
Suhel Mahmud

Bro I am Sohail Mahmud. Age 23 years. I live in Bangladesh. I finished my studies in 2017. I mean 12 classes. I couldn't study anymore due to lack of money. Because my family is very poor. I could not afford to pay for my education. At present I am unemployed. I can't get any job. My parents can't earn anymoreAt present, getting a job in Bangladesh is like a golden deer.

Even if you get a job, you have to pay a lot of money to the administration.

Which neither I nor my family can afford. Now we are having a hard time. I can't eat two handfuls of rice. If you could please help me a little. Then me and my family would be a happy family.

And I was constantly praying to God for you.

You know can always be cheerful