with dark red scales that were sharp and stronger than stone.

Thunder and Fire Salamanders were exactly as they sounded, large 20 foot salamanders that controlled their element with proficiency. Typically the Fire salamander was an A rank and the Thunder Salamander depending on age battle experience varied between A and AA. Thunder salamanders we're typically bigger and stronger, as they weren't different than Fire Salamanders but rather went through a transformation as they grew stronger. One of the few mana beasts capable of such.

The Wind Drake, like the Wyvern and wyrm was a weaker cousin of the dragon. These were barely more advanced than the salamanders honestly and usually weaker than their sister Wyvern and Wyrms. Though that doesn't mean they aren't strong, with scales as tough as hardened steel, fangs and talons twice as sharp. Their mastery over wind allows them to fly even without wings. They stand 15 feet tall and are 20 feet from head to tail. Experienced Wind Drakes also have the chance of acquiring sound deviant, in which case their rank goes from A to AA and are named Whooping Wind Drakes, for their loud bursts of sound mana.

Twilight Stalker was a dark black drake with no wings. It had an Earth mastery that allowed it to run or slither across the ground silently. It was shorter in height to other drakes, but it was longer. Reaching 8 foot high, but being an astonishing 30 foot from head to tail. It also had a deadly venom that it could coat its earth magic with. A solid A rank mana beast, though their is a legend from the past of an even bigger Twilight Stalker that learned Gravity magic and could fly through the skies. It was eventually slain by the King of Sapin at the time, but there's no proof this actually happened, just legend.

Finally the Freezing Fang Nagas, though not like the Nagas I knew of from Earth mythology that had a human body attached to a snake one, these were 2 headed serpents with a mastery of ice. Capable of a ice breath attack on one head and the other could conjure objects made out of ice, such as arrows and swords. Not much is known after that, there have been reports of them reaching anywhere from only 10 feet to 40 feet. They are placed firmly in the AA rank.

"Rez didn't you say there was 12 and then a boss? Are you sure one of these aren't the boss?" Bree asked frantically from behind. I could only nod my head slowly as my grip tightened on my sword. I could feel everyone tense to know there is an even stronger monster somewhere inside this cavern.

"Lets fall back, we don't have the strength for this dungeon. This is at least an S class dungeon if not SS if these are weaker than the dungeon boss." Mikhail said as he looked back at everyone, and all of us didn't disagree. We quickly about faced and headed for the entrance, only for it to get blocked by a massive boulder that got flung over our heads. The impact shook the cavern and we had to dodge stalactites, thankfully Durden formed a dome around us until the rumbling stopped.

Releasing the dome the we see many rocks have caved in the entrance.

"Durden get that path opened up! Everyone else protect him!" However it would be that easy as the mana beasts charged us, the weaker ones coming first. The Night Stalker had also made its move and got in between Durden and the exit.

It seems we are not escaping without a fight. I could feel the panic rise in everyone's hearts as they looked toward me and Mikhail for guidance. Mikhail grit his teeth hard and felt the necklace around his neck with his right hand, gripping it tightly. It was a necklace given to him by his daughter Samantha when she was just 4 and he continued to wear it even though it embarrassed her now.

"Dig in everyone! We must fight if we want to get out of here alive! Stay focused. Look out for your fellow adventurer. Most importantly don't die. We'll need every single one of us if we're going to get out of this." Everyone could feel their nerves rise, but it didn't freeze them like before, no now they field them.

"Rez, I'll handle the Nighy Stalker with Durden. You and the rest keep those others at bay until we finish this one off." I give a resolute nod and draw my sword instantly lighting it with my hottest flames, making sure to keep the heat and light contained as to not blind or burn my allies.

"Don't die." Was my response.

"Aye. You either." He said as he turn and jogged up beside Durden. I almost chuckled at the sight, as the King in the legend had flowing blonde hair and wielded a massive greatsword. Though Mikhail's hair is much too short, he gave off the vibes of character from legend in that moment.

"Archers aim for the eyes! And don't hold back on power, their scales are tougher than you think." Helen and Bree gave nods and knocked their first arrows.

"Jasmine, Adam don't overstep and follow my lead, target weak points such as joints and underbelly. Use their size against them." They drew their weapons and fueled their bodies with mana, giving equally serious nods.

"Krenshaw focus the fire based mana beasts, but keep your water precise rather than large quantities, we don't want to give the Thunder Salamanders any advantages." He looked ready to say something back, but bit his lip and gave a firm nod.

"Angela, this will put a lot of strain on you but try to deflect or at least slow any projectiles that are thrown our way. I'll help where I can but I need you to get most." She seems slightly scared, but steels her resolve ever so slightly gets rest with her wand drawn.

