
My new life in One Piece

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!" Those were the words that changed the life of our protagonist who was in a prison, his sick body. But he got consolation in death, or so he thought, when he found himself inside the world of his fantasies. Follow our protagonist in his new life in the world that he knows so well and for which he will follow his principles and ideals to achieve his goal, but he will not become a pirate, but he chose the path of justice, the navy. ----------- Both the world and the One Piece characters do not belong to me and I only use them to make this story. English is not my native language and I clarify that there will be grammatical errors throughout the novel, if someone likes this story and is encouraged to volunteer to work as a translator, I welcome anyone with open arms. (the translation is from Spanish to English) IMPORTANT TO READ THE CHAPTER OF "CLARIFICATIONS" BEFORE STARTING THE HISTORY.

Laqi · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Levely and incident - Part One

The ships approached the docks, they saw many other ships. These belonged to the navy and the different kingdoms and states that would participate in the Levely.

Vivi - oh, it's awesome -

Kaito - yes, the first time I came I was also very impressed -

Vivi - and what are those things? -

Kaito - ah, that's the two gondolas that transport people to the top of the Red Line -

Kaito responded while looking at the two large gondolas that used the bubbles created by two hustle muscle mangrove, the Red Port was made up of the two islets created by the mangroves, while on the shore is a giant bow of a ship with the symbol of the World government under the bowsprit, is surrounded by a port where ships anchor.

Vivi - and will we go up using those gondolas? -

Kaito - yes -

Vivi - they are so big, can they carry boats? -

Kaito - no, on the other side of the Red Line there is another similar port and usually, the Marines leave their ship here and go to the other side where they catch another ship -

Vivi - usually? -

Kaito - yes, since there are other ways to cross the Red Line, but these are considered illegal by the world government -

Vivi - I see -

Kaito and Vivi continued talking until the two ships arrived at the port. After docking, the sailors began to disembark and then did the Arabasta delegation along with Kaito. On the other hand, Kalifa paid attention to Kaito's orders and remained on the ship along with the rest of the crew.

Kaito had planned to do during the incident that would occur after Levely, and Kaito did not want to involve any other person. That was the main reason why it was only together with the Arabasta delegation.

Government Officer - Welcome King Cobra -

Cobra - it's a pleasure to be here -

Government official - Levely will start this afternoon so if you'll excuse me we can start heading towards the top -

Cobra - ok -

Cobra followed the instructions of the government officer and along with Igaram and Vivi, they started walking towards the gondolas, while Kaito approached the officer.

Officer - you must be Captain Kaito -

Kaito - yes -

Officer - I was informed that I would accompany King Cobra to the top and then return with him -

Kaito - yes, those were my orders -

Officer - okay, in addition to these orders, I was told to tell you to go once I arrive at the designated place for the marina in Mary Geoise -

Kaito - okay -

The officer said goodbye and headed the entourage, while Kaito followed them behind everyone. Vivi wanted to go with Kaito several times, but had to behave like a worthy princess. Kaito laughed when he saw her turn her head back to look at him.

Kaito - (despite that straight and determined character she has, she is still a ten-year-old girl and is probably bored in these situations) -

The group arrived at one of the gondolas and once embarked, the gondola began to ascend parallel to the Red Line. It's that moment Kaito saw someone.

Kaito - Garp-san -

Garp - oh, Kaito, I was looking for you -

Kaito - did you need anything from me? -

Garp - yes, I expected to find you since they didn't tell you that you had to meet with me and other Marines -

Kaito - it was about going to the place designated for the marina, isn't it? -

Garp - yes, it was just that, apparently they have already told you -

Kaito - yes, can I know what they need from me? -

Garp - don't worry, it's simply Tsuru who is here too and wanted to see you -

Kaito - oh, obasan is here too? -

Garp - yes, apparently some people want to introduce you -

Kaito - I see -

During the time that the gondola ascended, Kaito and Garp continued talking quietly. The two had not met for quite some time and had many things to tell.

When the gondola reached the top, Arabasta's delegation continued on its way, while Garp and Kaito headed down another path.

