
My New Life In Anime World

A kid dies at the age of seventeen, and he got a chance to reincarnate with six wishes. But he doesn't know where he is going to. 1 chapter per week

EddyV · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

| 1 | Black Void

It's been some time since my death, and I'm pretty sure that I'm in hell or if I'm lucky in a void where the soul goes when it doesn't enter heaven or hell. This pitch-black place is pretty calming for me after all. I liked it when I'm alone before my death but depression and shit like that got me into this situation.

You must be wondering why I'm saying all this here? Well ladies and gentlemen I believe that if you are in a pitch black void, you can break the fourth wall, that's what I learned after reading lots of fan-fic. I know it's the usual trope for fan fiction novels, but no one knows what happens after death so this is good. If you want to know my story I can say that to you, it's short so don't expect so much.

Before death I was a seventeen-year-old teenager, one year away from adulthood, I lived during the 21st century, so yeah I know about MARVEL, DC, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball and stuff like that, but that's not the important point here. I died in an accident. It was during my final year in high school, I was going to write the final exams. But, before I reached my school I was met with an accident, as far as I remember I didn't die on the spot, I died when I was on the ventilator, the doctors said something like that I would only live up to three more days after checking my injuries, after that, I don't know what happens. All of the above-mentioned were hazy for me. I don't know what happened to my family, they may be devastated or they might be celebrating my death, who knows what's going on there.

So here I am after my death floating in the void minding my own business and talking to the person beyond the 4th wall. You have no problem with me ranting here right, because if I don't do that, even if I love to be alone in here if I don't do anything I'll go crazy. And since I can't use my body, because I'm in my soul form all I can do is think like this and pass on time, there's time here right?


In the dark void, we can see a small light ball that's floating in it while blinking like a firefly. Right behind that light ball is a massive figure with galaxies and stars as its body. The figure was curious about the small light ball that's present in the void, it's been alone in this void for quite some years, after all, so seeing a being that's capable of getting into the void naturally made the figure curious.

To end its curiosity that figure slowly touched the light ball to understand that being and to know how to have a conversation with it without puffing it out of existence. Even after being touched by the figure, the light ball didn't react, or it didn't even sense the presence of the figure.

Seeing the memories of the being now known as a human by the figure, it understood how to contact the human soul within making it cease to exist. So from the human's memories, it found an easy way to present itself to the soul, so the figure just did that.

With a single thought, the figure changed the void into a room with two chairs and a table with some water. After setting up the stage the figure started to transform into a humanoid figure, still with the galaxies as the body. After changing its appearance the figure called out to the soul

"Hello young one"


As I was floating in the void, it started to change into a room in white colour suddenly, the there was a booming voice behind me "Hello young one"

Hearing this I turned around and shouted, but no voice came from me, seeing this being said to me "You don't have to speak, since you are a soul you just have to think it'll automatically translate."

Understanding the humanoid being in front of me with galaxies as bodies I spoke to it using thought.

"Hello, am I going to be used as your entertainment?"

"Nope. And before you say anything I know quite a lot about you from your memories, so I know what you meant by that."

"Okay.... so you read my mind and understood me right?"

"Yes, and I'm not here to judge you or anything. This place is not for that after all."

"So where is this place? And who are you? "

"This place is the space before the Creation of the Universe, and I'm the Creator of Universe itself."

"Woah... so you are the Creator? How old are you... I mean you get my point right?"

"I know what you want to know, and I don't know my age at all so I can't tell that." After pausing for a bit the Creator of the Universe started to speak again. "Anyway, I was curious how you got here, and I found it, it was amusing for me, so for making me curious you'll get six wishes."

"REALLY ??!!??!!" Hearing those words I was shocked and because of that, I shouted in my mind. Hearing my outburst the universe chuckled and spoke again

"Yes, and you don't have to wish for appearance, it's free, but the world will be chosen by me. But don't worry, as I've said before it's not for my entertainment."

"Okay.... so can I take some time to list it out?"

"Time won't work here, so you can take your time."

"Thank you."




🔻🔺Chapter 1 End🔺🔻