"Lastly Clara, stay near Krenshaw and call out anything surprising that catches your eye. I know you're not loud, but we will need you her as everyone will be pushed to their limits keeping up." She looks absolutely terrified looking at me before a hand lands on her shoulder and she lets out an.

"Eep!" Looking where the hand came from it was Krenshaw, he gave her a bright smile.

"Don't worry Clar' I'll protect you, you trust me don't you?" She blushed deeply, but nodded slightly and gripped her mage staff tightly. Her face became an uncharacteristic serious expression, and she willed mana into her eyes.

"I-I'll do it!" She said resolutely. I nodded to Krenshaw and he nodded back.

"Alright everyone, like Mikhail said." I spoke as I turned back toward the other 11 creatures, all of them staring at us. As if waiting for us to finish our talk before they killed us for their entertainment. I wouldn't doubt they heard and understood everything we said, but we will take it if makes us even slightly more comfortable and ready.

"""Don't Die!""" Resounded from all of us and the Fire Salamanders made it to us first. Krenshaw immediately fired a water javelin at the fastest one, and it shot a fireball back it causing a brief bout of steam to form. We did hear a cry so Krenshaw's javelin must not have got entirely turned to vapor.

I fueled fire mana into my arms and legs and even at the base of my feet, and I used the same principle I do with wind. Using the fire to propel my body with blue flames being left in my wake. I brought down a heavy overhead slash with my sword blazing blue and small electric sparks coming off it from the mana being pumped in.

The cloud of steam still remained, but I trusted my senses and Krenshaw's power in water magic. My slash left a trail of blue flames and sparks as I came down where I suspected the salamander to be. As I came down the steam was blown away by Angela, and I could clearly see the beast shaking its head stunned by the blow. My swing came down from my head and only met momentary resistance before it sliced through the head of the front running Fire Salmander.

Hope surged in everyone's chests at the sight of one of the beasts being slain. However my senses flared and I immediately coated my body in mana and braced.

"Watch out!" Came the voice of Clara, louder than I ever heard her. Too bad it was late. The next moment I felt the impact of a huge rock slam into me, my flames lessened the majority of the impact but it still sent me flying. Apparently the Night Stalker was proving troublesome for Mikhail and Durden. My body flew the air end over end and now I know how Marno felt.

I willed my flames to counteract the spin, and I succeeded but still slammed into the wall of the cave. I fell out of it and coughed up blood as I felt my whole body go numb, burn, and freeze at the same time. Tears stung my eyes from the sheer pain that I had never felt in either of my lives. The next moment Mikhail was sent skidding past me right in front of the Wind Drake.

I willed lightning mana into my battered body and fueled more fire mana to my feet. The electricity flooded my body and everything slowed down, I launched off the ground towards Mikhail. Not thinking of using my sword I hit the drake with a lightning clad fist with as much strength as my body could muster. The beast roared as my fist connected just before it could attack Mikhail and slid along the ground before falling down.

I scooped up Mikhail and dropped him front of Clara.

"Heal." I said firmly before running next to Helen.

"Help Durden, and stay there even when Mikhail gets up. Adam! Retreat and help Mikhail, Durden and Helen. Finish off that damn Night Stalker, and come back!" He immediately ran to fight beside Durden, Helen following close behind. I saw Mikhail wave off Clara and he went back to fighting the Night Stalker.

Krenshaw was currently helping Jasmine fend off the other 2 Fire Salamanders and I could see they were slowly whittling them down, except the Thunder Salamanders wouldn't let it be that easy. One of them fired a lightning bolt at Jasmine and I quickly negated it with my own. The Blazing Basilisk made its first move of the fight and launched a massive fire ball at Krenshaw who formed an equally large water sphere and stopped it.

However that diversion led to Jasmine taking a hit from the second Fire Salamander, I immediately lunged forward with my sword and sliced off the leg that was coming down to crush Jasmine underneath. I tossed her back by the scruff of her jacket.

"Heal and then come back!" A blast of flames came at me from the left and using my flames coated hands I diverted it towards the fire salamander that I had made 3 legged. The force of the impact staggered it and it fell, the fire not being hot enough to harm the beast. With one momentarily down I charged the other slicing through another breath of flames only to get pushed slightly off the mark by the winds of the Wind Drake.

It had a vicious gleam in its eye and a charred right eye that was bleeding. Sending a fire arrow its way I pounce on the fire salamander with 3 legs and decapitate it with one smooth stroke. The last remaining Fire Salamander roared in rage and charged at me with red flames coating its entire body.

