
Nothing Better to Do

There was a hidden street that branched off of the left side of the Rize Hotel, it could almost be considered an ally, and down this street laid a small ice cream shop.

Sara was able to see this shop from her hotel window, and she decided to investigate this place for no other reason than she had nothing better to do.

So now she was sitting in the brightly lit shop and staring out of the window at nothing. The ally was dark because the sun had set over an hour ago.

As Sara took another bite of her strawberry ice cream, she couldn't help but sigh.

There was no one else in the shop other then the girl working behind the counter. She had her long blond hair pulled into a high ponytail, and was energetically bouncing around the store. She didn't bother introducing herself, and she didn't wear a name tag.

It seemed like everything was open 24-7 in Gray City, or at least, that was what Sara had observed so far. However, in this shop it seemed that despite being open all day, at night they worked a skeleton crew.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Sara looked over to see the shop employee standing next to her table. She was wearing a nice smile, and holding an ice cream sundae.

"… Sure."

The girl pulled out a chair, and sat across from Sara, "It's nice having you here- we only get customers every other day because the store is so isolated. Usually it's just me here, eating ice cream and watching shows on my tablet."

"Is it alright, for you to be eating so much of the store's merchandise?"

The employee let out a loud laugh, "You must be new here!" she shoved a huge bite into her mouth, and hummed in happiness, "As long as you don't bother other people or steal, no one really cares what you do!"

Laughing happily, the employee absently twirled her spoon, and leaned back in her chair, "In case you didn't know, there is no such thing as money in Gray City- that is why you didn't have to pay for that ice cream. The only reason there are any jobs, is because someone is needed to put things in bags, stock the merchandise, and serve customers if they need help. But we employees on the flip side don't get paid."

Cutting into the banana with her spoon, the lady let out a content sigh, "It's all voluntary. We work because we want to, or because we're bored. After you hit the year-mark, you'll understand."

Sara had no idea how to respond, and so she took a bite out of her ice cream to avoid having to answer.

The employee suddenly gave her a sharp look, "So what brings you here, to the Rize Hotel?"

Sara paused, her spoon halfway to her mouth.

"I never said that I was staying at the Rize Hotel."

The employee chuckled, "You didn't have to dearie, all of our customers are from that particular Hotel. In fact, I was once a guest there myself. It is where the Syndicate sends you when you are in 'transition'."

The employee suddenly raised her hand, and gestured for Sara to stay quiet, "Wait wait, let me guess! Hmmmm-" The blond woman made several exaggerated faces, before snapping her fingers with an 'ah-ha' look on her face, "You didn't like your living arrangements, did you?"

Sara want completely still for several moments, and then set her spoon aside. She rearranged her body into an attentive position, and then gave the giggling woman her full attention.

"Ha Ha HA! I nailed it didn't I?" The woman continued laughing maniacally, "Everyone who comes here usually has the same problem- you would think that the Syndicate would have gotten the message by now: do not assume you know what your guest wants ~ "

The woman paused to stuff another bite of ice cream into her mouth, and then she squealed with bliss, "So gooooood~"

Closing her eyes and savoring her bite, the blond woman continued talking after she swallowed, "I died in an apartment fire. Walking into the apartment I suffocated in, was not the most pleasant experience of my life." Plucking the cherry from her sundae by its stem, the blonde woman ate it while looking at Sara curiously. Her legs began to swing back and forth like a child, "But never mind the Syndicate- let's talk about you. How did you die?"

"… That's a bit personal, don't you think?" Sara crossed her arms over her chest and raised a single eyebrow, "I don't even know your name."

"I'm Windy." The blonde woman countered without any hesitation, and stared at Sara as if she was waiting for her to continue- as if Sara was now obligated to share all of her secrets. Sara gave Windy a deadpan stare, and her fingers began taping impatiently on her forearm.

"In my opinion, it is none of your business how I died. It doesn't even matter- I'm dead, your dead, the world keeps turning."

Windy smirked, and pointed her spoon quite rudely at Sara's face, "Ahhhh, but that's only what you WANT to think. I know better, I can see the anger in your eyes. Its just not fair is it?"

Sara gnashed her teeth together silently, and her lips tightened in irritation when Windy began to coo mockingly, "You were SO young, had SO much to live for, SO much potential- how could the world be so cruel as to kill off a main character like you?"

Sara's eye began to twitch, and her lips curled up into a disturbing smile, "I wonder if this conversation could be viewed as harassment?"

Windy's eyes suddenly became doe-like, and her eyelashes fluttered innocently, "I was just trying to start a conversation- I didn't mean to offend anyone."

Sara snorted, and stood up from her seat, "Thanks for the ice cream, but I think I'm going to head out now." She turned to leave, but then a sickeningly sweet voice echoed mockingly in her ear.

"I wonder what you are going to do now."

Sara didn't want to turn around; she wanted to ignore that disgusting voice, and walk out of this shop with her head held high. But Sara hesitated- she hesitated, because she truly had no idea what to do. She was lost.

And she had nothing better do.

Sara glanced back at the woman behind her, "I wonder if you had anything in mind, or if you are just wasting my time."

Windy giggled like a demon cornering its prey.

"Oh, I have the perfect suggestion! Its fun, its interactive, and it can help sort out all that anger you have buried in your soul!" Licking her spoon obscenely, Windy's eyes became half-lidded with sadistic pleasure.

"I promise, I can make you feel ALIVE again."

I wanted to apologize for my random updates- I promise to work out a schedule soon! Right now I am in a transition period, but I hope to start having steady updates within a week or so :)

Blood_and_Blossomscreators' thoughts