
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra...

Chapter 12:

Tamra, Birju and Niveda were seated in the temple bench under a big neem tree. To gain their trust, Niveda talked about herself and the princess. She also added she was not happy with the King's choice of groom for Aditi. "I admit, Suraj is not a royal descendant, but he is very clever and loving!" said Tamra in his defence. "She is completely under the spell of Suraj." Thought Niveda to herself. "May be yes! But why have you come to meet him?" asked Niveda directly. There was an awkward silence at this and slowly Tamra opened up. She told Niveda about their relationship, the love he had for her, the promises he gave!

Niveda felt the same kind of pity for the naivety of Tamra. "How that rascal catches the poor girls?" she again thought to herself. "Did he offer any explanation as why he cheated on you?" asked Niveda angrily. Now she was feeling angry towards Tamra, and feeling pity for her at the same time. "he told me everything Niveda! The princess is seriously ill. The King wanted his daughter to get married. That's why the marriage was rushed." Said Tamra with a choke in her voice.

Niveda could not find her voice. What a planning fox Suraj was? Telling lies about his wife? Deceiving two women at the same time? What is he thinking of himself? He could deceive the King and easily get away? Anger swelled in her. But she thought before speaking. "This girl has complete trust in Suraj! He could send them back to Dantla! But why on earth he asked me to make her stay till the new moon? Something fishy!" she thought to herself. "Umm….I am sorry Tamra! He had deceived you again. My Princess is not ill. She is healthy and by God's grace may survive for several years." Said Niveda in a very small voice. Tamra sat there without even a word, her hands were clenched, her teeth were biting her lips and a drop of blood was visible! She suddenly started hitting herself. It looked like, Tamra had completely lost her mind. Her lips were blabbering something, at the same time her hands were hitting herself. She looked like an angel fallen into the hell by accident. Niveda and Birju tried to stop her. But her insanity got worse by every second. Now she started yelling and hitting her stomach.

This alarmed both Birju and Niveda! They tried to control her, but all efforts were in vain. Niveda cursed herself for speaking about Suraj. Tamra fell on the floor and her body was twisting badly. Suddenly her body became still. No yelling, no cursing or twisting. Both Birju and Niveda were afraid beyond words. Birju rushed to the temple well and fetched water, by the time, Niveda had put Tamra on her laps and was nursing her. Tamra's lips were dry, and was still murmuring something. Thank Goodness, she was still breathing. Birju poured some water on her lips. She slowly opened her eyes. As if she remembered something, she looked around and got up in a trice.

Niveda looked at Tamra, and was able to understand how she felt. "Listen Tamra! I did not mean to be bad to you, but….". Tamra just sat down on the bench again. There were no tears in her eyes, instead, there was something which made Niveda shrink in fear. Tamra looked at Niveda! "You mean to say, Suraj is a mean, cunning, cheating bastard?" It was more of an affirmation than a question. Niveda remained silent. "What are we going to do now?" Birju asked the question to himself rather to Tamra. Tamra slowly lifted her head and caught the hand of Birju. "Will you ever be able to pardon me Birju? I have ignored your love! Because of me you had to swallow many insults. Please forgive me!" said Tamra. Her eyes were not looking either at Birju or Niveda! She was staring at the horizon.

"You go back to Arunika! Both of you get married and live happily! I have some important work to do!" said Tamra again. The air was now chill, and gave shivers to Niveda. "Don't talk nonsense Tamra! You are coming with me to Dantla! Arunika was always correct. She had told me what to do, if Suraj proved to be a fraud!" said Birju shaking Tamra. This made Tamra look at Birju. "Oh! She foresaw this too? Let me listen what that genius told?" said Tamra. "Niveda! Can you arrange for food? Tamra is pregnant and she needs food now! After that, I will take her to Dantla!" said Birju conclusively. Getting food as a maid of the Princess was easy, but as a village girl? And the news that Tamra was pregnant made Niveda's head whirl.

