
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"Who are you?" I asked still looking around my room with my staff in hand

"That's something I can't reveal just yet." the voice said

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Can't I simply visit the person I sent to another world?" it said

"Something tells me this is more than just a simple visit." I said

The voice chuckled "Alright, you caught me, I'm here to tell you some things but don't get your hopes up, it won't be much." it said then the ring with the three stars on my finger began glowing "You're probably wondering about that ring we gifted you." it said

I looked at my ring "It has a lot of power in it, I know that much." I said

"That's true but it also has another ability." the voice said then one of the stars on the ring began glowing "this ring has the ability to grant almost any three wishes you ask of it, I'm sure you'll find out its limits over time." it said

"Aren't you gonna tell me what I can't wish for?" I asked

The voice laughed out loud "Where would the fun be in that? I think I'll just let you figure it, Oh and in case you decide to you use it to find this Marcelo fellow, I think I'll do this." it said then a magic circle appeared on the ring but quickly disappeared

"What was that?" I asked

"Just a spell that won't let you use the ring until you meet Marcelo, once you do the spell will remove itself." the voice said

"Why wouldn't you let me use it to find Marcelo?" I asked

"Because you already made this awesome plan to catch him so you might as well see it through." it said

I took one last look at my ring then I looked back up "Since that's done, how about you tell me why you sent me to this world and body?" I asked

"What do you mean? you read our letter, didn't you?" it said

"Yes I did, but I'm more than positive that there were people with a worse life than mine, so why me?" I asked

"Would you believe me if I said it was out of the kindness of my own heart?" the voice asked and I shook my head "Oh well, can't blame me for trying, basically I'm not gonna tell you just yet, for now, I want to see just how far you'll be able to go with this life, will you live to see it to the end or will you die by someone else's hand? Oh, the suspense is killing me." it said

I shook my head "Well, I can tell you now, I have no intention of dying by anyone's hand, no matter who they are, I will live this new life to the fullest." I said

"That's what I like to hear, I'll be watching your life with great interest, something tells me it will be filled with lots of fun moments." The voice said then a magic circle appeared on the floor "See you later, demon lord Arzo." it said then the magic circle disappeared and so did the feeling of the person

I made my staff disappear 'Well, at least I finally met the person who sent me here, but I'm still wondering why they sent me out of everyone else on earth.' I thought but I simply shrugged it off 'Guess they'll tell me someday, for now, I should sleep and get ready for the plan tomorrow.' I thought so I laid back down in my bed and went to sleep

-The next day-

When I had finally awoken I got out of bed and put my cape back on then I summoned my staff and left my room and returned to my throne room where Ko, Rinako, and my three maidens were waiting and as soon as they saw me they all kneeled

"Lord Arzo, good morning, we await your commands." Zoe said

I walked to my throne and sat down "Rise, all of you." I said and they all did as told "Today is the day we initiate our plan to capture the human Marcelo, all we need to do now is place a tracking spell on Rinako so we will know where she goes when Marcelo or his men take her." I said then Rothar walked through the doors along with five other hodded wizards

Rothar walked up to the steps and bowed "Lord Arzo, we have heard of your plan to place a tracking spell on Rinako and have come to perform the spell ourselves." he said

I nodded "Very good Rothar, I expect the spell to be your very best, it must be powerful enough so that it can not be removed or found by any other." I said

"Of course lord Arzo, we will make sure the spell will be unbreakable at your request." Rothar said then he and the other five wizards all made a circle "Come Rinako, stand in the middle so we may begin." he said and Rinako walked down the steps and stepped in the middle of their circle, and once she did a magic circle appeared right under her then all of the wizards put their arms out and a magic circle appeared on their hands then RInako glowed but only for a few moments then the circles disappeared

Rothar turned to me and bowed "It is done, my lord, would you like me to give you the spell so you may keep track of her?" he asked

"Yes, I want to be the one aware of where she is at all times." I said and Rothar nodded then sent a magic circle to me where it landed on my staff "Now then, Ko." I said making her turn to me "Bring out the clothes RInako will wear." I said

Ko reached into her bag she was carrying and brought out the clothes she made for Rinako and I had to admit, she did well.

