


(She wouldn't. She knows how I feel about it)

He gets into his bed and drifts off into a deep sleep.


You find yourself once again with Helena on your operating table. You try to gather your thoughts. You keep going back to Nick and the grateful look he gave you when you saved her life. You struggle to get your focus on saving her life, instead of thinking about Nick. You're busy washing up and putting on your gloves when you talk to yourself again.

"Get a hold of yourself, Kim"

You turn to Helena on the table and start to work on keeping her alive and well.


"Master Chief?"

Nick wakes up and sees the Admiral standing next to his bed.

"Sir!" He quickly sits up straight and wants to get off the bed to salute him but the Admiral pushes him back into the bed.

"No need, Master Chief"

"Thank you, sir! What can I help you with, sir?"

"Nick, we need to get this situation under control but we have a problem, most of your men are down for the count. Most of the soldiers in your team have suffered severe injuries and a few of Bravo2 is still okay but the team leader, Sergeant Josh has a few internal injures and can't operate at the moment and you know what that means?"

"You want me to lead the team, sir?"

"Yes but Master Chief, how is your leg doing, can you walk on it? What did your doctor say?"

Just then Nita walks up to him and the Admiral.

"Afternoon, Admiral"

"Aaahhh, Dr. Naidoo. Just the person I need to talk to. How are our soldier doing, would he be able to lead a team for us?"

Nita looks at Nick and sees him begging her to release him. He gives his best puppy eyes and she smiles at him.

"Well, Admiral, he had a close call a few days ago but he did rest well enough for us to let him go but he needs to stay off his leg most of the time. If you can help me with this, he's free to go"

"Oh, we will look after this man. I can promise you that, he's very valuable to us"

He winks at Nita and then turns back to Nick.

"Okay, Nick, please report to my tent as soon as you can"

"Yes, Admiral, sir"

The Admiral turns and walks out of the tent. Nita takes his position next to Nick's bed.

"I know that you're very happy about being discharged but Nick-"

Nick takes hold of her arm and makes her stop talking.

"I know, I know, I must be careful and try to keep off my leg. Don't worry about me, I'm a big boy"

He gives her a cocky smile and the realization hits him that he finally gets to do the thing that he loves again. All these touchy-feely things he has been going through these last few days is driving him crazy. Nita laughs.

"Okay, big boy, get out of here. I don't want to see you back here again, you hear me?"

"Yes! Mam!"

He gathers all his things and Nita sign his chart for discharge. She says goodbye and then turns back to her other patients. He's just about ready to leave when Tracy stops him with his pain medicine.

"Thank you, Tracy"

"Your welcome"

He walks out of the tent and suddenly a feeling fills his entire being. The feeling of loss. It feels as if he lost a part of his heart. He wants to be by your side but then Helena jumps into his thoughts. He shakes his head and makes his way back to his tent to freshen up. He can't remember when he last had a bit of time just for himself and to get into other clothes. When he walks, he's leg pains a bit but not nearly as much as it did a few days ago.

He arrives at the Admiral's tent and the team is assembled to greet their new leader. Everyone salutes him and then Nick realizes that most of the team is from Bravo2 and 3. The only person that is from Bravo1 is John.

"Welcome back sir! We missed you" John steps forward.

"So did I Sergeant, so did I!"

They gather around the table and the Admiral discusses the plan of action. They talk for about two hours and then they start to gear up to leave the base. Nick can't seem to get Helena out of his mind as he just saw that she almost lost her life. Nick walks over to the Admiral.

"Sir, Admiral, sir!"

"Yes, Master Chief, what can I do for you?"

"Sir, if you don't mind, I would like to run a quick errand before we leave?"

"No problem, Nick. Just ask Sergeant Ray to get your gear ready"

"Thank you, sir"

Nick quickly makes his way to Ray and asks him to finish up checking his gear.

"Yes, Master Chief, sir!"

"Thank you, Sergeant, I won't be long"

He then proceeds toward the hospital tent.


You just finished the surgery on Helena. Everything went well as you expected. They push her back to her spot in the ICU and you recommend they sedate her one more day. You take your gloves off and get a cup of coffee. You glance towards Nick's bed and notice he's not there.

(Is he walking around again instead of resting?)

You decide to investigate and take his chart from his bed but all you see is a neatly made bed with a blank chart.

(What's going on?)

Someone touches your shoulder and you turn around to look into the most captivating eyes you've so come to adore.

"Checking up on me, doc?"

(Oh god! I never could handle a man in uniform but this, this is ridiculously yummy. He has mesmerized me with his entire being of a man standing in front of me)

You feel as your heartbeat suddenly starts to pick up. You feel a deep desire and wanting for him and it's exploring your insides. You try not to show your excitement for him and take a deep controlled breath.

"Of course I do, you always get yourself into trouble around here"

He chuckles and then turns into something more serious. "How's Helena doing?"

"I just finished her surgery, she's doing just fine. I'm sorry you had to see all that, it must've broken you to see her like that?"

He turns his face away from you, trying not to show the pain residing in his eyes.

"I won't lie, it hurt to see her like that but I'm deeply grateful that you were there to save her life and not giving up on her"

You blush again. "God, please, don't…it's what any doctor would do"

"No!" He almost shouts the words to you and then he realizes what he just did. He grabs your shoulders and forces you to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry but no, not every doctor would've gone as far as you did with her. You gave everything you've got. Where another doctor would've given up already and for that, I'm so grateful. Please take this compliment and see it for what it is"

You're stunned to your core by the words he just spoke to you. The seriousness in his eyes, shouts a thousand words. You feel as his thumbs on your shoulders lightly caress you and every movement sends a jolt of pleasure to your core.

"Then, thank you for saying that. I appreciate it"

He then abruptly takes his hands from your shoulders. "Listen, I have to go. My team is waiting for me"

"Your team?"

"Yeah, we're deploying…"


Hello, my lovely readers.

I know most of you won't be happy with this, but it's happening sorry.

The chapters will be locked, but I've moved it towards the ending of the month so that my readers could enjoy reading free chapters till then.

This author needed the extra money, so I hope you will continue to support me and I promise you that there's more to come from this story.

You won't be disappointed.

To celebrate going premium, a mass release of 2 chapters will be awarded. Enjoy!

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