
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
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130 Chs



"Duane, come out and meet your maker!" Dustin's roar of anger echoed through the villa like a clap of thunder.

When Duane heard this contemptuous challenge, he was furious.

"Which idiot is dumb enough to cause trouble on my property?" Duane thought as he rushed out in a hurry. However, when he saw Dustin in a distance, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

"It's you, Dustin! Weren't you arrested? How did you escape?" He had bribed Mr. Gardner to arrest Dustin and detain him in the Interrogation room. Even if Natasha were to intervene, she couldn't have helped him escape.

"Was it you who framed me for the crime?" Dustin demanded coldly.

"Since you are already here, it means that you know the answer to your question. You're right, I am the one who framed you! However, you only have yourself to blame. I had to go to such lengths because you did not appreciate the chances that I have given you." Duane smirked.

"At the very least, you confessed to your crime. Now, I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. If you cripple yourself voluntarily and leave Swinton for good, I will not exact my vengeance against you." Dustin sald indifferently.

"Cripple myself? Leave Swinton?" Duane was initially stunned when he heard this. After a moment, he roared with laughter.

"Punk, have you gone crazy? Who do you think you are? If it weren't for Natasha, do you think you could stand there and threaten me with your words?" Duane assumed that somehow, Natasha must have found a way to save Dustin.

"If that's the case, you're not going to comply?" Dustin's expression grewstern.

*Kid, it seems like you don't understand the situation. You were the one who trespassed into my property. If I killed you here right now, no one would say anything! Of course, I'm not one to hold grudges. As long as you give me the prescription for the gemiphen, I'll consider letting you go." Duane narrowed his eyes meaningfully.

"It's you who are unaware of your precarious state." Dustin shook his head and gave Duane a pitiful look.

"I know you have great strength, punk. However, brute strength is not everything!" Duane smriked and drew his sword. "I wasn't fully prepared during our last duel. The reason I lost that time was that my forte is in sword fighting and not bare–handed martial arts!"

"Well then, come at me with all you've got!" Dustin gestured for Duane to make the first move.

"Arrogant prick! Let's see if you can withstand my attack after training for 20 years!" With that, Duane struck a pose.

Extending his arm, he aimed his glittering sword at Dustin's chest as he flew towards him at the speed of light. However, Dustin did not dodge.

Without a word, he intercepted the attack by gripping the blade with merely two fingers. Vibrations from the rebounding force caused the blade to bend in on itself.

"What?" Duane was utterly shocked at the sight. Never in his dreams could he imagine that a full–blown attack could be stopped with bare hands! Furthermore, Dustin only used two fingers! What could be happening?

Before Duane could regain his composure, Dustin flicked his fingers. The bent sword broke into a thousand pieces. Duane was thrown back from the impact, and he staggered backward, his face stricken with fear.

His prowess in sword fighting seemed like child's play as compared to Dustin's abilities. With just a single move, Duane was completely defeated!

"Wh–Who are you? How could you have such immense powers?" Duane exclaimed in terror, cold sweat pouring down his back.

As a martial artist, Duane was well–known for his agile and deadly attacks. At his peak performance, the massive energy from his sword could move mountains!

How was Dustin able to intercept his attack? What kind of monster could shatter swords with his bare hands? Dustin could not be human!

"Don't you already know who I am?" Dustin closed the distance menacingly and glared at him with icy–cold eyes.

"Stay–Stay away!" Duane backed away in a panic. "I don't need the gemiphen's prescription any longer. Please let me go!"

"I have given you a chance to redeem yourself, but you didn't take it. It's too late to regret now!" Dustin clapped his hands on Duane's shoulders and squeezed tightly.

With a loud crack, Duane's arms were dislocated from their joints. An agonizing howl escaped Duane's lips as intense pain spread throughout his body.

Without hesitation, Dustin added a punch to his abdomen.

The force of Dustin's attack was concentrated on his organs, which caused Duane to bleed profusely from his internal injuries. He fell to the ground in a heap, unable to move.

"You–You made me a cripple!" Duane gritted his teeth, his eyes were red with fury.

"On account of Mr. Anderson, I will not kill you. However, you must pay for your crimes!" Dustin grabbed Duane by the collar and threw him carelessly into the air.

His limp body flew backward and smashed into the main doors of his villa. At this moment, Hunter walked in with his men. He had a stern look on his face.

"Hunter! Save me, quick!" When Duane saw who it was, he clung onto Hunter like a lifeline.

"Save you? You ought to be thankful that your life Is spared!" Hunter scoffed. "Don't be too happy though. You will be locked up in Azkaban for the rest of your life to pay for your crimes!"

"Azkaban?" Duane was visibly shaken. "What nonsense are you spouting? I am a direct descendant of the Welch family, one of the most important families in Swinton. Even your position pales in comparison to my status. How dare you threaten to throw me into Azkaban?"

Azkaban was a prison for criminals on death row. Once admitted, it was impossible for anyone to get out. The prisoners locked up there were as good as dead.

"This was decided by the Welch family's patriarch. Your father had agreed to it as well." Hunter replied calmly.

"No! You are lying to me! Why would my father turn against me?" Duane shook his head violently.

"That's because you have offended Mr. Rhys. The only way to protect the Welch family was to sacrifice you," Hunter said bluntly.

"Mr. Rhys? Do you mean Dustin?" Duane's eyes widened. "How could it be possible? Why would the Welch family be afraid of a young punk like him? What is his identity?"

"Dustin Rhys is just an alias. Ten years ago, he went by the name of Logan."


"Logan, Rhys."

"Logan Rhys?" When Duane heard Dustin's real name, the blood drained from his face.

No wonder the Welch family was shaken to the core. Logan Rhys, also known as the kirin, was a legendary martial artist. His skills were in a league of their own, unsurpassable to this day. The mere mention of his name struck fear into all of Stonia!

How could he have provoked such a formidable person by mistake?