Kaito - do you know who will be part of my grandmother? -

Garp - I don't know, I didn't go up before I was waiting for you, but I ended up falling asleep in the gondola, hahahaha -

Kaito dropped a drop of sweat when he saw how carefree Garp was as usual. That part of Garp was quite annoying for Kaito. But in the end Kaito simply restrained himself from hitting him like his grandmother normally did.

Garp and Kaito continued walking until they arrived at a two-story building with a large garden in the back. After entering they saw several marines with high ranks sitting and chatting.

Kaito knew some of them, but most did not recognize him because he met them when he was still young and by the time he returned to Marineford, many of these Marines were on missions. There were also other officers who recognized him and greeted him.

Strawberry - Hi Kaito, it's been a long time since we met -

Kaito - Hello Vice Admiral, it's nice to meet you again -

Strawberry - surely you come to see Tsuru -

Kaito - yes, so if you'll excuse me -

Kaito said goodbye to Vice Admiral Strawberry and continued to follow Garp. They left the building and reached the garden. The garden was large, tables and chairs were visible in various parts of the garden. In one of those tables was Tsuru sitting conversing with another woman.

Kaito - hello obasan -

Tsuru - Kaito, I'm glad to see you well -

Garp - Hi Tsuru -

Tsuru - Garp, I have already been told that it was another officer who gave my message to Kaito, you can know what you were doing -

Garp - hahaha, sorry, I fell asleep in the gondola waiting for it to arrive -

Tsuru - ah, I shouldn't have asked you that favor -

Kaito - don't bother obasan, after all I'm here -

Tsuru - well, well, Kaito let me introduce you to a person -

Tsuru pointed to a tall, thin woman with long, dark and curly hair. She wears lipstick, a pink sleeveless low-cut shirt, she wears the classic navy raincoat, shorts and high heels. Kaito could see a tattoo on her of a spider on the outside of her left leg. The woman got up and made Kaito steel.

Gion - Hi, I'm Rear Admiral Gion -

Kaito - hello, it's nice to meet you -

Tsuru - she is a very good friend of mine, I even consider her a younger sister -

Gion - I also consider Tsuru-san as an older sister -

Kaito - I see, in that case I could call you Gion-san? -

Gion - there is no problem, I will also address you by your name -

Kaito knew who this woman was, she was after the temporary leap of the original story a vice-admiral who had been a candidate to occupy one of the admiral-free positions, but in the end it was Issho and Ryokugyu who were promoted. Despite this, they considered Gion as a person with the same strength as an admiral in the navy.

Tsuru - Gion also meets Hina-chan, and helped her on some occasions -

Kaito - is that true? -

Gion - that's right, Tsuru-san introduced me to Hina a couple of years ago and since then I met her on some occasions and we have worked together -

Kaito was glad to learn that Hina was doing well. Due to Kaito's influence, it seemed that Hina was different from Hina from the original story. On this occasion it seemed that she was getting stronger and could have a much greater rank in the future unlike the original story.

In his past life, Kaito wondered why Hina was not a vice admiral like Smoker after the temporary jump instead of being an admiral. Kaito wondered if perhaps he had any relationship with his abilities given by his devil fruits. Kaito did not think that a user of the lodge type had more benefits from having it than a user of the zoan or paramecia type. Kaito thought that any fruit could be much stronger than another, although it seems the opposite whenever he knows how to use his abilities properly.

In this life, Kaito hoped to see Hina as vice-admiral in the future, and he did not even rule out that in a few years after becoming even stronger he could have a force equal to that of an admiral of the navy.

Kaito and Garp joined Tsuru and Gion in the conversation and sat in the free chairs by the table. The four talked for several hours until it was time to go to their respective rooms. Each had a room in the building. Not all officers stayed in the building, there were others who returned to their boats to rest. Kaito for his part preferred to stay in the room assigned to him.

Kaito - (If I'm not mistaken, the incident between Wapol and Vivi occurs on the last day of Levely, then I will have to wait six more days) -

Kaito had planned how to avoid that incident. Kaito couldn't allow someone as good as Vivi to have to suffer an attack like that. Kaito had come to have fraternal affection for little Vivi and Kaito was not going to let anything happen to her as long as he could do something.