
My Necromancy System

Galaxy0888 · Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The streets of Seoul were filled with cars stuck in traffic while drivers yelled and cursed each other, Vendors advertising their goods to people, Constant honking of cars, and crowds as each person was heading to his destination, paying no mind to the commotion being caused a vendor and a thief, Amongst the crowd a 16 years old was running on the road jumping from cars to cars ignoring the angry shouts of the drivers with a sandwich in his mouth.

' I'm late... I'm late.... I'm late ' he kept saying in his mind as he ran through traffic. The sandwich falling onto the windscreen of car behind him. Five minutes later, now in front the city's highschool, he dashed through the school's hall ignoring the students shouting his name. He stopped in front a class, Class 2D and walked in as the teacher was calling the names of the students

" And lastly....Lee Minho"

" Pre....sent...." Lee Minho said out of breath. As he walked to his sit at the back of the class. A dark skinned boy with, Dreadlocks smiled at Lee Minho while handing him a bottle of water.

" You made it in time " The dark skinned boy said with a smirk.

" Of course, though it was by a hair, I was nearly late..." Minho said in am exhausted voice, ..

" Thanks for the water Park Sungmin" Minho said while handing Sungmin the bottle.

" No problem dude" the dark skinned boy, Park Sungmin said. Park Sungmin was a Nigerian—Korean Boy, His dad was Korean and his mom, Nigerian. He first met Minho when Minho had just joined The school. He was curious about Minho, who never smiled and talked to himself all the time. Everyone was too scared to approach him, So Minho always sat alone. Sungmin was the first to talk to Minho and soon they became friends.

" Enough Chit chatting! The teacher slammed his arm on the desk halting all the conversations going on in the class.Tge teacher then began explaining the day's topic.


Five hours later, the bell rang signalling the break. Some stu dents began packing their things while others stayed to chat with their friends. Minho glanced at Sungmin knowingly as they nodded their heads. Grabbing his bag , Minho headed for the school's rooftop ready for the day's trade, Similarly, Sungmin also carried his bag and headed towards the school's library. Minho had introduced his adoptive father to Sungmin has the latter insisted on following him home. He then explained how he wanted to be a courier too to make money. His dad died due to the stress of working three jobs a day, and spending the money for his medicine on his family instead. His mom struggling to make ends meet also took on extra jobs in order to afford Sungmin's and his sister Ahjin's education and needs after her husband's death. Not wanting the same for his mom. Since then alongside Minho, they both selled drugs to students and other people.

" Here's the goods now where's the money " Minho asked while glaring at a senior with a small transparent bag with white pills in it.

" I don't have any money so drop the goods and get the fuck out of here before I beat the crap out of you " the senior, Hwang Dong min said as Three huge students stepped forward releasing an intimidating aura .

" Tch...Guess I have no choice then.." Minho said before kicking the first guy in the balls as a crack could be heard.

" Shit! " Screamed the other two as they reach out to try and grab Minho but he evaded them and kicked the second one in the face knocking him out. The last one seeing he had no chance grabbed a nearby rod and swinged it towards Minho. Minho grabs the rod and hits it on the student's head who then fell to the ground.

" How do you know how to fight?!" Hwang Dong min said with a frightened face.

" I was taught so I'd be able to beat the crap out of scum like you " Minho answered before hitting him with a roundhouse kick. He then proceeded to beat him until the break was over.

" I couldn't make any sales today thanks to these idiots " He said angrily while spitting on Dong min's face.


After school, Minho and Sungmin headed to Minho's father, Lee Hyunwoo's Club in order to give him the money they made.

" Minho! Sungmin! Get over here." Hyunwoo shouted over the booming sounds of the beats in the background.

" How many did you sell Sungmin? " He asked while smoking a cigarette.

" Half of it, They said they had some left from last time " Sungmin said while handing him stacks of cash

" Half? Not bad , Hand over the rest to Donny, " Hyunwoo said while counting the money. He then gave Sungmin a few hundred thousand won.

" How about you? " He asked Minho

" They said they didn't have any money. they asked if I could sell on credit, I said no then they tried to rob me so I beat the hell out of them. "

" So you sold nothing? " He said while standing up to face Minho.

" Yeah " Minho said knowing what was about to come and so did everyone else.

They then proceeded to leave the room leaving only Minho and Hyunwoo.

A few minutes later, Hyunwoo walked out of the room leaving behind a battered and bruised Minho. He then turned around to say something

" Tonight you've got a special delivery. It ain't drugs. It'll be in a briefcase. Now do not... I repeat DO NOT open the briefcase under any circumstances else I'll kill you myself " before walking away.

Minho stood up, dusted his clothes and went to treat his injuries as he thought to himself

' I swear I'll fucking kill you myself Hyunwoo' before walking off to the infirmary
