
My Neighbor’s Dirty Secret

Who knew a package could change someone’s life? Inside the box, contained her neighbor’s dirty secret. A secret that would change her life forever. Warning: Mature and threesomes.

valeriex · Urban
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54 Chs

Truce Or Not?

The inner workings inside a novelist mind was usually planned out. Rhea was supposed to know how this story was supposed to turn out. Hence, that's why she was cautious and always distrusted those she didn't know, for she always assumed the worst in people.

Hell's sake, she'd accept it!

She had a lot of flaws and this was one of them, with it being her distrusting nature and to always assume the worst in someone.

Rhea only let the twins inside because of the lunchbox and her love for food, yet kept the door slightly open ajar in case of an emergency. She ordered them to stay at least twelve foot away and so they did. Exactly twelve foot away. Any more and she threatened she would send them flying outside in a matter of seconds.

Even though Rhea was a tiny woman compared to them, she knew some self defense techniques from her little cousin Damien. Damien was but an eleven year old but already had a black belt behind his tiny and capable shoulders. He taught her deadly techniques the last time he visited. Dear Damien was the only soul Rhea could actually stand.

This next part would have never prepared her thought process. Zeven immediately put his hand on top of Aziel's head and made the both of them bow down.

She blinked at them curiously, sushi roll halfway into her mouth as she chewed like some starved animal. Because of them, she had turned to stone and had forgotten about sustaining herself with food. Rhea swallowed as the scene kept unfolding before her, nearly choking as the story hadn't unfolded how she believed it would.

"We're truly sorry!" Zeven shouted for the both of them.

Slowly, she understood that they were actually apologizing. For sure she thought they were going to threaten her or use means to make her their next victim as they did make lewd comments about her body moments earlier.

Aziel rolled his eyes and muttered, "It was my fault I snatched you in thinking you were our sub. But still, you can voice out your concerns rather than keeping quiet while I'm dragging you into our condo. If it was anyone other than my brother and I, you'd be unfortunate."

Rhea waited until she finished chewing on the sushi roll and swallowed it. At first, something twisted inside of her heart like guilt. Only for a moment but it disappeared.

Then she quickly glared at them again. These sex crazed brothers didn't get it. They knew nothing about her circumstances. They didn't understand that even right now she wanted to run into her room and roll into the blanket, back to despair and darkness as it was her only solace.

They were bright creatures who didn't understand the dark creatures way of life. Right now, it was difficult to control the shaking that persisted as slight tremors.

"...don't get it."

"What?" one of them asked to which she didn't pay attention to.

"I said you don't get it!" she lashed out at them, lowering her voice. "Listen, I won't tell the world about your dirty secret of enjoying kinky sex or having pleasures in recording it either. And please for the love of god, know that I can hear everything! Gah, I can't sleep like a normal human without damn soundproof headphones and now I'm even having stupid nightmares..."

They had begun whispering to each other, so much that they had forgotten Rhea was still busy complaining about how their kinky sex had disrupted her peaceful nights.

"Brother, I don't think we should..." Aziel trailed off.

She could hear Zeven sighing. "....We're already this far in. We might as well..."

"What is it!" Rhea shouted once again and then, looked away because she knew her nature was ugly and excessive in anger. "Your time is almost up so please kindly wrap up your train of thought and leave my condo."

Aziel was the one who regarded Rhea seriously.

"We need to settle things with you like proper adults. This is ridiculous...You're ridiculous!"

"Okay if I'm ridiculous then GET OUT!"

"Grr, you little..."

"...Aziel, play nice."

"We've been nothing but nice!"

"Most of all...Rhea, we want to explain our situation so you don't get the wrong idea. As neighbors, we don't want any problems because we've had unpleasant experiences in the past."

Too late. She already formed the wrong idea and the ideas kept piling on top of one another regardless if she wanted it to or not.

"Why do you care about setting things straight with me? I don't know you and I don't really care about anything related to the both of you other than staying far away from me."

Aziel frustratingly threw his hands in the air. "Fine. Brother, let's leave. She's an irrational creature that can't be reasoned with."

"Your five minutes is up anyway. LEAVE."

She pushed them outside and shut the door. The both of them could still be heard outside so she leaned against the door and reluctantly said in a much kinder voice,

"...And er thanks, the apology food. It doesn't taste all that bad."