I sensed another wind attack coming from the Drake and used the salamander as a shield from it. It flipped over from the force and I stabbed it directly where the heart is. I came down with the last fire dragon, but quickly had to dodge a web of sparks coming from the combined force of the 3 Thunder Dragons. Jasmine joined me shortly after the dodge and I gave her a brief nod.

The only thing that worries me at the moment was that the Nagas hadn't made their moves yet. They are more intelligent than the average mana beast, so I could only assume they are studying the battle. No time to think of that though as I deflect a powerful lightning strike away from Jasmine.

The Blazing Basilisk joined the Thunder Salamanders, and I wasn't sure which to face before deciding the salamanders.

"Krenshaw and Jasmine focus the Blazing Basilisk!" I said as I crossed in front of Jasmine and ran to meet the trio of Thunder Salamanders. A giant fireball came careening toward me, but I felt Krenshaw's water magic coming so I ignored it. Just like I predicted he canceled the attack out. I clashed with one of the Thunder Salamanders and to my surprise my sword didn't immediately cut through. I had to go into normal sword fighting mode and part a barrage of claws and tails before I blasted a plume of flames at my feet. Pushing them and allowing me to get some space.

I hear a death cry from behind me, and turn for just a second to see the Night Stalker falling with a littering of deeps cuts and gashes. They all looked haggard and had cuts of their own. When they got next to Krenshaw he yelled at them.

"Where have you guys been?! We've barely been holding these beasts back and only because of Rez over there. Gods no how he hasn't collapsed yet." While I appreciated the compliment, now was not the time, and Mikhail didn't seem to want to argue as he, Durden, Helen and Adam were getting healed by Clara.

"The damn thing had gravity magic. Like the damned Night Stalker of legend." Adam was the one to come to their defense, and everyone's eyes widened at that revelation. It all made sense now how it seemed to just appear in front of us. It lowered its own gravity and then jumped over us. I couldn't think of focus on them any longer as I was back to fighting the Thunder Salamanders.

To his credit Krenshaw never stopped sending water blades and orbs at the Blazing Basilisk. However the worst case scenario happened or near enough at least. A roar came from one of the Nagas and 2 Thunder Salamanders charged me while another sent a powerful shock towards Jasmine. I had to fend off my attackers so I couldn't get away, nor did my voice come out in time.

Her foot landed in a puddle for a split second but that's all it took for her to get hit by the lightning attack. At least she got sent towards our conjurers where she could be healed. A deep rage built up in my chest and it was only fueled by what I heard next.

""Jasmine!!"" Came the yell of all the Twin Horns, out of the corner of my eye I saw her rolling across the floor eventually being stopped by Adam who cradled her in his arms. I knew she wasn't supposed to die, but did my being here make them advance father than they would have originally? I buried the thoughts and focused back on the Thunder Salamander. A fury and sharp pain of rage stabbed at my chest as I released a roar in anger. No longer restraining myself I willed sound mana into my voice and watched as the Thunder Salamanders writhed in pain as their ears bled.

Coating my sword in wind mana now i sharpened it to the highest degree and slashed at the beast. It went to parry like the previous times, but was met with a claw being completely sliced through like paper. My sword continued through the body where I finished once I passed through the tail. One half with the head fell to my right and the other to my left.

I tuned out the roars coming from the other 2 and charged forth cutting through their lightning breaths with my sword. The strike frayed out and struck the walls and roof, knocking loose more stalactites. I fired a sound wave from my hand at the closest salamander, it looked to its right thinking it heard a man attack coming only to be met by the slash of my blade from the left. Lopping off its head. The Wind Drake and Nagas no longer played idle. They sent attacks at the back lines and I couldn't stop all of them.

I planted my foot heavily and bursted wind mana to my soles to dodge a massive ice spear that impacted where I just stood. I backflipped with the momentum from the jump and twisted my katana so that the blade was facing my back instead of forward. Using the momentum of the flip I sliced the head off of the last remaining salamander and fell to one knee breathing heavily. I dropped thunderclap impulse as it was eating too much of my mana and my multiple uses of sound mana had taken their toll as well.

With the momentary pause I noticed the various scratches and cuts from debris during the fight. I leaned back to the party, and crouched in front of Clara.

"Need a quick break, and I'll be back out there." I immediately assumed a meditative form and pulled out some beast cores from my ring and began replenishing my mana. My mana rotation was the only reason I hadn't collapsed already, and I was focusing as much as I could on it as I replenished my core with the dense ambient mana and the comparably meager mana from the Hell Boon cores.

