
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Steel Lady


His dad had also warned him never to get involved with a woman like Dahlia Nicholson.

"You're too kind." Dahlia smiled politely.

"Dahlia, I have good news for you." Chris suddenly changed the topic and said, "I heard from Jeff that even the Steel Lady will be present for today's grand opening."


Is that so? That would be perfect!" Dahlia raised an eyebrow in pleasant surprise. Previously, only the Harmons' general manager was present to sign contracts or discuss business matters. She had never met the daughter of the Harmon family. However, she had heard of Natasha before.

Ever since Andrew retired, she took over the entire Harmon family's business unaided. She relied entirely on herself to build and flourish the Harmon family business to greater success. In a way, they were both very similar to each other. Dahlia even regarded Natasha as her idol.

Yet, it was a shame that she had never even met Natasha up to this day.

Now that she knew Natasha would be present today, Dahlia looked forward to it greatly. She was really interested in how this business prodigy carried herself.

"Sis! I heard that Natasha Harmon is one of Swinton's Four Beauties. She must be very beautiful. Can you set me up with her after you get to know her?" James asked with anticipation.

"Yeah! James is no longer young. It's time to discuss his marriage. If he can get to know Ms. Harmon, it's fine even if he took their last name instead!" Florence immediately lit up.

"Mom! What nonsense are you saying? Why would Ms. Harmon ever set her eyes on James?" Dahlia said harshly.

"Hmmm, I disagree. What's wrong with James? He's young, muscular, and handsome. It's more than enough for Ms. Harmon!" Florence boasted.

"That's right! Look at my muscles! Women go crazy over them!" James flexed his biceps confidently.

Dahlia was speechless as she watched them. She was starting to regret inviting them here.

"Ms. Harmon is already taken. We can stop daydreaming about it," Chris interjected.

"Does that mean I don't have a chance?" James continued dejectedly, "Who's the lucky? bastard to get Ms. Harmon's attention?"

"I don't know. We'll find out soon." Chris smiled.

"Huh! I really want to see if he's as handsome as me!" James was quite irked.

The performance on the stage had ended. The host took the stage, and the crowd quietened down.

"Welcome, everyone! The grand opening has officially begun! Now, please give a warm welcome to Ms. Harmon!"

As the host gave the introduction, the guests gave a round of applause.

"She's here! Ms. Harmon is here!" Chris and the others immediately perked up and turned toward the stage, their eyes filled with excitement.

"Is she finally revealing herself?" Dahlia mumbled eagerly.

A young and stunning lady slowly took the stage under the watchful eyes of everyone else. Three beams of spotlights instantly focused on her. However, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw her.

"It's her?"

"How can it be her?" Dahlia was shocked when she saw Natasha on the stage. Her face was filled with astonishment. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect that Ms. Harmon she longed to meet was her rival!

"Mom, isn't this that bitch? Why is she on the stage?" James widened his eyes, unable to react otherwise.

"This can't be? She is Ms. Harmon?" Florence was so shocked her tongue was tied and her lips quivered. She couldn't believe the woman she thought was a vixen was the Harmon family's daughter!

"Why? Why is it her?" Chris looked as if he had been struck by lightning, his face was as pale as a sheet of *paper, and his eyes filled with disbelief. He never imagined the woman by Dustin's side was Swinton's business prodigy! Her mere existence is unparalleled by others.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he thought of his actions before. What should he do? He seemed to have offended Natasha.

"Chris, have you met Ms. Harmon before?" Jeff was quick to notice something was odd.

"I've… met her, and we had an altercation." Chris swallowed hard as he was obviously nervous.

"You dared to offend Ms. Harmon? You really have guts!" Jeff gave him a thumbs–up mockingly. Natasha did not get to where she was today by being kind and forgiving.

"Jeff! I was careless before and offended Ms. Harmon. Can you put in a good word for me?" Chris suddenly became nervous and grabbed Jeff's hand.

"Chris, I really can't help you out with this. You should pray!" Jeff shook Chris off and left. He wasn't crazy enough to get on Ms. Harmon's bad side because of someone so insignificant.

