
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra...

Chapter 22:

At Jaipur, the residence of Rathores was in a tensed state. The servants were talking amongst themselves about the absence of Tamra and the gravity of the situation. Somehow a word had caught about the impersonation of Tamra before the grooms' house. The servants were shocked beyond words, they have never seen or even heard of such a thing even in Bollywood cinemas. They observed that, Suraj Rathore was keeping cool on this entire issue, whereas, Mihir Rathore was tensed up.

The cook told other servants about Sukanya being locked up in her room. Now the servants were really worried about their safety too. That morning, Suraj had gone out to see someone without taking the driver. Mihir had gone to his hospital with his son Adhrit. Now that Sukanya was not around to supervise, they gathered in the garden. The senior most servant, who was with the family for more than 2 decades was in the crowd too. Raghuveer was a serious man of age 40. He had served the Rathores from the first day, they shifted to this present residence. He even transported certain goods from the old burnt palace to this house.

"Keeping one's wife under lock and key is unimaginable! Why madam is keeping quiet?" asked a young girl who was the assistant to the cook. "Poor lady! What could she do? Her cell phone had been snatched away, there is no land line in that room! How could she communicate with others?" asked the cook. "Really? Is she really imprisoned?" asked the gardener who rarely came inside the house. "Yes! She is indeed! As a lady, and also as a senior member of the family, Aditi Madam didn't even open her mouth to protest. Sukanya madam is crying always. What a situation she is in? Little Tamra left without informing anyone it seems. Now the Masters are putting the blame on Sukanya madam. I heard bad words!" Said an old maid who was doing the cleaning.

"Kaka! You are a senior. Like this happened ever before? "Asked the driver with interest. Everyone looked at Raghuveer. He heaved a sigh of despair. "No! Not to my knowledge. But my father has told many stories about the senior Rathore. The day, that was when the old palace caught fire, he came back from our village. As he heard the news, he started shivering. He blabbered something like everything was a plan, the King and the princess Aditi are in great danger. I was too young and did not know anything! So, I ignored him. My father talked about a Tantric Baba, some puja, a girl was deceived and many unrelated things.

After sometime I got job here. When I told this to my father, he became hysteric. He urged me not to accept the offer. He even cried. But what to do? We have a family to look after, right? So, I took the job. But If I don't return after 7 in the night, my father would have the whole house down with a panic attack." Stopped Raghuveer.

"But why are you telling all the tales of woe to us?" asked Nila. She was a very sober person and always minded her own job. "I have every reason to talk about the past Nila! My father was always worried about my safety while he was alive. 5 years back he died, But before he died, he became conscious of the past happenings. He told me everything in his death bed. "Suraj Rathore is an evil man son! I really don't know what happened at the old palace! But I am pretty sure that, the fire was not an accident. A few days before the fire burnt down the palace, he made us shift very important and valuables to some other place! I don't clearly remember but, Probably, they were moved to the present house.

After that, We servants were all given leave with pay, and were asked to come after 10 days. There were all sorts of rumour about a Tantric Baba, and some evil puja. After the holidays, When I returned to the palace, the entire place was burnt down. Everywhere I could see only blackened bricks, charcoal. They said the King Jaimal was a victim in that fire accident. When Suraj Rathore and his wife had escaped, why the King alone died? Having that suspicion on mind I went to the burnt palace again. In the bright sunlight I found the King's 2 rings in a slightly burnt condition. But to my horror I realized that, the third one, diamond ring was missing. I searched all over the place. But no diamond ring was found. That could mean only one thing! The ring had been removed before the King died or rather left to die in the fire! So said my father." Raghuveer stopped his narrative for a while.

Everyone was staring at him with fear in their faces. "But…Kaka! Jaimal was a King; His Son-in-law might have cremated his mortal remains with honor. At that time, he might have removed the ring!" objected Nila again. Others realized that was a possibility. Raghuveer smiled at everyone pathetically. "There was never a proper cremation was arranged for King Jaimal. Suraj Rathore told everyone; the King's body was burnt to ashes. So, he simply constructed a tomb for him." Said Raghuveer. There was a silence after this announcement.

"But that happened long back Kaka! Why are you telling us now?" asked the driver with fear. "I think history is repeating itself. The happenings, Tamra's escape, Sukanya madam's imprisonment all indicate the situation when father warned me of!" said Raghuveer. No one asked "What situation?" but everyone's eyes were asking the same question. "My father warned me! He said "I know you get a handsome pay for your job at Rathore's residence. Old habits die hard! So, they say! If you come across any situation in the residence, which indicates an evil deed, please leave the job and come home. Don't even look back. Don't worry about notice." Those were the last words of my dyeing father! Now I feel a gloomy feeling." said Raghuveer with emotions.

"Kaka! What do you suggest we do?" asked the driver. "Shall we open the room and let Sukanya madam out?" asked Nila! "No Nila! I don't dare to do such a thing! I don't advice you people to do that either! We are poor, we need employment for feeding our family. If we let Madam go away, then I am sure Senior Rathore would see to it that we don't get employment elsewhere." Said Raghuveer in a panicked tone. Others remained silent.

"I know what I am going to do! I am going to call Tamra madam, inform her about her mother's status. Let her decide!" said Nila. "Umm…that probably work. But I am resigning from the employment. I don't want to become senile at the age of 40. I can get a job easily!" Raghuveer started walking towards the exit of the palace. The driver ran towards Raghuveer and stood in front of him, and extended his hands. "Stop Kaka! If you go away, then also you are not safe. Senior Rathore would know the reason. He may even think you have some connections in Tamra madam's escape. You want that?" asked Hari the driver. Raghuveer stopped as if he was shot. His simple mind never thought of that possibility. "My God! What a mess we are in?" saying loud, he walked towards the palace again with Hari at his heels.

