
My Naphalem Hybrid System

Jace Norman, a boy born with an incurable sickness, making him weak amongst his peers. To make matters worse for him, he even failed to awaken any ability even if it was a Beta Level ability. All of these changed on a fateful night where he was trapped outside the Walls and was left to die at the monsters that roams the wastelands. After running for what seems like an eternity, he eventually succumbed to his fatigue and fell to the ground waiting for his death to come. "this is the end of my pitiful life, father I'm sorry that I could not fulfill the dream you had for me, I'm truly sorry" he said as he closed his eyes. But death didn't answer his calls but something else or in his case, somethings. **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Jade Norman

"He is back, Jace is back and he is different"

Janice said while panting heavily after running to deliver the news to her father.

James's eyes widened in surprise as he spread his aura throughout the entire estate. Just as Janice had said, he saw Jace walking in the direction of his father's building. From what he observed, James could tell that something had changed within Jace. It was as if a new energy pulsed through him, awakening dormant powers and unlocking untapped potential. This could only mean one thing: Jace had undergone a transformation.

As James watched Jace's confident stride and observed the subtle shifts in his demeanor, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Gone was the frail and timid boy James remembered. In his place stood a young man exuding strength and determination, a far cry from the Jace of old.

James turned to Janice with a warm smile on his face. "Go fetch the boy after he freshens up. And while you're at it, bring your mother along. Oh, and make sure to let the kitchen staff know to prepare something delicious for our Jace. And don't forget to summon Jason and Jade here," he instructed.

Janice's expression shifted from confusion to a slight frown. She had expected James to be pleased about Jace's return, but instead, he seemed to be issuing orders left and right, treating her more like a messenger than a member of the family.

Nevertheless, Janice nodded obediently. She understood her role in the household and knew that it was her duty to carry out James's commands, no matter how trivial they seemed. With a resigned sigh, she set off to fulfill her cousin's requests.

"What happened to you, Jace?"



As Jason paced back and forth in his study, his frustration grew with each step. The news of Jace's return had thrown him off balance, igniting a simmering resentment that he had long harbored towards his nephew. Beside him, Jade, his daughter and trusted assistant, watched him with a mixture of concern and unease.

Jade, with her signature Norman Family features, possessed a striking appearance that commanded attention wherever she went. Her hair, a pristine shade of white reminiscent of freshly fallen snow, cascaded in elegant waves down her back, framing her delicate features with an ethereal allure. Her eyes, a piercing shade of sapphire blue, held a depth and intensity that seemed to pierce through the veil of time itself.

Despite her youth, Jade carried herself with a poise and grace befitting her noble lineage. Her movements were measured and deliberate, each step imbued with a quiet confidence that spoke of her upbringing within the walls of the Norman Family estate. Yet beneath her composed exterior, there lay a fire and determination that burned brightly within her soul.

Jade's attire mirrored her refined and elegant demeanor, with each garment meticulously chosen to complement her natural beauty. Whether she was clad in the finest silks and satins for formal occasions or donning more practical attire for her duties as her father's assistant, she always exuded an air of timeless elegance that set her apart from the crowd.

But it was not just Jade's appearance that marked her as a member of the Norman Family; it was the strength of character and unwavering loyalty that defined her.

"Dad," Jade began tentatively, choosing her words carefully. "I know you're not pleased with Jace's return, but we can't ignore the situation. We need to figure out how to handle this."

Jason's jaw clenched at the mention of Jace's name, his dislike for the boy evident in the hard set of his features. "I don't want anything to do with that troublemaker," he muttered darkly, his voice thick with anger.

Jade sighed softly, her heart aching for the tension that hung heavy in the air. She knew her father's feelings towards Jace ran deep, but she also couldn't stand the thought of letting family discord tear them apart.

"Dad, I understand how you feel," Jade said gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her father's arm. "But we can't let our personal feelings cloud our judgment. We need to handle this situation with caution and diplomacy."

Jason's expression softened slightly at his daughter's words, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. He knew Jade was right, but the thought of facing Jace filled him with a sense of dread.

"Fine," he relented begrudgingly, his tone begrudging. "Inform the others of his return. We'll...deal with it."

With a nod, Jade left the study, leaving Jason alone with his thoughts. As he sank into his chair, a sense of foreboding settled over him. He knew that Jace's return would bring nothing but trouble, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his position in the family is now wavering more than ever.

Before Jade could walk out of the door, Janice had already appeared on their doorstep. Jade greeted her with a warm smile before turning to her uncle, Jason, who was standing nearby with a scowl on his face.

"Father demands your presence, including you, lovely Jade," Janice announced, her tone carrying a hint of teasing as she reached out to stroke Jade's hair.

Without waiting for Jason's reply, Janice turned on her heel and walked away, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she continued on her rounds of delivering messages.

Jade sighed softly, feeling a mixture of amusement and exasperation at her cousin's antics. Despite Janice's playful demeanor, Jade knew that her grandfather's summons was not to be taken lightly. With a sense of resignation, she turned to Jason, silently urging him to follow her to their grandfather's study.

As they made their way through the corridors of the estate, Jade couldn't help but wonder what awaited them in their grandfather's presence.

As Janice continued on her rounds, she found her mother in the garden, tending to the flowers with a gentle touch. "Mother," Janice began, her voice carrying a hint of excitement, "Jace has returned."

Her mother's eyes widened in surprise, her hands freezing midair. "Jace? Truly?" she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. "Oh, this is wonderful news! We must prepare a grand welcome for him."

Janice nodded eagerly, feeling a surge of relief at her mother's enthusiastic response. "Yes, I'll make sure everything is ready," she assured her, already on the task.