
The help of 2 beautiful senpais.

Hi i'm the author, How you doing?.....

, today i'm inspired and i wrote this, i hope you like it.


" BLEAGHHH!!!....."

[ That's right,.... I threw up... I think those butterflies I felt, were a bad sign.....]

[ Luckily I got help,..... Unfortunately, Nanasaki was the one who helped me and saw me vomit... She was with me until I felt better,.... ( More reasons to fall in love with her).... At least I talked to her and we chatted amicably....]

[ At the end of that day I went home with a small victory.... at least she remembered me... and with that thought I slept that night].


[ Yes..... that wasn't the first meeting I wanted to have with her..... but at least it was memorable....]

After that unpleasant first meeting, I visited that park more often, sometimes I would meet Nanasaki and we would have small conversations...]

I won't lie and tell you that we were close, but yes, we became good friends, .... I guess being a supporting character has its advantages, Now I'm very good at socializing with people, it's like a natural ability of this body,..... thanks to that, I had many opportunities to talk to Nanasaki].

[ Unfortunately there was a problem,.... I had almost nothing in common with her!!!.... our conversations were always centered on how she was doing in school and in the swimming club!!!.... I don't know anything about swimming!!!....].

[ I never thought I would be in this trouble, if this continues, my conversations with Nanasaki will become boring for her!!!!.... I don't want that to happen!!!!.... but that's when Youichi gave me an excellent idea to remedy this problem...]

"If you don't know anything about Swimming... Why don't you ask someone who does?...." Youichi told me.

There was my answer, it was so simple I couldn't see it!.... If I don't know anything about what Nanasaki likes, then, I just need to learn it!!!..... We have a swimming club at school and I know who is the right person to help me!...Now...how am I going to convince that person to help me]?

[ I decided to do something that has never failed me.... Beg for Help.]

" Please teach me everything you know about swimming!!!!...." I said that while performing a perfect Dogeza.....

[ what?... They don't know who I'm begging for help?... They say they've never seen the anime De amagami ss?.... Really?....ok then let me explain who I'm asking for help].

[She is Hibiki Tsukahara, she is a supporting character of Amagami SS and Amagami SS + plus .

In the anime She is a student of class 3-A at Kibito High School. She is captain of the school's swimming team.

She is "Haruka's "best friend, a person who understands her, and her guardian."]

{ I'll leave some pictures of Haruka and Hibiki in the comments.}

[ That's Hibiki Tsukahara, but the main reason why I beg her for help, and not someone else, is because, she becomes Nanasaki's friend and senpai!!!...]....

[ In the anime Nanasaki respects Hibiki a lot, and is her role model in the swimming club, If I get tips on how to behave and swimming from Hibiki, I'm sure I can gain some management from Nanasaki!!!... It's the perfect plan!!!!]

[ I have to look at the amazing attitude and mature feeling Tsukahara Hibiki gives off, after my irrational prayer she calmly answered me...]

" ..... dochirasan desu ka?..( who are you?)..." Hibiki said this while calmly observing me....

[ After a while, I explained to her that I wanted her help to learn as much as possible about swimming,..... she was obviously confused by my request,.... It's abnormal for a guy to come out of nowhere and ask her for something like that.... Obviously she turned me down.... But I didn't give up]

[ I kept asking him for the same thing every day for a week,..... I think rumors even started to appear about me, they said that a freshman boy was very much in love with a sophomore girl and every day he was asking her for a chance...]

[ That's not what was going on!!!... That's why I hate rumors!!!...they always confuse you, for example one time there was a rumor that a girl liked me and.... Well, that has nothing to do with this story,... ]

[ Getting back to the topic at hand,.... My persistence paid off, although I did get some unexpected help].


{ After the lessons at the swimming club}

" Please Tsukahara Senpai!!!!, You are my only hope!!!"

"....." she just looked at me kneeling on the ground.

I'm actually in a Dogeza Position because if I see Tsukahara-Senpai in her swimsuit, it's possible that my eyes will betray me.

"...…. I already explained it to you Umehara-san..... Right now I don't have time to teach you everything you ask for,.... Exams are coming up and I have to study, so I'm sorry but....."

Before she would end up rejecting me for the seventh time, a cheerful voice interrupted her.

" HiBiki-chaaaaaaaa!!!! I came to visit you!!!...????..... Hibiki, who's that guy on the floor?.... "

[ The owner of the voice was the most coveted girl in the school's male community, although I know her as one of the best-known WAIFUS in the history of Amagami SS.]

[ I raised my gaze and looked at the girl who just arrived ... ]

[ She's beautiful, but I already expected her to be this beautiful,..... after all, I've already seen her in the anime,.... Although I admit that in person she's cuter than I imagined].

[ She has black hair with a black and white headband inside and blue eyes, She has straight hair with bangs, with the ends of her hair curling near the end].