"Rinako, go and get dressed so we can send you to the town." I said and Rinako nodded as Ko gave her the clothes then she walked to the doors and returned shortly after dressed in the clothes "Good, now all that's left is to transport you." I said and I couldn't help but notice how nervous she looked "Rinako, are you alright?" I asked

Rinako nodded "I am fine, no need to worry about me lord." she said

I stood up and walked to her where I put my hand on her shoulder and got close to her ear "I can see how you truly feel, don't be nervous I'll be watching you the whole time." I whispered

Rinako nodded "I know my lord, I'll be fine." she said

"If you say so." I said then I moved away from her and held to my staff "Transport." I said then she was hit with a beam and was transported elsewhere while I walked back to my chair "Projection: area." I said making a transparent map f the town appear before with a small dot in the middle of it

Rothar bowed "Since my presence is no longer needed lord, I shall take my leave." he said then he walked out of the throne room along with the rest of his wizards


Once RInako had landed in the town Wildemoor she began walking around and also made sure to keep her eyes and ears open for anyone or anything suspicious that might lead her to Marcelo and while she walked she went past multiple buildings and even an inn that all had plenty of people within them and some people were even outside walking but none of them seemed to look like someone who would kidnap people and make them slaves that were until a group of people started walking up to Rinako from behind and she could hear their footsteps

"That must be them, they've finally taken an interest, I need to make this look convincing or else they'll think something is up." Rinako said to herself then she slowed down but only a bit

Once the men had finally caught up with her they quickly grab her and she fake struggles in their grasp as they drag her to an alleyway

"Get the chains on her quick, the faster we do this the faster we can get her along with the others to the boss." One of the men said

The second man quickly reached into his bag and pulled out chain cuffs which he put on Rinako's hands and feet and after he did Rinako was carried by the men to a cart with a big sheet over it and thrown inside and once she looked around she saw multiple people inside of it all with the same chains on their own hands and feet

"Let's get moving, we're already pretty late." one of the men said then the cart began moving


I watched the dot on the map until it started moving away from the town

"It looks like Rinako has been taken, now all we have to do is wait." I said then I looked over at my maidens "Prepare my undead troops, I want all of them ready for when it is time to move in." I said

"Yes my lord." all the maidens said then they left the throne room while I kept my eye on the map

I watched the dot move further and further away from the town and onto what seemed like a dirt road then after a few minutes of it traveling across the road it veered off and went in another direction then it just stopped

'Is that where they take the people they capture? Is that where Marcelo is? I wish I could tell but it looks like I'm gonna have to guess from here on out.' I thought as I watched the dot


Rinako along with the rest of the people were forced off of the cart and escorted into some woods where they walked for a bit until they were all stopped in front of a tree then one of the men walked up to the tree and pulled out some amulet which glowed and made a portal appear on the tree

"Alright all of you, get moving." one of the men said and the people did as told and walked right through the portal but once Rinako stepped through she felt a sharp pain course through her body as it glowed a soft purple light

"What was that?" Rinako asked herself then the men all walked to her

"Would you look at that boys, looks like one of our catches had a tracking spell on them." the man said

Rinako glared at each of them "how did you know?" she asked

The second man chuckled "the portal was created so that we wouldn't be traced, it was also created to destroy any tracking spell placed on the person once they stepped through." he said

"That shouldn't be possible, the tracking spell that was placed on me should have been a seventh tier level spell, there's no way any of you have magic stronger than that." Rinako said

"You're right, we don't." a random voice said and one Rinako turned to look she saw a muscular man who wasn't wearing a shirt only pants and shoes "but this little magic stone we got has more than enough power to cast it." he said holding up said stone "and now, the person who placed the spell on you has no way to track you, you're now my new slave for good." he said


I watched the dot enter some woods but shortly after it did it simply vanished and I was confused so I held up my staff to the map

"Track." I said but nothing appeared "track." I said again but still nothing "tracking spell, activate, show me Rinako." I ordered but still nothing so I set my staff back down "could it be that they discovered the tracking spell?" I said so I stood up and just as I did the maidens had returned and saw me

Scarlet and the other bowed once they reached the stairs "my lord, is something wrong?" she asked

"The tracking spell on Rinako has been removed." I said and I saw that they were all just as shocked as I was "mobilize my forces, get everyone ready to search for Rinako immediately, tell them to meet me at these woods to search for her, go now!" I ordered and the maidens wasted no time moving back to the doors and leaving the throne room while I raised my staff "transport." I said teleporting to the woods.


