
Family Dinner

The atmosphere at the Norman family dinner took on a more intense tone as James, the patriarch of the family, turned his attention to Jace. There was a palpable curiosity in James' gaze, his piercing eyes fixed on his grandson as he prepared to delve into the details of Jace's sudden return and transformation.

"Jace," James began, his voice commanding attention as he addressed the young man seated opposite him, "we've all been wondering how you managed to survive out there on your own for so long. It's been months since you disappeared without a trace, and now you're back, seemingly unharmed."

Jace felt the weight of James' scrutiny, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to answer his grandfather's questions. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the interrogation that was about to come.

"It's... it's hard to explain, Grandpa," Jace replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I... I found myself stranded in the wasteland after trying to play the hero, surrounded by dangers I couldn't have imagined. But somehow, I managed to survive."

James nodded, his expression unreadable as he listened intently to Jace's words. "And what about your transformation?" he asked, his voice steady but filled with curiosity. "How do you explain the sudden change in your appearance and abilities?"

Jace hesitated for a moment, grappling with how to explain the inexplicable. "I... I'm not sure, Grandpa," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's like... like something inside me awakened, unlocking powers I never knew I had. I... I'm still trying to understand it all myself."

The tension in the room was palpable as James absorbed Jace's words, his brow furrowed in thought. For a long moment, there was silence as the rest of the family watched on, waiting with bated breath for James' response.

Finally, James spoke his voice firm but tinged with a hint of concern. "Well, whatever the reason, Jace, we're just glad to have you back with us," he said, his gaze softening as he reached out to clasp Jace's hand. "You're a Norman, and no matter what challenges you face, you'll always have the love and support of your family."

[I highly doubt that] Jace said in his heart as he looked over the table where he could see the intense glare directed at him.

As James questioned Jace about his survival and transformation, the atmosphere at the dinner table became tense. While James' focus was on his grandson, Jace, his uncle Jason's eyes bore into him with a cold glare. Jason's jaw was clenched, and his expression was unreadable, a silent disapproval evident in his gaze.

Jace could feel the weight of Jason's scrutiny, and a sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach. He knew that his uncle had always been skeptical of him, and his sudden return and transformation only seemed to deepen Jason's distrust.

On the other side of the table, Jace's cousin Jade watched him with keen curiosity, her blue eyes alight with fascination. She leaned forward slightly, her white hair framing her face as she studied him intently as if trying to decipher the secrets hidden beneath his new appearance.

Meanwhile, Jace's grandmother, Miranda, fussed over him with unabashed delight, her eyes shining with tears of joy. She reached out to gently pat his hand, her touch filled with warmth and affection.

"Oh, Jace, my dear boy," Miranda exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm so glad you're back, safe and healthy. We were all so worried about you."

Jace smiled gratefully at his grandmother's words, feeling a rush of warmth at her loving embrace. Despite the tension in the room, her unwavering support gave him strength and reassurance.

As the dinner conversation continued, Jace found himself caught between the watchful gaze of his uncle, the curious scrutiny of his cousin, and the adoring attention of his grandmother. But at that moment, surrounded by his family, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always have their love and support to guide him, at least most of them.

As Jace sat at the family dinner, surrounded by his grandparents, James and Miranda, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss. His thoughts kept drifting to his father, who had been absent for weeks now.

"Where is Dad?" Jace finally voiced his question, glancing at his grandfather James, who sat beside him.

James exchanged a quick glance with Miranda, his expression betraying a hint of concern. Miranda, ever the composed matriarch, offered a reassuring smile before turning her attention to Jace.

"Your father? Oh, he's probably off on one of his expeditions, dear," Miranda replied, her voice laced with forced nonchalance. "You know how he loves to explore and discover new things."

Jace furrowed his brow, unconvinced by Miranda's explanation. It had been far too long since his father left, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

"But it's been weeks since he left. Shouldn't he have returned by now?" Jace pressed, his tone tinged with worry.

James offered a comforting pat on Jace's shoulder. "Your father has always been resourceful and capable. I'm sure he's just lost track of time on his latest adventure."

Despite their attempts to reassure him, Jace couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at his gut. He knew his father wouldn't simply vanish without a trace, especially not when he promised to find a cure for Jace's mysterious illness.

"I hope you're right. It's just... I miss him, you know?" Jace admitted, his voice tinged with sadness.

Miranda reached out and squeezed Jace's hand comfortingly. "We all miss him, sweetheart. But your father will return, I'm certain of it. In the meantime, let's focus on your recovery and enjoying our time together as a family."

Jace managed a weak smile, grateful for his grandparents' attempt to alleviate his worry. Yet, deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and that his father's absence held a deeper, more ominous significance.

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