
Chapter 1 Betrayal

"They said I would be fine. They said life would be happy. They said they wouldn't leave me. They promised me!"

These were the thoughts that were running through Lynn's mind as her so called 'friends' held her at gun point near the edge of a cliff. She glanced behind her, the waves crashing onto the sharp rocks below.

"Look, Lynn," Mara said, "I never wanted to do this. But you gave us no other option."

Lynn turned to reface the backstabbing bastards and smirked. Then started laughing. "You really think I'll believe that bullshit?"

Mara's hands shook. "Why are you laughing, bitch!? You should be begging for mercy, monster!"

"Mar, clam down." Leean said, glancing at Lynn.

" Yeah, she's obviously crazy." Markus said. "So cut her some slack."

Lynn stopped laughing. Then raised her head, looking directly at her old friends. "Please, this isn't the first time we've done this."

Lynn shakily got to her feet.

Mara and the others quickly raised their guns.

"Stand down!" Mara yelled. "You might be stong, but you're outnumbered and weak!"

"If you're so keen on killing me, why not just do it know?" Lynn asked, stepping back towards the cliff.

"What ate you doing?" Mara said. "Lynn, get away from there!"

"Still acting." Lynn muttered. "I see that even in this universe, you guys are pieces of scum"

"What the fuck are you going on about?" Markus said. "Don't move you delusional beast!"

"Try and stop me."

Lynn took one last step backwards, and fell backwards into the rushing waters below.

"No!" Mara yelled, rushing over the the cliff with Leean and Markus. "Lynn!"

As Lynn looked up at her old friends faces, she smiled.

The pure horror and grief on their faces! Beautiful! She was glad that she was finally able to repay them for making her suffer so much, even of they don't remember. Lynn closed her eyes as she fell into the sea, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

"At least this time I get to go peacefully..."