"I'm done for." Chris's face turned to ash as he watched Jeff leave. It would be fine if Natasha were forgiving and let it slide. But if she were to seek revenge, she could destroy him with just a word!

At the same time, others in the crowd were shocked as well. "Mr. Lawson, didn't you say Natasha would come begging after being poisoned? Why does she look fine?"

Edwin's face darkened as he watched the slim figure on the stage.

"That's weird. She should not be able to fight it. Could it be that someone had given her the antidote?" Fletcher narrowed his eyes in surprise.

"Huh! Is this the allegedly cureless poison?" Edwin was very dissatisfied. He knew something was wrong from the moment he received the invitation. Now that he had seen Natasha in excellent health, he knew his plant had failed.

"Sir Hummer, accidents happen. No mere doctor is able to cure my poison unless she had someone special by her side." Fletcher said, deep in thought.

"Someone special? Who?" Edwin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sir Hummer, did you notice the young man standing next to her before?" Fletcher pointed toward Dustin.

"Do you mean there's something particular about that guy?" Edwin followed his gaze.

"That's right. This man has a steady hand and good control of his breath. He looks like he practices medicine," Fletcher said, nodding his head.

"Is he difficult to deal with?" Edwin took a closer look. He didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. He's nothing but a gold digger.

"He's a small fry not even worth mentioning." Fletcher was very confident.

Today's Bonus Offer


"Okay. Deal with him quickly. I don't want any further accidents!" Edwin's expression softened.

"Don't worry, Sir Hummer. My two boys will take care of it without a hitch!" Fletcher smiled faintly. He took out his phone and sent a text message.

In contrast to the commotion offstage, Natasha remained very calm. "Welcome to our company's grand opening ceremony."

Natasha held the microphone, her eyes sweeping across the room. Her domineering aura, along with her cold and sharp eyes, were all fitting for her position as a beautiful business prodigy.

"Everyone knows the Harmon family has made a new partner. From today onward, a portion of the Harmon family business will be handed over to said partner." She looked around and continued, "I believe everyone is curious as to who this partner is. Don't worry, I'll reveal the answer soon! Now, let us give a round of applause and invite Ms. Nicholson onto the stage!"

As she finished, Natasha started to clap. Soon after, thunderous applause followed.

"Dahlia! You're up!" Florence quickly nudged the woman next to her. Dahlia immediately came back to her senses. Although she was shocked about who Natasha was, she did not have a choice but to proceed now. She took in a deep breath and pretended as if nothing had happened as she walked up the stage.

"Wow! It's another stunning lady? We're really blessed today!"

"Both are equally beautiful but with a different flair. I'd be willing to give up ten years of my life just to have both of them in my arms!"

"Shit! What man is worthy of such women?"

As Dahlia approached the stage, there was instantly a stirring in the crowd. Natasha was striking enough, but Dahlia's presence made the crowd even more excited. It was such a rare occurrence to be graced with the presence of two beautiful ladies.

"We meet again, Ms. Nicholson." Natasha reached out her hand with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be the president of the Harmon Group." Dahlia shook her hand politely, a bewildered look in her eyes.

She should've known earlier. Such a beautiful and elegant woman with the surname Harmon had happened to appear two days before the charity ball. If she connected the dots, this woman must be none other than Natasha Harmon.

However, she did not come to this conclusion because she had been clouded with emotions.

Or rather, she never believed Dustin would be involved with such a reputable family.

"It's not too late to get to know each other." Natasha beamed. "Oh, right. We still have a bet, don't we?"

"That's right." Dahlia nodded calmly.

"Do you still think you can win?" Natasha raised her chin defiantly.

"I believe I can if you don't intrude." Dahlia's gaze was filled with determination, and she did not back down. She had always thought of Natasha as her adversary. Now that they met, she could have a worthy challenge.

"Don't worry, I won't help him. Besides, he doesn't need my help. Truth be told, he is much more capable than us!" Natasha smiled.

"Love is blind. There's no lie in that." Dahlia smiled faintly.

"It seems like you don't believe me. If that's the case, time will tell." Natasha smiled, not wanting to explain any further. She believed that one day Dahlia would understand.

"But, by then, it would be all too late.