
Chapter 004: Oops, Spit it Out Quickly!_1

Translator: 549690339

Seeing Ye Xiaofei sit down, Xiao Ya hurriedly picked up a grape from the plate and stuffed it into Ye Xiaofei's mouth, laughing, "Here, this one is big and juicy, it must be delicious!"

Seeing Xiao Ya put a grape into his mouth, Ye Xiaofei felt a surge of excitement and thrill, and immediately opened his mouth wide.

When Xiao Ya fed him the grape, this guy didn't just hold onto the grape in his mouth. He "accidentally" took Xiao Ya's two jade fingers into his mouth as well and gently sucked on them.

And he even naughtily licked Xiao Ya's two fingers with his tongue.

Originally, Xiao Ya feeding Ye Xiaofei grapes was a very common occurrence.

But what Xiao Ya could never have anticipated was that this time, Ye Xiaofei took the opportunity to envelop her fingers in his mouth, even licking her fingers with his tongue.

Caught off guard by the sudden attack on her fingers, Xiao Ya instantly felt as if she had been electrocuted, trembling all over.

Her face, already flushed with a hint of red due to the heat, now turned even redder.

After snapping back to reality, Xiao Ya hurriedly withdrew her fingers and dared not even glance at Ye Xiaofei.

As for Ye Xiaofei, after licking Xiao Ya's fingers, he couldn't help but chuckle cheekily, "Mmm, Elder Sister Xiao Ya tastes really good!"

However, Xiao Ya heard his words in a completely different way.

She couldn't help but spit out in her mind, "This little rascal, he's learned to be naughty now that he's grown up."

Nevertheless, while Xiao Ya was all flustered, Ye Xiaofei picked up a grape and offered it to Xiao Ya.

The shy Xiao Ya, seeing Ye Xiaofei about to feed her a grape, felt even more panicked.

Her already blushing cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red.

She quickly raised her head and gave a soft 'hmm,' hastily wrapping her lips around the grape Ye Xiaofei extended to her.

But in doing so, she inadvertently touched Ye Xiaofei's fingers again.

Causing Xiao Ya's heart to pound wildly once more.

In her panic, she ended up swallowing the grape, skin and seed included.

Seeing Xiao Ya's flustered appearance, Ye Xiaofei couldn't help but laugh, "Elder Sister Xiao Ya, are you feeling hot? Do you want to eat a popsicle to cool down?"

"No need, I think I just want to sit in front of the electric fan for a while!"

"Right, you hurry up and eat grapes!"

Xiao Ya said, and quickly picked up another grape to put into her mouth.

"Hmm, okay! These grapes have beauty effects, you should eat more too!" Ye Xiaofei said and picked up a grape himself.

However, at this moment, although Xiao Ya was eating grapes, she couldn't help but sneak a glance at Ye Xiaofei with her peripheral vision.

Even though Ye Xiaofei was only sixteen, his height of one meter seventy was enough to showcase the masculinity of a young boy.

Plus, Ye Xiaofei was naturally very sunny-looking. So at that look, Xiao Ya's heart beat even faster.

At this moment, Xiao Ya realized that the little rascal she had always treated as the cute little brother next door had grown into a big boy and had even learned to be flirtatious with her.

Thinking back to how she had fed Ye Xiaofei grapes a moment ago, and how the little rascal had taken the opportunity to lick her finger, Xiao Ya suddenly felt an inexplicable panic.

While Xiao Ya was stealing glances at Ye Xiaofei, he once again picked up a grape and extended it toward Xiao Ya.

"Elder Sister Xiao Ya, here, let me feed you one too!"

"Hmm, sure!"

A somewhat flustered Xiao Ya responded and subconsciously nodded her head, once again enclosing the grape Ye Xiaofei handed her with her lips.

At the same time, Xiao Ya, feeling overwhelmed, grabbed a grape from the table and reached out to Ye Xiaofei.

"I'll feed you too!"

"Thank you, Elder Sister Xiao Ya!"

With a sly grin, Ye Xiaofei, upon seeing the grape Xiao Ya handed over, didn't even look at it, just opened his mouth and took it in.

Of course, he didn't forget to take the opportunity to stick out his tongue and lick Xiao Ya's fingers again.

Naturally, this caused Xiao Ya's heart to flutter with panic once more.

But this time, Xiao Ya didn't pretend as if nothing had happened like before.

Instead, after retracting her fingers, she pouted her rosy lips in dissatisfaction, blushed, and raised her left fist, smacking Xiao Fei on the top of his head with a thump.

She didn't forget to snort coldly, threatening, "You little rascal, are you asking for a beating, daring to take advantage of your elder sister like that!"


Unexpectedly, Xiao Fei, who pretended to cry out in pain, suddenly stood up in alarm and looked at the coffee table in front of him.

Seeing only a fruit plate on the empty coffee table, Xiao Fei couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

"Ah... crap, damn it... I swallowed that jade bead just now!"

Originally, when Xiao Ya had pulled Xiao Fei to sit down, he casually placed the blood-red jade bead he had found under the bed onto the coffee table.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ya, in her flustered state, mistook it for a grape and popped it into Xiao Fei's mouth.

The punch that followed directly knocked the jade bead in Xiao Fei's mouth into his throat, where it slipped smoothly into his stomach.

By the time Xiao Fei realized what had happened, it was already too late.

Elder Sister Xiao Ya, who was previously feigning anger, turned pale with fright upon hearing she had mistaken the jade bead for a grape and made Xiao Fei swallow it, standing up in panic.

"Oh no, this is terrible, you must hurry and spit it out!"

Frightened by his accidental ingestion, Xiao Fei turned towards the bathroom, opened his mouth wide, and nearly shoved his fingers down his throat.

As a result, he did vomit. However, the jade bead that he had swallowed by mistake was nowhere to be found.

Seeing this, not only Xiao Fei was in a panic, Elder Sister Xiao Ya, who had rushed into the bathroom after him, was so upset that she was nearly in tears.

"Xiao Fei, just hurry up and vomit!"

In her urgency, Elder Sister Xiao Ya pried open Xiao Fei's mouth and stuffed her hand inside, attempting to help him cough it up.

If this had been any other time, Xiao Fei would have definitely taken the opportunity to savor Elder Sister Xiao Ya's delicate hands.

But at this moment, Xiao Fei had no lascivious thoughts whatsoever.

All he thought about was how to spit out the jade bead he had swallowed.

The panic-stricken Xiao Ya wasn't aware at all that her hands were adorned with long fingernails.

As a result, when her delicate hands reached into Xiao Fei's mouth to scoop out, the sharp nails accidentally cut Xiao Fei's throat.

In an instant, fresh blood dripped from Xiao Fei's mouth, making the scene look even more horrifying.

"Ow… Elder Sister Xiao Ya, your fingernails tore up my throat!"

"Ah… I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Hearing Xiao Fei's cry of pain, Xiao Ya then noticed blood dripping from his mouth.

However, just as Xiao Ya had retracted her fingers, the previously pained Xiao Fei suddenly let out a scream of agony.

He then plunged headfirst into the toilet!

"Xiao Fei…"

Elder Sister Xiao Ya, already scared white as a sheet, saw Xiao Fei scream and fall headfirst into the toilet, which made her soul almost leave her body as she let out a piercing scream.

"Xiao Fei… Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you!"

"Auntie, Auntie…"

"Someone come quickly… Xiao Fei…"

Immediately, Xiao Ya, looking utterly panicked, dragged Xiao Fei towards the living room while crying out in distress.

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