
My Navy Captain: Breaking Down Walls

Dr. Amy Micheals decides to leave the city and her successful career behind and join the Navy. She is enlisted on the Navy ship of Captain Zac Brown who will soon find, that he cannot live without Amy. They take a ride through the rough waters of the sea and the war they find themselves in. Will their love be able to survive all the obstacles they have to go through? Come and join me on their journey to true love.

Mrssmithwriter · Fantasy
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Have You Seen Captain Zac Brown


I feel like crap when I hear a knock on my door. I must have slept something like two hours last night as I was thinking the entire night about the mess I made. I know that I should have slept to get better but my mind was way too strong for me to sleep.

The thoughts keep haunting me that Amy now thinks that she did something wrong while it was me. I am the Captain and I should have said no and controlled myself. How could I have been so foolish?

I get up from my bed to open the door and before me, Peter stands dressed and ready for the day.

"Good morning, Captain"

I yawn and open the door even further for him to come in.

"Morning. What can I help you with?"

"I thought you wanted to know that the coast guard is here?"

I was so consumed by my own thoughts that I completely forgot about the events of yesterday. I need to be there for my friend and helping with the transition.