[ Her name is Haruka Morishima, she is the main female character of the first arc of Amagami SS . She is a student in class 3-A who is popular in her year..... (although she's still in her second year.)..... I guess now that I'm in this world I should call her Morishima-sempai?..... It's weird to call someone who is mentally younger than me senpai].

I stayed in Dogeza's position while they were talking.... But suddenly Morishima-sempai, addressed me.

"So you're the Mysterious first-grader who's After Me Hibikichan!!!.." She says that while pointing her finger at me.

Tsukahara-senpai stands on the sidelines of all this as she Sighs tiredly at Haruka's attitude.

".....ha?.... "I'm actually confused.

" like I said, It's you who's after me Hibiki-chan?..... what's your name?!"

"Umehara Masayoshi?.... But..."

" Let me tell you, I'm not going to let just anyone date my Linda Hibiki-chan!!!, you have to show your sincerity and courage!!!....." she says this while She makes an interesting pose.

( She is more extroverted than I remember. .... Maybe because she is still young?.... That doesn't matter now!.... What is she talking about?.... me? I'm chasing Tsukahara-Senpai?... Technically it's correct but there's a big misunderstanding here!!!....)

Haruka continues with her monologue of proving my worth as a Man for Hibiki,..... but I interrupted her.

".....anoo...( excuse me).... I think there is a misunderstanding here...." They watch me and wait for an explanation.

"You see,....." and I told them the whole story of why I am chasing Tsukahara-Senpai.

[ At first I wanted to avoid explaining that I wanted to learn about swimming, just to have a topic of conversation with The girl I like, but if I didn't explain, it would look like I just wanted to spend time with the beautiful Tsukahara-senpai... I can't say I wouldn't like her].

[ Slender figure but with a great development in specific areas of her body, especially in her chest,( it stands out a lot in her swimming suit).. A not very long hair ( which in my opinion is in my strike zone, I like girls with short hair.). And a look that can be a little intimidating, but is captivating... any guy would be happy to spend time with a girl like Tsukahara Hibiki,... but I'm Focused on Nanasaki!!.... I have to be strong!!!....]

[ After I explained my reasons to them, both of them were with different reactions...]

[ it seems they both believed that I was trying to spend time with Hibiki and eventually ask her out,..... when they learned the truth... Haruka was very excited about what I'm willing to do for the girl I like.... ]

[ I have to admit I may be acting like a... Simp..... but now I live in the same World as my Waifu!!.... I'm sure you guys would also do the same as me to win the heart of your anime Waifu..... right???... right???....]

Haruka was willing to help me, and Hibiki, she was a bit sorry for confusing my reasons for asking her for help,.... Still, she didn't seem very enthusiastic about the idea of helping me,... she Needs to concentrate on the exams, because if her grades are below average, she might quit the swimming club...]

[ That was the problem, I wanted her help, but I didn't want to ruin her grades ,... we were in a dilemma... and once again the most unexpected person gave us the solution of this problem].

" Neee....( I don't know what it means in Japanese, but Haruka says it a lot in the anime)..... how about if Hibiki-chan teaches Ume-chan about swimming and in return Ume-chan helps Hibiki with her studies?..."

[ Leaving aside the weird nickname she gave me,....]

[ That's the answer!!! It was so simple that I didn't see it!!!.... Although Hibiki-senpai looked unconvinced by the idea, ]

[ it makes sense, she's a year older than me, and she wouldn't make much progress if she studied with someone younger than her,.... BUT!!!!.. I'M NOT JUST ANY FRESHMAN!!!...I'M A FORMER COLLEGE STUDENT WHO WAS ABOUT TO GRADUATE!!!..... I AM MUCH MORE ACADEMICALLY PREPARED COMPARED TO ANY STUDENT IN THIS SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!]

[ I explained to both of them that it was a good idea, ]

[ Something that has changed, is that my grades compared to the original Umehara Masayoshi, are much better, my grades are the best of the year,... convince Tsukahara-senpai, it was a little more difficult, but in the end, she accepted.]

"..... Well, I guess we'll be working together... I hope we'll get along well... Umehara-san.."

" Yes!!!.... I'll be in your care, Tsukahara-senpai!..."

" mmm,...mmm.....(nod happily) And I will Support you both, Hibiki-chan, Ume-chan!!.... " said Haruka happily.

( One step closer to conquer Nanasaki's heart!!!.... The future will be amazing!!!..)

[And that's how I got the help of 2 beautiful Senpais.... And also how my reputation in school started to change compared to the original story.... Although I wouldn't realize this until later].


hello, I just want to make some explanations, in this story the protagonist is the author ... that's me

everything I write is what I would do in the world of Amagami SS, .... therefore, the way of telling the story is different from what I normally write.

I would also like to recommend a story for you,

soy tadano Hitohito con chat grupal... ( español) I highly recommend it !!! ... the story is not very supported because it is in Spanish, but it is incredible, remember that with the translate function chrome page, you can translate the whole story, with a simple click .....

it would be very unfortunate if a story as good as that is canceled due to lack of support ...

that's all, we don't see later...

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