'What do I do? The tracking spell has been removed which mean lord Arzo has no idea where I am, I can run but I have no idea where I am, I could be running for miles before I find my way back and if I escape then the human Marcelo might move someplace else so he won't be caught, the only reasonable approach to this is to surrender so lord Arzo will be able to capture Marcelo.' Rinako thought as the men surrounded her

"You've got two choices here girly, surrender or die?" the muscular man said

Rinako sighed than raised her hands "I surrender." she said

The man laughed "Well, you're smarter than most people who tried to do the same thing, I'll give you that but I'll tell you this now, surrendering isn't any better, we'll make your life a living hell." he said the. He waved his hand for one of the other men to come up to him "take her to the room, we'll find out who she works for there." he said and the man nodded then walked to Rinako

"Move it girly." he said pushing Rinako and she chose to deal with it and simply began walking in the direction he pushed her and once she walked further into the base she looked up and noticed that the place was like a giant crater with caves everywhere


I walked through the woods searching for any sign of Rinako or the people that took her but all I found was the cart they left behind at the entrance to the woods then a flash of light appeared behind me and I turned around to see Rothar with a man who had green flowing hair and a vine wrapped around him, he wore a green shirt and green pants but no shoes and as soon as I looked at him a memory came to me

Rothar walked to me and bowed "Lord Arzo, I have heard the news of what has happened to Rinako, so I have brought one of the dryads to help you in your search." he said

I nodded "Well done Rothar." I said then I turned to the dryad "Mapelis, begin using your magic to search these woods for Rinako or any other human." I said

Mapelis bowed "Yes, Lord Arzo." he said then he walked further into the woods and next to a tree where he placed his hand on it and made it glow as he seemed to have stepped into the tree

I turned back to Rothar "Where is everyone else?" I asked

Rothar bowed "they are in others placed in the same woods, we have elves searching the far east side, vampires searching the west, and the maidens are searching the rest of the woods along with some demons." he explained

"We need to find Rinako, we can not afford to lose her and Marcelo." I said


Rinako was taken to an isolated room where she was strung up with her hands tied to another chain connected to the ceiling

"Alright, time for you to talk, who sent you?" the muscular man said standing at the door but Rinako didn't say anything "So, you're choosing to hold your tongue, fine then have it your way but you'll talk, they always talk." he said then he pulled out a purple-colored stone and pointed it at her

"Last chance, tell me who sent you." he said but Rinako still kept her mouth shut so he made the stone glow then it shot out purple lightning and hit Rinako making her grunt as it continued shocking her and after a few minutes he stopped it "Now talk," he said

Rinako glared at the man so he hit her with lightning again making her grunt in pain again and again after a few minutes he made it stop and demanded her to tell him who she worked for but she kept her mouth shut so he simply shocked her again and again but Rinako refused to say anything

'I just need to deal with the pain, until lord Arzo comes, I won't give this human anything, no matter what.' Rinako thought then she was hit by lightning again


I continue walking around the woods along with Rothar until he had stopped next to a tree and I turned back to him

"Rothar, what is it?" I asked

"My lord, it is strange but I feel magic coming from this tree," Rothar said

I walked to him "A magical tree in the middle of the woods?" I said

Rothar placed a hand on the tree "It is faint but there is magic coming from this tree." he said

"Mapelis." I said making Mapelis walk out of one of the other trees

Mapelis stepped to me and bowed "Yes my lord?" he said

I pointed at the tree near Rothar "I want you to check this tree." I said

"Yes my lord." Mapelis said then he walked to the tree and place a hand on the tree "This is no tree." he said

I stepped forward "Explain." I ordered

"This is simply a door disguised as a tree, a magical door." Mapelis said

I walked to the tree "This must have been where they took Rinako when they reached the woods, they also must have removed the tracking spell here, which means that past this door is where Marcelo and Rinako are." I said then I turned back to Rothar and Mapelis "go and tell everyone to come to this tree and meet me on the other side, I want everyone here for this." I said

Both of them bowed "Yes lord Arzo." they said

I turned back to the tree and raised my staff to it "Eighth tier magic: force opening." I said making the tree open up to reveal a portal which I stepped through

once I was on the other side I saw the sky above and saw that I was in a huge crater and I also saw multiple people who had pickaxes and some guards had multiple weapons on them and once I stepped forward a bit the guards had finally noticed me and all drew their weapons and ran at me

