
My name is Namikaze Naruto

A man dies and wakes up as Naruto Uzumaki at birth but he doesn't quite agree with the will of fire. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ For advanced chapters and support visit : www.p@treon.com/NelsonN742 {replace @ with a} _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't own anything. All rights go to their owners PS. This is a translation

N_Nelson · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Predestined Grouping

"Naruto, is there anyone you want to be on a team with?" Choji asked curiously, looking at Naruto.

Despite his seemingly goofy appearance, Akimichi Choji was actually quite observant. Over the past six years, he had noticed that Naruto got along with everyone, but didn't seem particularly close to anyone. Now that graduation was approaching, Choji was curious if Naruto had a specific classmate in mind to become teammates with.

"Me? I'm fine with anyone," Naruto replied, a bit surprised that Choji had asked such a direct question. However, he had no reason to hesitate and answered honestly. While it wasn't the whole truth, it wasn't a lie either, because Naruto was well aware that, barring any unexpected changes, his teammates were already decided.

Without looking directly, Naruto's gaze drifted towards two figures in the front row. Uchiha Sasuke, who sat to his right, and Haruno Sakura, who stared at Sasuke with adoration from the other side. Based on the original storyline, these two would be his teammates for a significant period.

Although there was always the possibility of unexpected changes, Naruto believed that the team composition was unlikely to change.

At this stage, Sakura was completely infatuated with Sasuke and had zero combat skills, while Sasuke was obsessed with revenge and had a stoic personality. The thought of being on a team with these two gave Naruto a slight headache.

However, there was one person he truly wanted to be on a team with. Thinking about it, Naruto's gaze shifted to another figure with long black hair. At that moment, she turned to look at him, her bright eyes meeting his.

Perfect timing.

Their eyes locked for a moment.

The girl's cheeks turned a rosy hue, and a puff of exaggerated blue smoke erupted from her head. She lowered her head shyly, unable to maintain eye contact with Naruto for even a second.

"This girl..."

The brief eye contact and the girl's shy expression made Naruto feel slightly uneasy.

Hinata Hyuga.

She was a girl Naruto cared deeply about and wanted to be on a team with. But he also knew that it was impossible for them to be on the same team, whether it was because of his own status or Hinata's position as something akin to a princess within the Hyuga clan.

It was destined that they would never be placed on the same team.

Naruto felt a bit melancholic and disappointed, but he quickly suppressed those emotions.

Choji didn't notice Naruto's brief distraction, but Kiba, who was nearby, quickly picked up on it. He raised an eyebrow and a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"All right, settle down, everyone, and return to your seats," Iruka's voice rang out as he entered the room. The lively chatter and discussions ceased as Iruka approached the podium. As he lightly clapped his hands once he reached the podium, all the students obediently returned to their seats.

As the head teacher who had taught them for six years, Iruka commanded respect from his students.

"Very well, is everyone here? First of all, I want to congratulate you on passing the graduation exam. From the moment you put on your forehead protectors, you are officially ninjas. However, I hope you remember that this is just the first step on your journey as a ninja. What it means to be a ninja, what a ninja should do, and what the academy has taught you have all been entrusted to you. It's up to you to prove yourselves and become not just competent but outstanding ninjas."

Iruka scanned the faces of all the students, his gaze filled with concern, worry, and anticipation. His words were both a reminder and an encouragement, and they stirred the hearts of the young students. Their eyes sparkled with determination as they stood up straight, looking at Iruka at the front of the room, and responded loudly.

"Yes, sensei!"

Seeing the earnest expressions on the faces of the soon-to-be graduates, Iruka felt a deep sense of satisfaction. He nodded gently and continued.

"As you may already know, ninjas usually work in teams to better accomplish missions. Even though you've just graduated from the academy, you will be divided into three-person teams, each led by an experienced ninja. This will allow you to become more familiar with and complete missions faster. Today, we will officially announce the team assignments."

While it was something they all knew in advance, the moment of team assignment still brought excitement and anticipation to the students in the classroom. Each of them wondered who their teammates would be.

Especially those who had consistently ranked at the top over the past six years.

They were particularly attractive to their classmates, including Naruto, who, despite his unique background, was appealing to many due to his excellent performance. From the perspective of the girls in this graduating class, Naruto was the ideal second member of a team, with the first member being the Uchiha prodigy.

In the eyes of these young girls, Sasuke represented the perfect blend of good looks and strength. Everyone wanted to be on a team with him, even though they knew it was impossible.

In Sasuke's eyes, however, his fellow students were nothing more than deadweight, including Naruto. Despite their occasional sparring sessions, Naruto had lost to Sasuke multiple times, cementing Sasuke's belief that he was unrivaled and didn't need to be on a team with anyone who might hinder him.

A pure and unrelenting desire for revenge had consumed Sasuke since that night.

His sole target was his own brother—Uchiha Itachi.

Nothing else mattered.

(End of this chapter)