"You heard him! He's been fighting as if 3 or 4 people. Let him regain his mana, and lets show we aren't useless." I heard Mikhail yell out and each person still standing gave a resounding cry. Jasmine was healed but she was still unconscious next to me. I could feel the warm fuzzy feeling of Clara's healing mana, and basked in it as I continued to meditate. I tried my best to ignore the cries of pain or the worries whimpering from Clara as I needed all of my concentration on my mana restoration to get back out there.

I was finally brought out by the feeling of a massive amount of mana forming, opening my eyes I see a Naga forming many ice spears while the other head prepares a breath attack. Durden formed an Earth shield and Angela tried diverting them with her wind mana, but the fatigue was getting to them and it proved ineffective as the spears flew unerringly.

Many pierced through Durden wall cutting various people and one even stabbed through Durdens stomach and he fell to his knees in pain, gripping the spear but immediately released from the stinging cold. I rushed to him and began melting the spear while dragging him back to Clara, but she was on her last legs as well. The Blazing Basilisk was finally taken down with powerful water blade from Krenshaw but he collapsed to the ground from backlash of using more mana than he could.

Mikhail grabbed him and dragged him beside Jasmine. I followed him back to the front line with Adam waiting on us, Helen and Bree had used 4 quivers of arrows by this point, and were pulling there last ones out of their own dimension rings. Both only had 50 arrows left. Durden was unconscious, Angela was barely standing and would collapse any moment. That moment came when she blocked the icy breath the Naga shot, and I caught her before she hit the ground. Dragging her next to the other unconscious ones.

My mana core was mostly full and slowly gaining with each moment I wasn't using any intensive mana. I tried to increase the flow by removing my flow to my body parts and almost collapsed from how dead my muscles felt, so immediately returned the mana to my extremities.

I stood next to Mikhail as we gazed at the 3 Freezing Fang Nagas and the Wind Drake, Adam beside Mikhail, Helen and Bree just behind us bows drawn and ready. Willing lightning through my body once more and activating thunderclap impulse. Then I form my wind mana around my body to negate any draft. Wind mana fueled to my sword and I could feel something missing. My sword vibrated slightly and it clicked. Using my sound mana I ran sound waves through the sword to cause it to vibrate, the hilt staying still, but the blade vibrated causing a low hum come off the blade.

I waved it slightly and it gave distorted hums with each slash. Just touching the blades too opened up a gap in the ground. Wielding my sword in my right hand i form 5 mana strings in my left hand keeping them pure of any element. I turn to Mikhail and Adam, but speak loud enough for the archers to hear as well.

"Don't die." Was all I said getting nods from them.

""Don't die."" They resounded and I dashed off toward the Nagas. They understood and went towards the Wind Drake. Clara flopped on her legs in a kneeling position and began praying.

I sent my mana strings shooting out toward the Nagas and pierced their bodies before knitting them together. They formed ice blades to cut it, but I just formed new one, this time fueled with lightning mana that shocked them as it entered and they stopped it with their combined ice breath. I continued my running approach and this time fueled it with my blue fire and they came down quickly but were slowed by the ice breath and slightly deflected by the ice blades, only causing gashes to their arms and sides. They all roared and shot massive ice blasts at me mixed with the spears and blades of their counterparts.

I formed my mana strings with wind and had them whip in front of me acting like a blender to the ice based attacks, reducing them to mere flurry of ice particles.

The Wind Drake had sent Adam crashing into a boulder next to Clara and she immediately checked him for injuries. Mikhail dealt a solid blow, but was sent sliding by a powerful gust of wind. Helen and Bree scored shots on the same eye causing the drake to howl in rage. Mikhail took the chance to slash a deadly cut into the beasts chest revealing the organs inside.

Showing its displeasure it swung its front limb at Mikhail, catching him with its claws and sending him flying backwards into Bree. Helen fueled as much mana as she could into her final arrow, and it burst through the gash created by Mikhail piercing the heart and killing the Wind Drake. She collapsed shortly after, Clara was barely conscious after healing the cuts on Mikhail. Everyone was down and out except for me now, and I was far enough away that I could go all out.

"Shield your eyes Clara!" I yelled as I fueled my strongest possible fire, i bright blinding blue that burned the retinas like the sun if stared into. The Nagas shielded their eyes as their cave vision eyes screamed in pain from the brightness. Taking the opening I fueled the fire into my mana strings and shot them through the Nagas bodies, wrapping it around them as they cried in pain. I willed even more fire mana into them and they became a giant glowing blue ball of fire as they burned alive.