"Who the hell are you?" one of them said

I looked around "I do not have to answer that, I want two things, your leader Marcelo and one of my allies." I said

The men laughed "you think you can just walk in here and make demands of us? In case you haven't noticed, you're outnumbered." he said

"That's where you're wrong human." I said then I raised my staff to the sky "before I show you how wrong you are let me take care of that pesky sun." I said then my staff began glowing "black cloud." I said making big black clouds appear and block out the suns rays

The men looked up shocked "how did he do that? Weather magic is at least ninth tier magic." he said

I tapped m staff on the ground getting their attention back "Now then, let the slaughter begin." I said

"You think we're scared just because you were able to control a few clouds, cocky bastard!" one of the men said then he ran at me but before he was able to use his sword to slash me he was grabbed by a spiky whip the thrown away into the wall

Zoe appeared nxt to me "Filthy humans, how dare you try to hurt lord Arzo, you'll atone with your life." she said whipping her whip at the rest of them hitting a lot of them away but the rest quickly rushed at her

Scarlet quickly moved in and used her scythe to decapitate the men running at Zoe "I don't think so, you humans will all die before we even let you get a single hit on any one of us." she said then some human archers appeared and we're about to shoot a volley at us

Celia made her ten daggers destroy each of the arrows and stab all of the men "you'll all pay dearly for what you've done to our own." she said then I looked back at the portal to see the rest of my allies steps through and everyone bowed to me

Rothar stepped up "Lord Arzo, we await your command." he said

I nodded "kill every guard you find, ignore the human slaves, they mean nothing, if you find anyone important-looking enough to be Marcelo then don't kill him, we need him alive, now go!" I ordered

"Yes, Lord Arzo." all of them said then they rushed off while I began walking around searching for Rinako

While I walked around and watched the others kill every human in their sight I eventually come across a door where I hear what sounded like electricity and grunts so I raised my staff to the door and used my magic to burst the door open where I saw Rinako strung up and a human with a stone in hand who quickly turned to me

"Who the hell are you?" the man asked

I looked at Rinako then I glared at the man "How dare you." I said as I stepped closer to the man "you dare hurt one of my own, I'll make you suffer for what you've done." I said

The man held up the stone to me "you think you scare me? My name is Marcelo and I work for a powerful organization called the Jade serpents so if you know what's good for you, you'll turn around and walk home." he said

I simply stared at the human then smirked "So you're Marcelo, good that means I will make your death as painful as I can after I get what I want." I said

Marcelo made the stone glow "I gave you a chance to walk away, now you'll regret not taking it, taste the full power of the magic stone!" he said then he shot lightning at me

I raised my staff "enhancement magic: greater element defense." I said right before it hit me and when it did I felt nothing and simply stood there as it coursed through my body

"How's that possible? There shouldn't be a defense spell strong enough to block the stone's power." Marcelo said

I started walking to him making him step away from me "the difference in our power can not and will not be fixed by a simple stone, a human like you would never stand a chance against me." I said stepping closer to him and once he reached the back wall I held out my staff at him "Now sleep." I said making a small wave of energy exit my staff making him fall unconscious

I turned back around to Rinako and blasted the chain holding her up and quickly caught her before she fell to the ground

Rinako slowly opened her eyes and looked at me "Lord Arzo?" she said

"Do not speak yet, let me heal you first." I said then I laid her softly on the ground and held my staff over her "heal." I said making her body glow in a green glow as all of her injuries disappeared

Rinako fully opened her eyes and sat up "Lord Arzo." she said then she turned to me and bowed her head making me confused "I apologize greatly for causing you so much trouble, I was captured and you had to rescue me." she said

I shook my head "No, the fault is not yours or anyone else's, we were ill-prepared for something like this, we assumed they did not have the means to remove the tracking spell and we were wrong, don't blame yourself for what happened." I said making her look up at me

"But the mission-."

"Was a success, we have captured Marcelo and now all that's left is to get the location, you have done well Rinako, don't think any different." I said

Rinako bowed her head "Yes, Lord Arzo." she said

"Now rise, it's time we returned with Marcelo, come Rinako." I said

Rinako stood up "Yes, Lord Arzo." she said as she followed me out of the room and I used my magic to levitate Marcelo out of the room with us