"Kaka! Don't panic, we are all with you! What is happening here is against law. We can call the police and release madam!" said Nila. "That we may do, but before that we have to approach Aditi madam! She is equally responsible for her husband's evil deed. We must confront her." Said the cook.

A timid girl of age 19, spoke almost in whisper. She was the helper in the garden. "What do you want Jothi?" asked Hari with empathy. He was always fond of the calm and quiet Jothi. Encouraged Jothi opened up. "Kaka! I have a terrible news. Day before yesterday, Senior and Junior Rathores were talking near the garden. I was plucking Jasmine flowers for the Puja. The plants were hiding me, so they could not see me." Slowly she swallowed.

"Tell it fast Jothi! How long would you take?" asked Nila with irritation. "Well! I heard, words like prestige, family pride. Finally Senior Rathore said, they are searching for Tamra madam, just to make her vanish again." A big sob stopped her. There was a shocked silence among the servants. "That means, they are going to murder Tamra, marry off the imposter, tell everyone, that the Rathore Girl is married off with dignity." Said Hari with a shiver in his voice. Again, there was a shocked silence, except for the sob of Jothi. Raghuveer wanted to run away from the palace. But he knew if he did that, he might get into deeper waters.

"What do we do now? I don't like anything here! Does Sukanya madam and Aditi madam know about this?" asked Nila. "I don't think they know! What is the difference it's going to make? Both of them are afraid of their husbands. No honor at all! Money minded people!" said Hari with contempt. "Yes! True! But what we should do? If anything happens, the police might suspect us first! And Senior Rathore won't think twice before charging us of murder." Said Raghuveer with fear!

"I am happy, that you people have social responsibility and sense of rightness!" said a voice. Everyone turned towards the direction. They were in the extreme left end of the palace where a small room was constructed for the servants to rest. To reach the place one has to cross many gates and doors. But there was a Baba covered in holy ashes, standing in front of them smiling. Raghuveer immediately knelt down on his knees. "Bhairav Baba! Its indeed our honor to have your darshan!" said he with much reverence. "Good to see you again Raghu! I see you all are in a predicament!" said the Baba. Others were not aware of the identity of the Baba, so they were all simply blinking and were confused how to react to that situation. Bhairav Baba sat on a chair nearby.

"Please respect him! He is Bhairav Baba, very holy Godman. He had saved my life twice. He is full of miracles." Said Raghuveer to others. Slowly one by one bowed to him. "Baba! Why you have come all the way from Himalayas? Is there anything important?" asked Raghuveer. "Yes! Very important mission I have to accomplish! Probably it is my Karma for this birth!" said the Baba. "Baba! It's the correct time you have come! We are in a grave situation here. Don't know what to do? And what not to do?" said Nila. Baba smiled at her and raised his hands in blessings.

"You are a good soul, Nila! Not only you, the people here are all have good karma! That is the reason why I am here to help you! Is any woman in this palace is illtreated?" asked the Baba in a high voice. Everyone was pleasantly surprised. "Yes Baba! That is exactly what is happening here! Sukanya madam is imprisoned! Senior Rathore and Mihir Rathore have gone somewhere, we don't know what to do?" said Nila. "Um….I understand! Where is she now?" asked the Baba. "In the first floor Baba! She has been imprisoned in her own room. No cell phone!" said Nila with fear. The Baba smiled at her. "Don't worry, everything will be alright soon!" assured the baba.

"But…what about the honor killing?" there was a timid voice from behind the crowd of people. "Please come forward child! Don't be shy!" said Baba with affection. Jothi came forward and hid behind Hari. "Honor killing? eh? So, Suraj is planning to murder this Tamra too?" Baba laughed a hearty laugh which rang through the entire palace. Even Raghuveer was feeling terrible. Others thought the Baba had gone crazy. "Don't worry children! I am not mad! I was just laughing at the play of time! Well! Well!" said the Baba becoming serious.

"Baba! What should we do? Shall I go and let Madam out?" asked Nila. "I won't advise that Nila! It's the Karma of your madam! She had to undergo these. We cannot change someone else's Karma. If we do, our Karma changes for bad! Do you Understand?" no one understood anything. Still all nodded. Again, a smile came on Bhairav Baba's lips. This time it was not terrifying. "None of you understood a word I told! No problem! Let time decide, when you should understand. I am not here to make you Enlighted." Said the Baba still with a smile.

"Baba! Can you please explain what is Karma?" asked Jothi softly. "We don't have much time dear! But still, I will try to explain. If someone asks, it's our duty to explain them. Listen children, we are humans, each and every word, the action we perform creates a sort of energy or aura . You can call them Karma. If you do good things your Karma is good! It's as simple as that! But the mathematics involved in this is very complicated and difficult to accept or understand. Just be happy with if you do good things, good will come to you!" said Babaji urgently.

"Why sudden rush Babaji? Has our master returned?" asked Hari with fear. "Yes! He has returned! Not alone! With the most vicious Tantric scholar of contemporary time, Prof. Rastogi! I have to rush before they see me!" saying these, he suddenly vanished from the place. Next moment they saw, he was crossing the palace on the road.

Suraj Rathore alighted the car and from behind a very soft looking clean shaven gentle man got down. The moment he set foot on the floor; the dog started barking hysterically. Suraj Rathore was annoyed "Shut up! Tiger! He is our guest" cried Suraj, but the dog continued to bark frantically and was about to break the chain, when professor Rastogi went near it, and looked deep into its eyes. Next moment the dog rolled on the floor, not able to bark or even open the mouth. With a cruel smile Prof Rastogi entered the premises.