
My Naphalem Hybrid System

Jace Norman, a boy born with an incurable sickness, making him weak amongst his peers. To make matters worse for him, he even failed to awaken any ability even if it was a Beta Level ability. All of these changed on a fateful night where he was trapped outside the Walls and was left to die at the monsters that roams the wastelands. After running for what seems like an eternity, he eventually succumbed to his fatigue and fell to the ground waiting for his death to come. "this is the end of my pitiful life, father I'm sorry that I could not fulfill the dream you had for me, I'm truly sorry" he said as he closed his eyes. But death didn't answer his calls but something else or in his case, somethings. **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Eve Sinclair

Academy for the Gifted

"Today, the Lord Jason would be clearing out Monsters that wanders around the perimeters of the United Republic and it will be in your best interest if you get to witness such a rare sight"

A man in his fifties said to a group of students in a very great hall.

The kids cheered loudly when they heard what the man said.

The man is the current dean of the the Academy, Dean Silas, a very well known and influential man, he is an Omega Level Gifted and a very powerful one at, that's why he is the dean.

Today he got a news from his insiders from the Norman family about Jason Norman going out to clear the monsters at the perimeters of the city and thought it would be a very good outing for the students to see how it is done.

"I know this is all so sudden but times like this does not come very often, it is not everyday you get to see a member of the Norman Family clearing out Monsters and that, a son of the Family Head and a very powerful Omega Level Gifted" said Dean Silas.

The students all shouted that they were okay with it and did not mind it at all.

"Good, since we all are on the same page, why don't all go to the walls of the city"

With that, the instructors, the dean and all the students present all left the hall leaving only a frail Jace sitting all by himself.

"[Sigh] what so big a deal about uncle Jason clearing out Monsters?" He said as he slowly got up to join the rest of the students.

Jace is the only student in the entire Academy and since the day it was founded to be a non-gifted.

Due to his special background and condition, he could not attend a non-gifted academy, thus he was sent here instead.

He hated every bit of his stay on the Academy and wanted to just call it a quit but he can't, this is the only thing he could do for his father since he was born, so he just have to endure four years in the Academy and be done with it, that is if he was going to even leave that long.

He could feel his body cells dying, he was getting weaker and weaker every single day, no matter how many treatment he has, his condition does not get any better instead it worsens.

So Jace has given up any hope of ever getting better and decided to just live the rest of his life for his father's sake.

"Are you going to come out or stay there all day?"

Jace raised his head to look at the person who just spoke just now and discovered it was the Academy's top beauty, Eve Sinclair.

Eve Sinclair of the Sinclair family, the ruling family of the city.

She is the daughter of the Family Head of the Sinclair family and Ruler of the United Republic.

She is not only a top beauty of the Academy but also the city only second to Jade Norman, a cousin of Jace Norman and daughter of Jason Norman.

"I'm coming, it is just going to take a while" said Jace as he struggled to even walk now more than ever.

"If you are dying, you should at least stay at home, no need to bring it to the Academy" Eve said as she walked to help Jace.

Jace should have been offended by her words but he did not because he knew she didn't mean what she said, it was just a hard front she shows to others not only him, she was even being soft to him, if it was someone else, she would have given them an insult that would be passed on from generation to generation.

Jace knew she is kind on the inside but just did not want others to take advantage of that kindness, that's why she adopts the very cold persona.

"Thanks for the help" said Jace.

"Don't thank me, I just want to get out of here and you are holding me back" she said as she held him and helped walk out of the hall.

A few minutes later

"We are finally here, everyone remember what I told you on our way here" said Dean Silas as he got out of the Academy's transport vehicle that brought them to the great wall of the city "always stay within a group, don't stray too faraway from the other students, anywhere you see the Lord Jason battling with any monsters, make sure to not get too close and just watch the fight from a distance, if possible you record it so that you can learn one or two things from it later on, do you understand me?"

All the students harmoniously shouted a resounding yes making the guards guarding the great wall sigh at their naivety.

"Are you sure you want to continue with the rest of us?" Eve asked Jace who stood besides her earning him glares from the envious male students who would do anything to be in his place right now.

"I think I will just sit this one out, I will just stay with the guards here" said Jace.

"Okay, suit yourself, after all you don't need to go see your uncle fight with the monsters since you can have him demonstrate for you at home" Eve said.

"I wish that was possible" Jace said while letting out a sad chuckle.

Eve saw all of this and sighed as she was not oblivious to family crisis since she was from a big and influential family where every one wants a piece of the cake.

"Whatever, I will be on my way now, don't die out here, you can die when you are at your home"

With that, Eve left Jace all by himself.

Jace sighed before he went to join the guards and have a few talks with them but before he could even take one step, he heard something that sent chills down his spine.