When I felt no more resistance against my strings I released them and dropped to a knee again breathing heavily. I looked back to see Clara huddled over Krenshaw's body. I feel relief flood my body as I see that nobody is dead or dying, just asleep or unconscious. But a nagging feeling pressed on my mind until it made itself known by bursting through a hole in the wall I didn't know was there. It had been hidden by was seemed like an extend cave wall but I was the entrance to another portion of the room.

What came out was the biggest mana beast I'd ever seen. A massive winged Wyvern flared its wings and released a sound mana enhanced roar. The Wyvern is the closest cousins to the dragons and they have the power to back it up, as they were considered S class creatures. This seems to be the Wind Wyvern, and had unlocked its sound deviance. This was the boss of the dungeon.

It had massive green gray scales wings and body, it stood on 2 muscled legs. It stood 25 feet tall and was 40 foot long head to tail. It's tail ended in a sharp bladed point with a dark liquid dripping from it. A poison as deadly as the Bridesbane's.

It looked at the carnage spread before it and what looked like a bloodthirsty smirk crossed its lips and it snarled. However I wasn't planning on backing down. If I did all these people behind me would die. I used something that I had only tested in theory before, I began building up sound mana before creating a dome that covered the entire cavern. My blue light at the top wavered slightly as I concentrated greatly.

When it was complete I had created a soundless vacuum, I had created this to deal with other sound based users as well as to throw off opponents. You'd be surprised how much we rely on hearing, and how much it can make us anxious and inhibit out movements. This shown true when the Wyvern stumbled slightly and rubbed its wings against the side of its head. Which meant the second part was working. I added on a piercing ring that only mana beasts could hear, the tiny claws on its wings clawed at its ears leaving gashes.

It shook its head and tried to roar but nothing came from it and the beast stomped its foot. Making my sword vibrate once more, fueling wind mana to my feet I flew soundlessly to the Wyvern, but it sensed me and sent a powerful fist of wind mana that I fought with my own to bypass. I eventually won but it lashed out with its tail that I wrapped mana strings around and sent a massive surge of lightning mana through.

This sent the Wyvern writhing and thrashing and a wing caught me and sent me plummeting to the ground, i cushioned with wind mana at the last second but still knocked the breath out of me. I coughed soundlessly as I stood back up. I lashed out with whips of wind mana strings cutting deep gashes into the Wyvern as I relieved my anger on it.

Sheathing my sword I use nothing but mana strings one of each of my elements before repeating my blue flames on my extra slots. Sound vibrated the string and sliced through the wings effortlessly, wind much like sound sliced through with little resistance. Fire charred as it passed through the left leg dicing it in 4 different cuts. Lastly lightning pierced through the neck before shooting straight down into the body and released a great burst of lightning, causing the cave to shake from the force.

Finally I brought them all back and made them solid like a sword and swung them over my head and back down, cutting furrows into the ceiling before cutting through the Wyvern. That crashed to the ground in multiple pieces from all the previous slashes.

I felt a horrible sharp pain in my chest and knew it was back lash from over using my mana. I fell to my knees clutching my chest and my light failed as well as my soundless dome. My pained cries echoed through the chamber rousing Clara from her spot huddled on Krenshaw. She stumbled toward me and tried to find the wound but couldn't .

I rolled to my side breathing heavily with pained whimpers escaping my lips before I passed out.


Author's Note

5252… that's how many words this was without the author's notes. I plan to put one at the start warning of the long chapter.

I can't believe I wrote 5k words though on almost completely fighting. I hope it wasn't too exhausting and was easy to follow. It was a bit daunting writing about 12 really strong mana beasts and trying to keep track of each person. I can't tell you how many times I counted to make sure I wasn't missing anyone or any monster lol. I'll probably never write another chapter this long unless a similarish scenario happens.

I know the battle against the Wyvern might feel anticlimactic, but that's what happens when you have sound magic. It really is an OP deviant that wasn't really shown much in the books, at least yet. I based the soundless dome off that room that has absolutely no sound and it apparently causes people to hallucinate. And the piercing ringing was based off Tinitus. It created the perfect storm where the beast was immobilized at the beginning and he over powered it with mana string based attacks.

Also to clarify this thing is not as strong as the thing Arthur fights in his dungeon. Arthur's has more ranged attack capabilities than the Wyvern and not too mention just more powerful in general. Still a worthy slaying for a 6 year old though I imagine.

We will have one more mini arc inside his adventuring arc that will probably only spam 2 chapters before his return and I have something cool I think you'll all enjoy. I definitely think it's unique as it's barely mentioned in the book, in only like 3 lines I think. Don't want to spoil too much though, but it will progress some things for the MC.

Thanks for reading.