Somehow, she managed to get crushed vegetables and 3 rotis from a nearby house. When she reached the temple again, Tamra was looking at Birju with a quizzical look. Both Birju and Niveda compelled food in Tamra's mouth. With difficulty she ate one roti. The remaining Niveda made Birju to eat. After food, Tamra seemed a bit less scary. "What are you going to do?" asked Niveda with concern. Tamra laughed at this question, a mirthless, emotionless laugh which sent chill down the spine of Birju too. "Stop laughing Tamra! Please gather yourself. This is not end of the world! You have Arunika, and me. I will marry you in this temple if you want. Let the child bear my name as father. I promise you Tamra, I will not even touch you!" said Birju with emotion. Niveda felt her eyes were moist. Tamra must be very lucky to have friends like Arunika and Birju she thought to herself.

"I can never marry you, Birju! Arunika is your love of life. I have to see Suraj and take my revenge on him!" Tamra almost roared like a lioness. Birju did not know how to react to this. But Niveda understood the wrath of Tamra, and she realized she was going to haunt Suraj for the rest of his life. "Listen Tamra, I completely agree with you on taking vengeance. But think twice dear! You are an expecting mother now. Please stay calm for the baby's sake!" said Niveda in a very soft voice. Tamra kept quiet. "What Niveda saying is correct Tamra! Both of us are very emotional. That's why we take wrong decisions in a hurry. Niveda like Arunika, is level headed. Please try to concentrate on your baby." Said Birju pleading.

Tamra sat there for a while. The Sun was going down the sky rapidly. Soon there will be darkness. Even the atmosphere was very mysterious and dark. Suddenly Tamra got up. "Ok! Let's go back to Dantla! But I will not marry you, Birju! If I did it will be like cheating on my bestie Aru! I will give birth to this child, let him or her be raised as your child. Once the child is born you should never question me!" Said Tamra. It was evident that she had decided something in her mind. It was decided that Birju, Tamra and Niveda would return to Dantla, and speak to Arunika about the latest development. Niveda wanted to meet Arunika and discuss certain issues. Three of them spent the night at the temple premises. Niveda was not sure, what Tamra would do next? So, she decided to be awake all night.

Birju too was tossing here and there.

But Tamra was still sitting under the neem tree, not even winking once. With her dishevelled hair, tear-stained red eyes, she looked like a Goddess of death. Birju fell asleep as the moon was at the mid of the sky. Still Tamra was gazing the sky with occasional laughter. Niveda wanted to run away from Tamra, run away from Birju and run away from the temple too. But innocent face of Aditi made her stay put. She felt she had unknowingly got into deep dark waters. As the dawn was approaching, even Niveda fell asleep. When she woke up, she found Tamra in the bench in the same posture. Niveda felt a churn in the stomach. "She is not stable! Either she had gone mad or she is going to kill herself!" thought Niveda to herself.

Soon Birju also woke up, in half an hour's time three of them were on their way to Dantla in a bus. Tamra was not still talking, but was cooperative. By midday, they reached Dantla completely worn out due to travel by a rough road, mental agony and Tamra's condition. Birju took both girls straight to Arunika's house. There her brother and his wife Trikala were busy cooking for the family. One look at Tamra, they knew what might have happened. Trikala took charge of Tamra, took her inside bathed her and presented her before others.

Luckily elders of the house, that is Arunika's parents were away on a pilgrimage. Birju told everything and introduced Niveda to them. All of them were shocked beyond words. Arunika hugged Tamra. "Don't worry Tamra! Suraj never deserved you! Thank God you have escaped from his clutches. Don't know what he might do? Please forget everything and move on." Trikala, Ram and Birju said similar things but in different words. But Niveda was keenly observing Tamra, who neither spoke nor reacted.

Ram as the eldest of the group, took charge and announced the decision. "Ok! Enough brooding! Now it's the time for action! Like Aru, Tamra is also my sister. We all will go and confront that fraud, Suraj. Let me see what he comes up with this time!" said Ram with fury. Arunika came near her brother. "Please don't give any false hopes to her Bhaiya! What do you think will happen if you threaten or thrash that rascal? He is married to The Princess Aditi and the King will not allow any sorts of foul play!" she said wisely.

"Then what should we do Aru? Fold our hands and watch this poor girl die of shame and insult?" yelled Trikala. "No Bhabhi, I am not saying that. Instead, I have thought of a way, which could make Tamra's life full of happiness!" Everyone including Niveda were watching Arunika keenly. Tamra lifted her head and forced a sad smile towards Arunika. "Then let's hear that! Say it fast Aru!" urged Trikala. "Birju will marry Tamra, save her from humiliation, her life will be very happy! Both can move to Jodhpur, no one need to know!" as she was saying there was a catch in her voice only Trikala understood.

She looked at her sister-in-law with respect and pity. "Poor Aru! She is sacrificing her love for Birju for the sake of Tamra! What will happen to your life Aru?" Trikala thought to herself.

Birju was very happy as all of them agreed to this arrangement. Trikala casted a side wise glance now and then towards Arunika, which revealed nothing. Everyone felt excited suddenly and were discussing about the wedding. Niveda felt very happy for two things. First, she had saved Tamra from whatever Suraj was planning on new moon day. Secondly, Aditi's life would be safe. Tamra's mother was also informed about this wedding and she was indeed happy for her grandchild would not be a fatherless one. It was decided that before the new moon day, the wedding would be performed at the village temple. "At least speak something Tamra! I am really sacred. Are you not feeling well?" asked Arunika in private when only both were there. Niveda and Trikala had gone to speak to the priest about the wedding, Ram and Birju had gone to buy saree and other necessary things from the town nearby.

For the first time, after 3 days of silence, Tamra opened her mouth. "Will you ever forgive me Aru?" said in a very small voice. Initially, Arunika thought it was a buzz of an insect, when she saw Tamra's lips move then she realized it was her friend who spoke. "What? What did you say Tamra? You want anything?" asked Arunika full of love. Tamra got up and held the hands of Arunika tightly. "Forgive me Aru! Please forgive my arrogance, naivety and pride. You and Birju must unite. No need for sacrificing for me!" said Tamra in a small but determined voice. "Don't talk nonsense Tamra! I am not sacrificing or anything. Who put such ideas into your mind? Be happy Tamra, you are going to be a mother of a baby! Feel that happiness in your heart and forget about everything." Said Arunika placing plate of sweets in front of Tamra.

She pushed the plate aside with contempt. "I have a feeling, something very bad, something very cruel is going to happen here. Please take Birju and go to Jodhpur. My child is not going to touch the earth." Said Tamra with red eyes.

Arunika's heart gave a violent jolt. She shook her friend with all her might. "Are you planning anything you should not? Please for my sake Tamra, Tell me what's in your mind! You don't like Birju? Do you think he is not worth you? Whatever you think, please don't harm the baby Tamra! That's a sin. Don't go on adding sins to your basket!" cried Arunika. "I am not planning anything Aru! I promise you that! I want to live here, in Dantla with you, Birju and my baby. I I want to enjoy for the rest of the life, every moment with you, But fate has other plans for me. Take Birju and leave Dantla as soon as possible!" said Tamra without any emotion.

"What are you thinking of yourself? A seer? Don't punish us for your mistakes Tamra! Birju loves you and wants to marry you! Please try to be a good wife to him and a good mother to your baby! Don't talk big things which I don't understand. Get up and get ready for the pre wedding rituals!" ordered Arunika.

At this Tamra started laughing, a maniacal sinister laugh. "Fate is playing Aru! Fate is playing a cruel game with us all. I have dragged you, Birju and even Niveda to this mire. Please forgive me for whatever I have done Aru! May be in another life, I will help you and Birju to unite." Said Tamra now sobbing un controllably. Arunika was speechless, she did not know how to handle hysterical Tamra. "I assure you Aru! I will come back, I will see to it that your love succeeds, I promise!" saying this Tamra went to her house and sat in a corner as if waiting for something to happen.

"She did not move until the fateful event took place" Said, Trikala, the old lady with a sigh.